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#韓國 #房價
00:00 開頭
01:28 【末日旅行外套】廣告段落
02:03 韓國房價只漲不降?
03:29 韓國「全租房」制度
04:32 全租房下的炒房風氣
06:04 韓國房市崩盤!
07:39 房價下跌,生活更慘?
08:44 之後會怎樣?
09:50 我們的觀點
11:02 提問
11:22 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→ KOREA REAL ESTATE BOARD-National Survey of House Price Trends:https://reurl.cc/blyY3l
→ [Weekender] Jeonse, a keystone of Korea’s economic history:https://is.gd/3WQu2G
→ 8,000 South Korea Homes Were Bought by Just 30 People - Bloomberg:https://is.gd/WAel1r
→ South Korea’s housing crunch offers a warning for other countries:https://is.gd/ZUUnqZ
→ South Korea's 'jeonse' rent-free renters hit by property downturn | Reuters:https://is.gd/3Ys547
→ Korea-US interest gap widens to record high - The Korea Times:https://is.gd/vWw6G1
→ Trends of the housing price index in Korea. Source: KB 2015 | Download Scientific Diagram:https://is.gd/8hy0T2
→ Bank of Korea seen on hold for rest of year, to cut rates early in 2024 | Reuters:https://is.gd/UNgr5n
→ Korea's household debt burden rises at 2nd fastest rate in world - The Korea Times:https://is.gd/iM3osm
→ Tenants Face Hard Times From Rising Jeonse Payments - The Korea Times:https://is.gd/S1e5Zt
→ National and Regional House Price Indices : Korea:https://is.gd/8gEVB9
→ Bank of Korea Rhee Points to ‘Soft-landing’ in Property Market - BNN Bloomberg:https://is.gd/lgQycq
→ South Korea to Shore Up Housing Supply With More Debt Guarantees - Bloomberg:https://is.gd/3DRaQU
→ Moon Jae-in must deal with South Korea's housing bubble now - Nikkei Asia:https://is.gd/MFolOZ
→ Is South Korea's economic bubble threatening to burst? – DW – 09/02/2021:https://is.gd/H5Ra2f
→ Panic buying in Korea's housing market on sharp decline - The Korea Times:https://is.gd/ZvRZPy
→ South Korea Housing Crisis: Experts warn of overall economic crisis as property prices continue to fall - CGTN:https://is.gd/PRbkxn
→ South Korea housing prices suffer worst fall in at least 19 years | The Straits Times:https://is.gd/RoQZIz
→ South Korea scrambles to tame soaring Seoul apartment prices - Nikkei Asia:https://is.gd/B6cTnG
→ Jeonse's weaknesses raise questions about system:https://is.gd/6QhG7l
→ Korea's household debt burden rises at 2nd fastest rate in world - The Korea Times:https://is.gd/iM3osm
→ ‘The Den of Thieves’: South Koreans Are Furious Over Housing Scandal - The New York Times:https://is.gd/BWhuwJ
→ 半地下房也住不起!從租金飆漲看失控的韓國房價與供給 | 遠見雜誌:https://is.gd/9aroaF
→ 對首爾的窮人來說,《寄生蟲》中的階級鬥爭是日常現實 - 紐約時報中文網:https://is.gd/qANGPy
→ 韓國房地產稅的徵收史,能帶給中國什麼啟示?|端傳媒 Initium Media:https://is.gd/AQ4Pkm
→ 南韓年輕人房價漲也慘跌也慘,傳貰搖搖欲墜 | TechNews 科技新報:https://is.gd/99HfRe
→ 韓國年輕人吹起摳門理財風⋯流行吃便利商店、日領存款利息-網民肥皂箱|商周:https://is.gd/mSVq3Y
→ 南韓獨特的「傳貰」租屋制,如何成為詐騙集團犯罪溫床?|陳慶德/現象・韓國|換日線:https://is.gd/jZEUGf
→ 韓國和澳洲房價修正 台灣是否將步入後塵? - 遠雄房地產:https://is.gd/wSOMtG
→ 聯準會「暴力升息」衝擊第一排 尹錫悅緊急鬆綁打房令 首爾房價大跌逾兩成 韓國房產泡沫真相 - 今周刊:https://is.gd/2WDUeO
→ 「通膨戰爭尚未結束…」韓國第一季GDP驚險躲過衰退,但經濟挑戰還在後頭 - 今周刊:https://is.gd/4OKZDG
→ 韓國樓市的隱性危機 | 房產 | 鉅亨號 | Anue鉅亨:https://is.gd/uAm43W
→ 房價暴跌 韓國建商破產連鎖效應升溫 - 自由財經:https://is.gd/dQzxMt
→ 英國拚「買得起房」見效 韓國打房25次完敗 - 商業周刊第1782期 - 商周線上讀:https://is.gd/ZgtMEF
→ 韓國房市過度槓桿,台灣會有泡沫危機嗎?10張圖一次看懂 | 遠見雜誌:https://is.gd/fboFIB

※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。


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