Clocean Podcast - Wta'n: Our living ocean

2 年前
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Clocean Podcast - Wta'n: Our living ocean

An educational series about emerging ocean topics in Mi'kma'ki (Atlantic Canada) and beyond.

Marine Protected Areas - Bulging at the seams?

Join us as we discuss Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) with Dr. Bruce Hatcher. We look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of this much needed protection in our marine environment.

2021-12-01 18:00:00

Marine Spatial Planning - A plan for the future

Join us we interview DFO's Maxine Westhead and Jason Naug as we discuss Canada's future in Marine Spatial Planning, what it is, and why we desperately need it.

2021-11-24 19:00:00

Fishing and lessons from the past

Join us as we discuss the history of fishing over the last 400 years in coastal Mi'kma'ki with Dr. Jeffrey Hutchings and the impacts that it has had on our ocean.

2021-11-18 00:00:00

L'nu - our kind (Post-glacial archeology)

Join us as we explore the post glacial archeology of Mi'kma'ki with retired archeologist Dr. David Keenlyside, specifically as it relates to the ocean.

2021-11-10 18:00:00

Geological history and the ocean - As I know it to be

Join us as we explore a brief geological history of Mi'kma'ki and how it aligns with certain traditional 'legends', from formation of the ocean, glaciation, and the Great Beaver. In this episode we interview Dr. Sandra Barr, Dr. Ian Spooner, and knowledge holder Gerald Gloade.

2021-11-03 18:00:00

Introduction - The who and the why

Join us on this trip down the coast as we introduce this new series about ocean health right here in Mi'kma'ki, the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Today we briefly introduce who we are and why we put this podcast together.

2021-10-27 20:00:00

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