
开播预告:今日开播,陈晓童瑶开启幸福保卫战 【小日子 Simple Days】

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【Synopsis】Gu Moli and Zhu Jincao have struggled all the way from their hometown to settle down and start their family in Shanghai. However, marriage has brought an unexpected problem—how to get along with their parents. From the disappearance of personal space to the issues encountered when buying an apartment, from disagreements with each other's parents to conflicts within their own relationship. Their daily life is filled with issues, and they become unmanageable until the couple realizes that they are the cause. After a period of cooling down from the divorce, they decide to separate and reevaluate their familial relationships. With the arrival of the divorce certificate, the challenges for the young couple and their families are just beginning. Growth is always accompanied by setbacks, and after the divorce, they face crises of trust, finances, and distance, which makes them understand the responsibilities of a family more clearly. As the problems are resolved, both sets of parents also come to understand the importance of letting go and allowing their children to grow on their own. Eventually, Moli and Jincao reconcile and remarry, feeling more confident about their future together.
【Starring】Chen Xiao, Tong Yao, Sa Rina, Ying Er, Qiao Zhenyu, Yu Haoming, Du Haitao, Yue Hong, Wang Yuanke, Zhao Jun, Huo Qing, Zhou Dawei, Tian Yitong, Dong Chenxi

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#小日子 #SimpleDays #腾讯视频
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