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#Nikola #電動卡車
00:00 前導
02:06 主打氫燃料電池的Nikola
04:18 想改變美國運輸業的Nikola
06:07 股價衝天的Nikola
07:51 興登堡研究的報告
10:28 Nikola的回應及後續
11:22 我們的觀點
12:47 提問
13:00 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→興登堡研究報告——Nikola: How to Parlay An Ocean of Lies Into a Partnership With the Largest Auto OEM in America:https://bit.ly/3j9drdL
→Nikola Motor Company - Nikola One Electric Semi Truck in Motion:https://bit.ly/3iZM8SQ
→Nikola: Nikola Motor Company Formed to Transform U.S. Transportation Industry:https://bit.ly/377VAkJ
→Nikola: Nikola One Truck Achieves Zero Emissions:https://bit.ly/3lSj1Tx
→Nikola Board of Directors Announces Leadership Transition:https://bit.ly/34ZG7R5
→Hydrogen Truckmaker Nikola Is Ready For Its Nasdaq Debut:https://bit.ly/3j1ym1W
→Nikola shows the tech hype cycle can’t stop worshipping founders:https://bit.ly/3j2ub62
→美電動車業者Nikola遭空頭機構爆造假 傳當局調查:https://bit.ly/31bjB6L
→上市 3 天股價翻倍,市值直追福特的 Nikola 到底有什麼魔力?:https://bit.ly/3k0m1wB
→不只特斯拉大紅 電動車新寵Nikola股價單日倍翻:https://bit.ly/2IpNjyi
→電動卡車新創 Nikola 吃下定心丸,取得關鍵訂單股價飆漲 22%:https://bit.ly/34XAGCg
→11%股權換電池技術 Nikola與通用汽車戰略合作 股價飆漲40%:https://bit.ly/33XfnS7
→電動車業者Nikola爆造假董事長請辭 股價暴跌21%:https://bit.ly/33X96FX
→騙局醜聞纏身,創辦人閃辭!Nikola 跳空瀉 19%:https://bit.ly/3nSikeG
→氫燃料電池是假,靠下坡驅動為真?Nikola 的故事還能講下去嗎:https://bit.ly/3kdif2I
→市场要闻 | SEC、美国司法部介入,Nikola或成为“卡车届瑞幸:https://bit.ly/3j22vyr→一辆车没造,收入为零,这家新能源车公司凭什么值300亿美元:https://bit.ly/340rNc4
→[反面教材] Nikola會成為下一隻Tesla?:https://bit.ly/2H1D2rJ
→Nikola Motor Founder Lost Everything Twice, Then Started Company Now Worth Billions:https://bit.ly/2SWjXd0
→Hydrogen Truckmaker Nikola Is Ready For Its Nasdaq Debut:https://bit.ly/34YLb8y
→Behind New Billionaire Trevor Milton’s $3 Billion Push To Make America Run On Hydrogen:https://bit.ly/31875VH
→Nikola Motors, a Tesla competitor with zero revenue, is worth $23 billion. That doesn't faze its founder.:https://bit.ly/3k1ZWgX
→Photo of Elon Musk by Steve Jurvetson:https://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/18659265152/



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