首爾南大門尋找地道市集美食 #韓國在地市集 #韓國深度遊 #KoreanLocalMarket & #KoreanLocalFood

3 年前
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#首爾旅行2021 #top10mustgo #買平野

韓國首爾旅行2021 - 南大門 (韓國在地市集)
Korea Seoul Travel 2021 - Namdaemum (Korean Local Market & Food)
韓國旅行vlog Korea travel vlog

南大門是韓國人街道, 非常在地市集, 包含許多地道美食, 街頭小食, 街頭美食, 在地美食, 買平野, 買手信的好地方, 必去!

Namdaemum is the Korean market shopping area, with many Korean market seafood. Namdaemum is the best places for travel and the top 10 must go in Korea.

00:00 開始 Intro
00:20 歡迎乘搭MEOTti航空MT001航班 Welcome aboard MEOWti flight MT001
00:53 一齊出發去探索世界各地美麗的景色 Let’s explore all the beauties of the World
01:49 南大門 Namdaemum
01:54 明洞去南大門方法 How to go to Namdaemum from Myeondon
03:14 南大門市集 Namdaemum Market
04:00 南大門中央大街 Namdaemum Main Street
07:58 南大門地下街 Namdaemum Underground Shopping Mall
11:36 南大門美食街 Namdaemum Food Market
14:00 多謝收看, 記得訂閱 Thanks for watching, please subscribe
14:29 End
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