必吃!超级人气!40年老字号餐厅!佛山美食大集合!传统!怀旧!点心!路边美食!甜点!广州平民美食生活!Cantonese cuisine,food tour,street food,Guangzhou

9 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
#cantonese #deliciousfood #streetfood #market #佛山 #美食 #广州 #粤菜 #探店 #街 #streetview #street #foshan #市场 #甜品 #dessert #煲仔饭 #黄鳝 #雪糕 #生活 #vlog #街景 #街拍 #街边小吃 #传统美食

00:00:00 佛山街景,路上风景
00:07:11 40年粤菜餐厅午餐,价钱,味道,环境
00:21:58 佛山有名通济桥和相关的民间风俗
00:25:56 老字号面店点心
00:27:47 简村童装批发市场
00:33:31 佛山人气甜品店,便宜又好吃!
00:44:03 佛山街景和市场

00:00:00 Foshan street view, road view
00:07:11 40 years of Cantonese restaurant lunch, price, taste, environment
00:21:58 Foshan's famous Tongji Bridge and related folk customs
00:25:56 Time-honored noodle shops/ dim sum
00:27:47 Jiancun Children's Clothing Wholesale Market
00:33:31 Popular dessert shop in Foshan, cheap and delicious!
00:44:03 Street scene and market in Foshan
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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