

2 年前
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#YuliiaLevchenko #sport

This guy can't stop turning around. I don't know if it was deliberate or not but DAAM
he will be exhausted after this.

This ostrich race ends up pretty bad when 2 of the racer fall to the ground
This sport must be one of the most ridiculous that human has created

You will probably never see a better golf shot. This is insane.

She didn't like at all was his teammate did.

This guy have no idea there was a false start and run for 20 seconds alone

The cameraman runs faster than the athlete

Is she serious come on? The opposing team does not let this good opportunity pass

The pipe has a hole in it and 2 athletes are caught wet

This poor girl didn't see the ball coming and got hit. Raphael Nadal tells her to
check if everything is ok with the doctor

Nobody cares about the rules and goes on the field anyway

She is very mad at the referees, so she decides to break a bunch of things

Look like he doesn't care about her! come on men!

What a weird race

Is this goalie or what? look like he can't move

This is a terrible teamwork

They surf in high heels. Impressive.

She is very mad because it's not the right national anthem. She leaves the
podium angry.

You shouldn't hit there but he won so that's probably a good thing

Christiano Renaldo gave Coke a hard time when he switch the Coke bottle for water

This basketball player is probably crazy or maybe he's in a seizure

This racer hit the door because it doesn't want to close

It could be one of the most ridiculous dives in football
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