3款牛油蛋糕:磅蛋糕食谱!※3 Butter cake:Pound cake recipe【ENG SUB】

1 年前
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▌材料 Ingredients

鲜橙巧克力牛油蛋糕 Orange chocolate butter cake:

1 鲜橙 Orange
120g 黄油 Butter
3 C级蛋 Grade C egg
90g 低筋面粉 Cake flour
80g 细砂糖 Caster sugar
10g 可可粉 Cocoa powder
2g 泡打粉 Baking powder
15g 橙汁 Orange juice

柠檬流心磅蛋糕 Lemon curd pound cake:

【柠檬卡仕达酱 Lemon custard】
25g 牛奶 Milk
30g 无盐黄油 Unsalted butter
1 A级蛋 Grade A egg
80g 细砂糖 Caster sugar
5g 玉米淀粉 Corn starch
25g 柠檬汁 Lemon juice

【柠檬磅蛋糕 Lemon pound cake】
1 柠檬 Lemon
120g 无盐黄油 Unsalted butter
2 A级蛋 Grade A egg
100g 低筋面粉 Cake flour
35g+40g 细砂糖 Caster sugar
1g 盐 Salt
3g 泡打粉 Baking powder
25g 柠檬汁 Lemon juice

椰丝牛油蛋糕 Coconut butter cake:
4 全蛋 Whole egg
120g 低筋面粉 Cake flour
80g 砂糖 Granulated sugar
1/2tsp 泡打粉 Baking powder
100g 无盐黄油 Unsalted butter
30g 椰奶 Coconut milk
25g 椰丝 Shredded coconut
1g 盐 Salt ***可选optional***

▌Tsp to Gram

1Tbsp 汤匙 = 15g
1Tsp 茶匙 = 5g
1/2Tsp 茶匙 = 2.5g
1/4Tsp 茶匙 = 1.25g

▌Egg size to Gram

AA = 70g and above
A = 65-70g
B = 60-65g
C = 55-60g
D = 55g and below

▌其他美味食谱 Other yummy recipe

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椰丝奶油蛋糕,好吃到酥松掉渣※How to make Coconut Butter Cake
简易英式司康,酥松好吃※Easy British Scones Recipe
巧克力古早蛋糕,世界上最好吃的配方※Chocolate Cotton Sponge Cake
巧克力玛芬,极致浓郁※Rich and Easy Dark Chocolate Muffin Recipe
优格蛋糕做法,只有4种材料,简单美味※Yogurt Castella Cake Recipe




Music – BTS Piano Music


00:00 鲜橙巧克力牛油蛋糕 Orange chocolate butter cake
03:56 柠檬卡仕达酱 Lemon custard
05:36 柠檬磅蛋糕 Lemon pound cake
09:12 椰丝牛油蛋糕 Coconut butter cake

#牛油蛋糕做法 #磅蛋糕 #buttercake #poundcake #小豪厨房 #Haoskitchen
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