
隐藏在广州老城区里的粤菜餐馆!便宜又美味!炖靓汤30元!两个喝不完!秘制叉烧38元!入口即化!从没试过!果汁猪扒!广州本地人平民美食!推荐!街拍!Guangzhou Cantonese cuisine

3 個月前
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#guangzhou #cantonese #广州
Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/DPrKVxzFJxUmHrjx9
Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/78/YGz

廣州黃沙海鮮市場! 買海鮮! 吃海鮮! 貴嗎? 看看200元可以買什麼? 爆糕羅氏蝦! 超美味! 蟶子王! 蟹! 粵菜酒樓! 加工費15元一公斤! 超好吃! 值得一試! 美食市集Guangzhou Seafood Market

7元一隻蟹! 廣州南沙十四湧! 吃海鮮功略! 海鮮一條街! 本地漁民海鮮市場! 更便宜! 超無敵美味! 味蕾饗宴! 廣州好去處! 美食! 生活! 街景Guangzhou Seafood Market! delicious

台山都斛海鮮一條街! 瀨尿蝦28元一斤! 太抵食了! 加工費5元一次! 糕蟹! 超美味! 櫻花蝦! 白貝海草湯! 台城飯店價錢! 田園風光! 海鮮市場! 物價如何? 生蠔! 蝦醬! Taishan Seafood Market

134元海鮮餐! 平,靚,正! 廣州平民海鮮大排檔! 超無敵大! 魚蝦蟹貝! 什麼都有得吃! #seafood restaurant #deliciousfood #guangzhou #cantonese

佛山最大海鮮餐廳! 上百餐桌! 千人用餐! 平,靚,正! 勁抵食! 140元海鮮美食! 難以置信! 全場爆滿! 一定要試! #市場 Incredible! Huge Seafood Restaurant! Must-Try

1廣州平民美食探店生活,西華路最老字號粵菜酒家:燒鵝28元,驚人出品,平靚,正酒樓。 35元酸菜魚 蒸牛腱Cantonese Roast Goose,Market, most famous street

哇! 超正體驗! 廣州水上茶居! 品嚐點心! 遊覽珠江! 超享受! 絕對值得一試! 廣州酒家! 點心精美! 高品質體驗! 旅遊推薦! 本地人市集! Guangzhou floating restaurant! market


爱群大酒店(英语:Oi Kwan Hotel),是广州市一家老牌酒店,位于沿江西路,由旅美华侨陈卓平等人出资400万港币兴建,原为香港爱群人寿保险有限公司的物业,是广州市第一座用钢筋水泥构筑的高层建筑[1]。大厦在1937年至1967年保持了“广州第一高楼”的地位。

Yide Road Haiwei Street is a street originally located in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. It was originally located in the south of Taikang Road in the north of Taipingsha, and connected to Huanzhuli in the west [1]. It is believed that a seafood market took shape in the early years of Guangxu. It can be said that Haiwei Street was the starting point for the later development of Yide Road into "Seafood Street". Because it is close to the river, on the way from Tianzi Pier to the city, there were sailors and Dan people who settled here in the past.

Oi Kwan Hotel (English: Oi Kwan Hotel) is a long-established hotel in Guangzhou. It is located on Yanjiang West Road. It was built by Chen Zhuoping, an overseas Chinese in the United States, with an investment of HK$4 million. It was originally the property of Hong Kong Oi Kwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. It is the first high-rise building constructed of reinforced concrete in Guangzhou[1]. The building maintained its status as the "tallest building in Guangzhou" from 1937 to 1967.

Zhuangyuanfang, formerly known as Taitongli, is an ancient commercial street in Guangzhou. It is located on the side of Renmin South Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, adjacent to Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street. It is an ancient inner street with a total length of 260 meters and a width of about 5 to 7 meters. meters, the narrowest point is 2 meters. It has a history of more than 700 years and is named after the former residence of Zhang Zhensun, the number one scholar in the Song Dynasty. The street has many large and small shops selling all kinds of trendy clothing, items, and food. It was once known as the most famous fashion center in Guangzhou and a shopping paradise for young people, with a daily flow of over 10,000 people.

00:00 一德路海味街和地铁交通
07:15 海鲜街菜馆吃饭
18:41 爱群大酒店
20:23 广州状元坊的变化
27:20 爱群大酒店房价

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