
#杨宗纬 倾情献唱《#孤注一掷》主题曲《#千金散尽》 句句扎心!【预告片先知 | Official Movie Trailer】

9 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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★最火爆的华语电影-订阅电影大剧院1905 Movie Theater频道: https://bit.ly/2yacTCx
★最快捷的华语影视资讯-订阅东PIN西凑凑China Live频道:http://bit.ly/3b6512P
★最精彩的系列电影-电视电影Movie Series频道: https://bit.ly/2LnU41R

电影取材自上万起真实诈骗案例,境外网络诈骗全产业链骇人内幕将在大银幕上首度被揭秘。程序员潘生(张艺兴 饰)、模特安娜(金晨 饰)被海外高薪招聘吸引,出国淘金,却意外落入境外诈骗工厂的陷阱。为了离开,两人准备向赌徒阿天(王大陆 饰)和其女友小雨(周也 饰)下手,从他们身上套现、完成业绩……潘生与安娜能否逃过诈骗集团头目陆经理(王传君 饰)和阿才(孙阳 饰)的残暴折磨?面对警察(咏梅 饰)的跨国调查和追捕,他们又会何去何从?
The anchored ship staggers to the shore
I looked up at the battered sail
It was so brave and took me across thousands of rivers and mountains
It turns out that the invisible wind can easily wear it down
Countless people crowded onto the deck
Looking into the distance, fantasizing about those romances
the ocean they yearn for
Hiding dreams that can't be salvaged
Ask me if I have seen the light at the end of the world
I nodded and waved again
Thinking that time, every minute and every second is insignificant
Can be willful, unrestrained, proud
Let go of your dignity and risk your life
The money is gone
only a bad check
When I was young, I made bold promises
I have accumulated half my life and still have no story to tell
The wish I made on the last day
it's you don't remember me anymore
Looking up at the sky, there are planes and migratory birds
Clouds are like crumbling nests
Grind all edges and corners
Finally it's my turn to take the helm
only to find all directions
The terminal is the same
I clenched my fist, I won't let go
Thinking that time, every minute and every second is insignificant
Can be willful, unrestrained, proud
Let go of your dignity and risk your life
The money is gone
only a bad check
When I was young, I made bold promises
I have accumulated half my life, but there is still no story worth telling
The wish I made on the last day
it's you don't remember me anymore
Thinking that time, every minute and every second is insignificant
Can be willful, unrestrained, proud
Let go of your dignity and risk your life
The money is gone
only a bad check
When I was young, I made bold promises
I have accumulated half my life and still have no story to tell
The wish I made on the last day
it's you don't remember me anymore
You hear the train whizzing by
You hear the cold wind blowing by
Everywhere you see people dream
more like fireworks after another
I once dreamed of becoming a hero in one step
Thousands of gold are gone, every step is wrong, empty-handed
If I can go back to the first day
hold you tight without saying a word
#孤注一掷 #张艺兴 #金晨 #NoMoreBets #电影预告 #中国电影报道 #杨宗纬 #千金散尽


【Chi-Eng SUB Movie】For People Who Love China Movie:https://bit.ly/2LG1uvN


【History of China】Documentary of China History:https://bit.ly/3muPnq7

【今日影评/Movie Talk】八分钟权威电影评论:https://bit.ly/3N1HtC5

★最地道的越南语版华语电影—Điện Ảnh Trung Quốc:https://bit.ly/33ShCpq
★最地道的印尼华语字幕电影—FILM CINA:https://bit.ly/3prTdCi
★最地道的英文字幕电影—China Movie Channel ENGLISH:https://bit.ly/3geUeID
★最地道的阿拉伯字幕电影—القناة الرسمية لأفلام الصين:https://bit.ly/30YX3cu
★最地道的俄语字幕电影—Китайский киноканал:https:bit.ly/3qL5i5A
★最地道的法语字幕电影—La Chaîne du Cinéma Chinois:http://bit.ly/3WIlX7Q
★最地道的西班牙语字幕电影—Canal de películas chinas:http://bit.ly/3QbTG77

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Free download at App Store to watch various types of Chinese films: https://bit.ly/2K5HpDh
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