
3/27東京新宿御苑の枝垂れ桜が満開。Weeping cherry blossoms at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.#桜満開#花見@Discover-Nippon

1 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
DATE:27.March 2024
The weeping cherry blossoms in Shinjuku Gyoen, Tokyo, are in full bloom. On the 27th, the highest temperature rose to 16.5°C in the city center, and perhaps prompted by this pleasant weather, the weeping cherry blossoms in the lower pond of Shinjuku Gyoen, located in Shinjuku Ward, are already in full bloom, blooming as if pouring down. The visitors flocking there are predominantly foreign tourists, creating a bustling atmosphere around the area. Every year, the blossoming of these cherry blossoms is about a week earlier than the Somei Yoshino variety, so it's an average year for blooming.
東京の新宿御苑の枝垂れ桜が満開です。27日は最高気温が都心では16.5℃ に上がり、その陽気に誘われてか、新宿区にある新宿御苑では早くも下の池にある枝垂れ桜が満開になり降り注ぐように咲いています。詰めかけたのが外国人観光客で、周辺は混雑するほどの賑わい。毎年、ソメイヨシノよりも開花が約1週間ぐらい早いので平年並みの開花です。
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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