
《少年吔,安啦!》30週年4K修復版預告 7/8全台上映

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《少年吔,安啦!》𝘿𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡𝙨

7月8日 全台隆重上映

1990年代初的台灣,兩名17歲的北港少年阿國(顏正國 飾演)與阿兜仔(譚至剛 飾演),鎮日流連於撞球室,在閣樓內吸食安非他命。捷哥(高捷 飾演)因老大被殺,回鄉找阿國和阿兜仔助他尋仇。仇家雖被槍殺,捷哥的夥伴神經標(林鉅 飾演)卻也中彈不治。兩名平日只會打架嗆聲的少年,初次見識喋血大受震撼,但捷哥交給他們的兩把手槍,卻也從此改變了他們的命運。



📍 4K修復版影展放映

2022 金馬奇幻影展 - 世界首映
2022 新加坡華語電影節 – 東南亞首映



🏆 1992多倫多影展 國際影評人獎
🏆 1992坎城影展 導演雙週閉幕片
🏆 1992東京影展 青年導演競賽
🏆 1992芝加哥影展 國際影片競賽
🏆 1992溫哥華影展 正式入選
🏆 1992第29屆金馬獎 最佳錄音獎


📍 電影資訊

修復發行年份|2022 全新4K修復版




《Dust of angels》

“Dust of Angels” is a story of the hesitancy of youth. This saga of two teenagers thrust into the dissipated grandeur of the big city, where they are forced into a bewildering adulthood, crystallizes a sense of dispossession with the backward ways of small-town Taiwan.
The heroes are two seventeen-year-old boys from the town of Beigang, whose youthful recklessness is like a gun, heavy with a potential for violence. And they and their companions are like bullets, releasing their pent-up energy in short, staccato bursts of random lighting and petty vandalization. But these act of rebellion never quite amount to much and, like the amphetamines they make a habit of simply seem to provide a release from their aimless existence.
The boys travel to Taipei in the wake of an older friend whose own displacement within the gangster society has him intent on revenging his losses and recovering his honor. As the two kids indulge in the array of excesses the big city has on offer, they are swept up in their mentor’s deadly pursuit and find themselves awash in the aftermath of a crime they’re hardly aware of having participated in. Their near unwitting involvement in the tragedy before them only throws into broader relief the yawning gap between the swagger of their youth and the ability to meet the demands of the adult world now staring them in the face.
When, in the fog of early morning, we find the solitary body of one of the boys lying dead in a pool of his own blood, the slow current of the river beside him seems to say that it, too, can only mourn the untimely passing of the child’s youth. And his friend, searching for his lost companion, is left with no more answers as he wanders frightened and among the shifting shadows of Taipei’s prosperity.


📍 4K Remastered festival screening

🎬 Taipei Golden Horse Fantastic Film Festival 2022 – World Premiere
🎬 Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2022– Southeast Asian premiere


📍 Festivals awards

🏆 17th Toronto International Film Festival - Prix FIPRESCI
🏆 24th Cannes Directors’ Fortnight - Closing Film
🏆 5th Tokyo International Film Festival - Young Cinema Competition
🏆 29th Chicago International Film Festival - International Feature Film Competition
🏆 11th Vancouver International Film Festival - Official Selection
🏆 29th Golden Horse Awards - Best Sound


📍 Movie information

Length:111 mins
Genre:Feature Film
Language:Taiwanese, Chinese
Production territory:Taiwan
Re-released year:2022 4K Remastered version

Present by:City Film Ltd.
Executive Producer:Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Producer:Chiang Wem-Shiung, Chang Hwa-Kun
Co-producer:Jan Hung-Chih, Chen Guo-Fu
Director & Writer:Hsu Hsiao-Ming

Cast:Jack Kao、Vicky Wei、Yan Chen-guo、Tan Chi-Gang、Chang Yi-Han、Chen Sung-yung
Guest Star:Lo Ta-Yu、Lim Giong


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