
The Investigator EP35 | 简言的夏冬 35 | 简言以日本记者身份接近冯军,夏冬派千朵去东京完成秦总任务(#朱亚文 / #万茜 / #袁文康 / #张萌 / #张子健 )

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Dear audiences:
#The Investigator will be aired 1-2 episodes per day from 24th August. Please stay tuned to X Vision 华语恋剧场-Chinese Love Drama Channel to watch full episodes~

亲爱的观众们: #简言的夏冬 从8月24日起,每天22:00点 (GMT+08:00) 发布1-2集更新,观看【#简言的夏冬全集】请关注X Vision华语恋剧场-Chinese Love Drama 频道~

#X Vision #华语恋剧场 #Chinese Love Drama Channel #简言的夏冬 #The Investigator #都市 #情感 #职业剧 #workplace #MordenLove #Romance
主演:#朱亚文 #万茜 #袁文康 #张萌 #张子健

商业咨询公司欧讯集团的商业调查师夏冬,十年前留学时因被诬告剽窃 AI 技术,以及遭遇死党背弃和父亲离世而陷入人生低谷。秦克趁机利用帮他入职欧讯上海部。欧讯东京部简言15岁时,父亲因被指控窃取商业机密而被迫失业,从此简言立志成为高级商业调查师,扼杀欺诈于摇篮中。由于揭发东京部贪腐有功,简言被调至上海,与夏冬相遇。在朝夕相处中,两人渐生情愫。后来,在进行一桩企业背景调查时,夏冬和简言因为帮助老同学林俊文而卷入一场商业纷争。在危难面前,两人齐心协力、互相扶持,最终顺利完成了这桩企业背景调查,不仅完美守护了相关企业的合法利益,还让隐藏在公司内的害群之马,受到了应有的惩罚。历经坎坷的夏冬和简言,收获美好爱情的同时,也更加坚定了两人消除商业欺诈,守护企业诚信,坚守当代商业社会正确价值观的决心。

A story about risk management follows a team of investigators who work together to eliminate fraud. Xia Dong who works as an investigator for a global company that specializes in risk management has always considered professional ethics to be his life's mission. In order to complete a job that was assigned to him and to uncover the truth behind an incident that got him framed while studying abroad, Xia Dong transfers from the US headquarters to the Shanghai branch. In his new office, he encounters Jian Yan, his junior at school who now works as an investigator. In the following days and nights, Xia Dong's righteousness and kindness shine through and easily help in resolving the misunderstandings from the past. Soon after, Xia Dong and Jian Yan conducted a background check on a company and find themselves facing repeated threats on their life after they helped Lin Jun Wen, an old classmate, and got caught in their family disputes. No matter the crisis, Xia Dong and Jian Yan continue to uphold their ideals and protect corporate integrity.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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