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傳說故事 ✦南美洲原創音樂 ✦投影動畫 ✦皮影戲場 ✦沉浸光影劇場 ✦異國文化



Iara is the mythical legend about a mermaid told by the indigenous peoples of Brazil. In this play indigenous and foreign references blend together into a new form. With music and forms as the central element, the story is told almost without words. Lights, textures and shadows are projected behind and in front of the screen, creating the mythical silhouettes of bodies and figures that merge into new stunning images.

✦劇情介紹About Story ✦
An Indian from the village dreams of a supernatural woman. When he wakes up, he seeks advice from the village's Paje to try to understand the mysteries of this woman and discovers the story of Iara. Enchanted by the mermaid, he plunges into his own destiny. Created with the younger public in mind, the play is inspired by Iara's indigenous legend and using contemporary shadow Theatre resources and it aims to raise awareness of oral traditions of

indigenous people of Brazil.

✦巴西盧米亞托光影劇團Lumiato Theatre✦

2008年創立於布宜諾斯艾利斯城市,由來自巴西的Thiago Bresani與 來自阿根廷的Soledad Garcia共同創辦。是巴西中西部地區第一位研究、探索及傳承皮影戲的劇團。該劇團由蒂亞戈·布雷薩尼(Thiago Bresani) 和索萊達·加西亞(Soledad Garcia)在阿根廷聖馬丁國立大學接受木偶師專業培訓期間創建,並習得完整的動畫戲劇技術,製作節目、工作坊創建,且於拉丁美洲藝術節上演出。2012年起,專注於當代皮影戲之研究與製作,不斷提升皮影技術和藝術美學,讓兒童與成人都能夠著迷於這個充滿光影的奇幻宇宙中。該劇團致力於在地文化製作之項目,並肩負推廣藝術文化之使命。

Lumiato Teatro was created in 2008, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by the Brazilian Thiago Bresani and the Argentine Soledad Garcia, during their training as puppeteers at the University of San Martin, where they studied various puppet theater languages, producing shows, workshops and performing at festivals in Latin America. Since 2012, already living in Brazil, it was the first company to research, produce and disseminate contemporary shadow theater in the central-western region of Brazil. The exclusive dedication to the shadow genre allowed the technical improvement and aesthetic development of this art, enchanting children and adults through this fantastic universe. The group works on projects on a national and international regional scale and disseminates knowledge as its main objective.

✦主創團隊 Credits✦
Production | Lumiato theatre
Direction | Drama and Scenography Alexandre Fávero
Actors & Performers | Thiago Bresani 、 Soledad Garcia
Original Soundtrack & Sound designer | Mateus Ferrari Marcelo Dal Col

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