百萬人慘淪韭菜!?FTX 交易所倒台,為何成為加密貨幣史上最大災難?|志祺七七

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)

2022 最俗濫的療癒系喜劇,男人四十,還好有兄弟 🤜🤛

12/09 -12/11,台北表演藝術中心藍盒子劇場

👉🏻 馬上購票去:https://reurl.cc/4pKNyv

#大叔 #沒有人想交作業



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#FTX #加密貨幣

00:00 開頭
01:49 【春河劇團、笨鳥工作室】廣告段落
02:29 「加密貨幣交易所」是什麼?怎麼運作?
03:38 FTX 快速崛起,又瞬間崩盤!?
05:09 風暴起點:跟姐妹公司資金勾勾纏?
06:16 危機爆發:幣安大戰 FTX
08:19 為什麼 FTX 會「一夕倒臺」?
10:09 為何 FTX 一倒,整個幣圈跟著崩潰?
11:27 我們的觀點
12:57 問題
13:15 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→The Epic Collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX Exchange: A Crypto Markets Timeline:https://bit.ly/3gqX4xH
→White House monitoring FTX collapse, calls for crypto industry regulation | Business Standard News:https://bit.ly/3GBby8M
→How Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX Crypto Empire Collapsed - The New York Times:https://nyti.ms/3tOsDEH
→Crypto giant FTX collapses into bankruptcy - BBC News:https://bbc.in/3GBLYkf
→Binance’s Deal for Rival FTX Marks Power Shift Amid Crypto Turmoil - WSJ:https://on.wsj.com/3AA3tgY
→How FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Went From Crypto Golden Boy to Villain - WSJ:https://on.wsj.com/3AAKjYe
→Alameda, FTX Executives Are Said to Have Known FTX Was Using Customer Funds - WSJ:https://on.wsj.com/3UcTKUV
→FTX Tapped Into Customer Accounts to Fund Risky Bets, Setting Up Its Downfall - WSJ:https://on.wsj.com/3tRBup4
→Silicon Valley Poured Money Into FTX, With Few Strings Attached - WSJ:https://on.wsj.com/3i5Mr3F
→Bankrupt FTX's new CEO outlines fund abuses, untrustworthy records:https://reut.rs/3UZnUvP
→New FTX boss, who worked on Enron bankruptcy, condemns ‘unprecedented failure’:https://bit.ly/3GC4Z64
→Divisions in Sam Bankman-Fried’s Crypto Empire Blur on His Trading Titan Alameda’s Balance Sheet:https://bit.ly/3tO5sun
→What do we know so far about collapse of crypto exchange FTX?:https://bit.ly/3UZKl4b
→FTX and SBF Saga Explained: What Happened in Crypto and What It Means:https://bit.ly/3tTjM4J
→New Chief Calls FTX's Corporate Control a 'Complete Failure':https://nyti.ms/3tMgAb7
→FTX bankruptcy: CEO John Ray III is shocked there's no paper trail | Fortune:https://bit.ly/3XogXWF
→Polyamory, penthouses and plenty of loans: inside the crazy world of FTX | Cryptocurrencies | The Guardian:https://bit.ly/3Vj40vK
→‘The money is gone’: people who lost out in FTX’s collapse | Cryptocurrencies | The Guardian:https://bit.ly/3Vg2NVH
→Sam Bankman-Fried tries to explain himself:https://bit.ly/3Eu7S69
→Bankrupt FTX Faces Criminal Investigation in the Bahamas:https://bit.ly/3TTDzLP
→FTX Has Been Hacked': Crypto Disaster Worsens as Exchange Sees Mysterious Outflows Exceeding $600M:https://bit.ly/3TVur9p
→FTX暴雷懶人包》時間軸整理:CZ要砸光FTT 、3天抽光60億鎂,到幣安收購…. | 動區動趨-最具影響力的區塊鏈媒體 (比特幣, 加密貨幣):https://bit.ly/3Otkhfh
→FTX土崩瓦解的關鍵一環:自己發行的數字貨幣 - 華爾街日報:https://on.wsj.com/3TW22QS
→【觀點】FTX倒台事件你不要悲傷!一窺加密貨幣帝國的興衰與轉折|數位時代 BusinessNext:https://bit.ly/3i3WVRl
→FTX瀕臨破產、創辦人身價億萬變1美元 「幣圈巴菲特」SBF怎麼走到這一步?|天下雜誌:https://bit.ly/3Ev7OmM
→FTX 風暴引發雪球效應,各大交易所拉警報 | TechNews 科技新報:https://bit.ly/3TWuLos
→FTX流動性危機拖累幣圈 權力遊戲誰贏了?|天下雜誌:https://bit.ly/3UXQzBz
→FTX爆雷 淡馬錫、紅杉資本、軟銀掛彩 - 自由財經:https://bit.ly/3UVSqXj
→FTX破產風暴還沒掃完!關係企業BlockFi也要聲請破產|數位時代 BusinessNext:https://bit.ly/3ESHLHB
→帶衰比特幣、災戶遍及美國與台灣:FTX破產事件是什麼? | 曾子軒 | 遠見雜誌:https://bit.ly/3TYhA6H
→一文整理|CZ 拿下 FTX,卻引爆了加密世界的真雷曼? - 區塊客:https://bit.ly/3gu9bKw

【 延伸閱讀 】

→Proof of Reserves: Could it Have Prevented the FTX Meltdown?:https://bit.ly/3gv7a0n
→Power-hungry robots, space colonization, cyborgs: inside the bizarre world of ‘longtermism’:https://bit.ly/3Vfieh5


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(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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