
【日本傳統能劇X前導座談】 新作能劇〈媽祖〉まそ 長版宣傳影片

1 年前
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★ 2023日本能劇新作〈媽祖〉來台舉辦講座!
★ 2024將來台正式演出!
★ 日本傳統能劇首次以台灣信仰-海洋女神媽祖為主角!
★ 祈禱跨越海洋的和平!



【媽 祖】 片山九郎右衛門
【千里眼】 味方玄
【順風耳】 分林道治
【吟 唱】 古橋正邦

於2024正式演出前,高雄春天藝術節特別邀請4位#日本能劇國寶級大師親自來高雄舉辦講座;這次講座將由日本能劇世家 - 片山九郎右衛門率領於能劇〈媽祖〉中飾演千里眼的味方玄、飾演順風耳的分林道治以及負責合唱(地謠)的古橋正邦。讓台灣觀眾能夠於前導講座中,體驗日本能劇的魅力,並享受創作及演出者們分享著新作能劇〈媽祖〉創作籌備過程與細節。


企劃・製作 | 觀世流能樂師 片山九郎右衛門
Planning and conducting Kanze Noh performer Kuroemon Katayama
目前任職於公益社團法人京都觀世會的會長、公益財團法人片山家能樂・京舞保存財團理事長。其父親為片山幽雪,祖母為四世京舞井上流家元 井上八千代,以及親姐姐(五世 井上八千代),都為日本表演藝術界重要國寶級人物。

Born in Kyoto. He and his ancestors have been active in Kyoto since the first generation. His father (Yusetsu Katayama), his grandmother (Yachiyo Inoue IV), and his sister (Yachiyo Inoue V) are all living national treasures. He plans and produces overseas performances, performances outside the Noh theater such as Takigi Noh and Hall Noh, and produces Noh series picture books to promote Noh. Chairman of the Kyoto Kanzeikai, and is Chairman of the Katayama Family Noh Music and Kyomai Preservation Foundation.

原作 | 小説家 玉岡薰
Original and directing Novelist Kaoru Tamaoka

Born in Hyogo prefecture. Debuted in the Bundan with the Kobe Literary Award-winning work "Dream Eating Fish Blue Goodbye", she has written numerous books, including the Yamamoto Shugoro Award candidate work "Nannamon" trilogy, "Tensei no Ship", "Gin no Michi Ichijo", and her recent book "Hana Naruran". The popular work "Oiesan" won the 25th Oda Sakunosuke Award. It was staged starring Keiko Takeshita, and aired as a drama commemorating the 55th anniversary of the opening of Yomiuri TV. "Princess's gift Senhime Ryuryu" will be performed as the commemorative opera "Senhime" at the Cultural Convention Center in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. She is also Professor at Osaka University of Arts.
-MASO PROJECT-〈媽祖〉能劇製作團隊
企劃 製作| 能樂師 片山九郎右衛門
原作 腳本| 日本知名小説家 玉岡薰

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