Crazy, unexpected, extreme motorcycle moments

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Motorcycles - Are They Dangerous?

To be honest, before attending driving school, I instinctively felt that riding motorcycles was a life-threatening activity. As someone with a naturally small amount of courage, I typically keep my speed around 50-60 km/h when riding, with anything above 70 km/h feeling like a death-defying speed.

However, after becoming familiar with the proper techniques of shifting gears, maintaining the correct line of sight, and using the throttle, I gradually began to enjoy the experience of riding a motorcycle. Even during tight turns, I could take deep breaths and relax, ultimately gaining the confidence to throttle up and enjoy the thrill of the ride.

With my improved riding skills, I found that motorcycles are actually easier to control than regular scooters. The bikes used in driving school even have safety bars, so falling off wasn't a major concern. And, when I did fall off a few times, I knew how to use the instructor's techniques to roll away from danger.

In short, even someone as timid as myself was able to enjoy the thrill of riding a motorcycle. So, if you're thinking about trying it out, don't be afraid! With some training and practice, you can learn how to ride safely and experience some truly crazy, unexpected, and extreme motorcycle moments.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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