
大點評 x 翟健民|雍正御碗上的「真、精、新」|The Review with William Chak|Yangcai Coral-ground ‘Floral’ Bowl

6 年前
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香港10月的秋拍剛落幕,國內拍賣卻仍是百花齊放,籌備得如火如荼。廈門博樂德的「符瑞」御瓷專場,便有一對洋彩碗,器形優美,色澤豔麗,兩碗底均有「雍正御製」四字款。只見翟健民老師拿著這對碗說、「在收藏過程中,要記住三個字 - 『真』、『精』、『新』。這對小碗就具備了這三個字。」這到底是甚麼意思呢?還請聽縱橫古玩界40多年的「永寶齋主」娓娓道來。

Full article: http://bit.ly/2zCqopN

Blanc Xiamen unveils the leading lot of the sale, a pair of Yangcai Coral-ground ‘Floral’ Bowls with seal mark from Yongzheng period, Qing dynasty.

William Chak, the master of Chak’s and distinguished art dealer, gives an in-depth review of this pair of bowls.
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