廣州!北京路!香港茶餐廳!始於1961年!味道如何?3人消費150元!豬扒飯!紅豆冰!美食街!旅遊必到地!打卡點!美食旅遊攻略!從早到晚!全是遊客!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

1 個月前
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#廣州 #北京路 #茶餐廳

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/3bj8YxBxTESsptgx5
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/e8/mHci
餐厅消费:大大件豬扒飯 ¥38,一哥厚切豬扒焗飯 ¥38,鮮茄汁雞扒焗飯 ¥38,紅豆冰脆脆 ¥20,柚子鹹檸樂 ¥20

大馬站是曾存在於廣東省廣州市越秀區的街道片區,與鄰近的小馬站合稱大小馬站,北到中山五路,南到西湖路,與北京路平行,地處廣州商業 最繁盛地段。 2000年以前,大馬站為傳統風格街巷,以清代合族祠書院建築群、大馬站教會以及美食街著稱。 而其明清書院群曾為大中華罕見,是清代廣東文化教育事業的復興和學術重振的見證,被譽為中華百座歷史文化名城中獨一無二的名勝古蹟。
明清時期,大馬站鄰近當時的當時的總督、巡撫、布政司、知府衙門,以及省、府、縣各級學宮。 清康熙年間,兩廣總督在大馬站興建越秀書院,此後,週邊地區形成大規模合族祠書院建築群,僅大馬站一條街巷兩側就集中多所書院,直至1999年大馬站西 側仍保留5間書院:平所書院、謝氏書院、三益書屋、賴氏書室、江都書室。 民國初,大馬站還是拉麵毛、梳頭等傳統美容集聚的地方。
大馬站35號曾是著名的大馬站教會所在地。 1950年林獻羔開始在大馬站35號的家中開始聚會,稱為「大馬站福音會堂」。 因他不願意加入政治宣傳式的三自愛國教會,在1955年9月14日晚,在肅反運動中,和王國顯、張耀生作為“大馬站反革命集團”頭目,在會堂內被捕, 1955年9月27日,廣州三自會組織了控訴「大馬站反革命集團」的大會,隨後他們被判入獄多年。 1978年林獻羔出獄後,恢復了大馬站35號的聚會。 之後人數逐漸增加到數千人,影響頗大。 2000年後大馬站教會遷至德政北路雅荷塘(北)榮桂里15號。
Dama Station is a street area that once existed in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. Together with the adjacent Xiaoma Station, it is collectively known as Dama Station. It is bounded by Zhongshan 5th Road in the north and Xihu Road in the south. It is parallel to Beijing Road and is located in the commercial area of Guangzhou. The most prosperous area. Before 2000, Dama Station was a traditional-style street, famous for the Qing Dynasty Hezu Temple Academy building complex, Dama Station Church and the food street. Its Ming and Qing academies were once rare in Greater China and bear witness to the revival of cultural education and academic revitalization in Guangdong during the Qing Dynasty. It is known as a unique place of interest among the 100 famous historical and cultural cities in China.
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Dama Station was adjacent to the governor-general, governor, chief secretary, prefect's yamen, and academies at the provincial, prefecture, and county levels. During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi built Yuexiu Academy in Dama Station. Since then, a large-scale complex of ancestral temples and academies has formed in the surrounding area. There are many academies on both sides of one street in Dama Station alone. Until 1999, the west of Dama Station There are still five academies on the side: Pingsuo Academy, Xie's Academy, Sanyi Bookstore, Lai's Bookstore, and Jiangdu Bookstore. In the early years of the Republic of China, Da Ma Station was still a gathering place for traditional beauty treatments such as facial hair pulling and hair combing.
No. 35 Dama Station was once the location of the famous Dama Station Church. In 1950, Lin Xiangao began to hold meetings at his home at No. 35, Dama Station, which was called the "Malaysia Station Gospel Hall." Because he was unwilling to join the political propaganda-style Three-Self Patriotic Church, on the evening of September 14, 1955, during the counter-revolutionary campaign, he, Wang Guoxian and Zhang Yaosheng were arrested in the church hall as the leaders of the "Malaysian counter-revolutionary group". On September 27, 1955, the Guangzhou Three-Self Association organized a meeting to accuse the "Malaysian counter-revolutionary group", and they were subsequently sentenced to many years in prison. After Lin Xian'ao was released from prison in 1978, he resumed the gathering at No. 35, Malaysia Station. Later, the number gradually increased to thousands, and the influence was considerable. After 2000, the Dama Station Church moved to No. 15 Ronggui Lane, Yahetang (North), Dezheng North Road.








00:00 Intro
00:35 大馬站現況
05:02 假日下的北京路
11:07 廉記冰室/港式茶餐廳/讀餐牌時間
13:34 大件豬扒飯/一哥厚切豬扒焗飯/鮮茄汁雞扒焗飯/紅豆冰脆脆/柚子鹹檸樂
22:47 夜遊北京路/青年文化宮/新華書店買書
31:57 西湖路/大佛寺/惠福東路美食街
44:18 Ending
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