
【巴基斯坦】巨無霸羊屁股 阿富汗邊境 |《世界第一等》955集精華版Pakistan Highlights EP3 Eng Sub

4 年前
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《955集精華版20200328播出》尋找世界知名的屁股 蜜桃屁股羊
原來屁股羊也叫肥尾羊,算是很常見的飼養羊品種,就是以其獨特的大尾巴和後身軀而聞名,數量約可佔世界綿羊總數的四分之一.只是看到這麼特殊的羊屁股,任誰都會想知道觸感究竟如何。而且當地就有許多餐廳,以專賣屁股羊聞名,大家一定都很著急,很想知道羊屁股到底怎麼吃 。都說廚師的雙手不怕燙,看來還真的是如此,看看這位帥氣的大叔,把手伸進熱油裡,還是一臉酷樣面不改色,倒是這看起來有點不起眼的炸肉排,真的會有讓人驚艷的地方嗎?咱們拭目以待。
♦955集完整版Pakistan Full EP3▶https://youtu.be/DMfrNna48Fk
✅唐振剛TV Host Gary▶https://www.facebook.com/kangfans/
❤Special Thanks To:
♦拉納傳奇印度服飾 Rana Fashion▶ https://reurl.cc/0zYkd6
♦TAJ泰姬印度餐廳 TAJ Indian Restaurant ▶https://reurl.cc/8l1Yvd
♦英文字幕翻譯English subtitle translator▶️yehhsiaopu@gmail.com
巴基斯坦總複習Pakistan Full Episodes Review
950完整版 Full EP1 https://youtu.be/CkdW03eWo-o
953完整版 Full EP2 https://youtu.be/PeIbtVLJX8k
955完整版 Full EP3 https://youtu.be/DMfrNna48Fk
【Pakistan-Highlights EP3 】The most famous buttock- the sheep with a peach-shaped bum
(Fat-tailed sheep/CHAPLI KEBABS/Afghan milk tea& Palaw)
The bum sheep is also called fat-tailed sheep It's a common breed in farms. They are famous with the fat tail and the bum. The fat would accumulate on the sides of the tail and the space of last few segments of the spine. That' why their bums look so big. People say that chefs are not fear of heat. I believe it now.Look at this handsome chef.He stays cool all the time even puts his hand in burins oil to cook CHAPLI KEBABS.
#屁股羊 #邊境 #阿富汗 #肥尾羊 #屁股 #燒烤 #羊肉 #巴基斯坦 #奶茶 #唐振剛 #何醫師 #天堂的微笑 #英文字幕 #Pakistan #Afghanistan #border #Afghan #CHAPLI #KEBABS #Palaw #milktea #streetfood #eng #sub #Fattailed #dumba #sheep #StayHome #WithMe
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