11 個月前
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藝術行旅 - 帶您走訪各大畫廊

TAGA 畫廊協會自2021年開啟的特色企畫,讓你不用出門也能走遍全台畫廊,線上逛展!跟著藝術行旅的腳步一起了解台灣畫廊的經營故事、探索藝術家的創作脈絡、感受藝術之美~

EP30與大家一起去RIVER ART GALLERY 大河美術 逛逛吧!



大河美術代理藝術家:楊博堯, Lili LEE, REACH, Tessar LO, Timothy BAIR, 王尋, 陳硯平, 邱奕辰, 李奕諠

ARTREK - Your Best Trek to amazing galleries in Taiwan. ARTREK is a brand-new project of Taiwan Art Gallery Association (TAGA) since 2021. Through this project, we are bringing you spectacular art scenes, artists' stories and gallerists' opinions in Taiwan.

EP30 will take you to the journey of RIVER ART GALLERY.

RIVER ART GALLERY was established in Taichung, Taiwan in 1998, initially discovering renowned Taiwanese artists LI Chen and HUNG Yi. In 2021, the gallery underwent a rebrand, reemerging as a contemporary art space that is not limited by any specific theme, form, or medium. It focuses on a long-term representation of domestic and international artists with high potential and unique style, simultaneously prompting for cross-border brand collaborations to increase visibility of the artists. It also provides the exchange, appreciation, and consultation services for contemporary artworks by famous artists, aiming to satisfy the various tastes and needs of different collectors with diverse and abundant artworks as well as professional and exquisite consulting services.

In the future, RIVER ART GALLERY plans to promote social aesthetics education through curating and hosting contemporary art exhibitions, striving to enhance the public’s artistic tastes, self-reflection, and communal contribution abilities. The ultimate goal is to create an art exchange platform that appeals to and encompasses the market, academia, and education. In addition, the gallery will actively participate in domestic and international art fairs to enhance its connections and interactions with contemporary art in different countries, with a hope of establishing itself as an international gallery brand with a broad vision and influence!

RIVER ART GALLERY’s representative artists: Bo-Yao YANG, Lili LEE, REACH, Tessar LO, Timothy BAIR, Xun WANG, Yenping CHEN, Yi-Chen CHIU, Yi-Shuan LEE

TAGA 畫廊協會官網:http://www.aga.org.tw/
TAGA 畫廊協會粉專:https://www.facebook.com/TAGA0608
TAGA 畫廊協會IG:https://www.instagram.com/arttaipei
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