【ASUS】華碩旗艦雙螢幕筆電~高階筆電深度使用心得|ZenBook Pro Duo review

3 年前
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Asus 4K ZenBook Pro Duo華碩高階筆電
雙螢幕筆電的深度應用分享,Mac Book的觸控列(Touch Bar) 很強? 看完ScreenPad Plus之後再決定
The real flagship laptop Asus 4K ZenBook Pro Duo
does it compare with the touch bar of Macbook?
You will know in this episode.
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Asus zenbook pro duo the laptop of tomorrow?
Let's check this episode how can you do with these two screen pad?

0:00 預告 preview
0:32 開場─筆記型電腦的演變 The evalution
1:38 外觀(背板、鍵盤) appearances
2:00 規格(螢幕、處理器) specs
2:40 iO連結埠 io ports
3:10 雙螢幕介紹 introduction
3:33 與ASUS西風之神的差異 the different between zepyhrus
3:43 副螢幕功能 the function of second screen
4:43 使用情境,雙螢幕的方便運用 the applications
6:29 ZenBook Pro Duo 值得買嗎?worth it ?
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