IWC Ingenieur Collection 萬國錶工程師系列 |設計鬼才 Gérald Genta 經典風格重現 the genius Gérald Genta revisited

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「Watch The World Vlog #90 IWC Ingenieur 工程師系列 |設計鬼才Gérald Genta經典風格重現」

IWC Ingenieur 萬國工程師系列,作為品牌首款民用抗磁腕表,於1955年早已面世。70年代,有鐘表界畢加索之稱的Gerald Genta為系列操刀,將表款改頭換面煥然一新。這款運動鋼表款式與大師同期作品Nautilus和皇家橡樹一樣,創作於同一個靈感高峰期,至今依然為人津津樂道。在經歷幾次設計款式變革後, Ingenieur工程師系列作為今年IWC的主打表款,再次回歸大師風格,究竟這次有何驚喜呢?不如隨我一起到IWC Pre Watches & Wonders的活動,一探究竟。

「Watch The World Vlog #90 IWC Ingenieur collection |the genius Gérald Genta revisited」

The IWC Ingenieur collection, as the brand's first civilian anti-magnetic watch, was launched in 1955. In the 70s, the Picasso of the watch industry, Gérald Genta, brought new elements into this series and gave a new look to Ingenieur. This stainless steel luxury sport watch, together with the Nautilus and the Royal Oak, were created at Gérald Genta’s peak of inspiration. Those models are still talking pieces today. After a few design modifications, the Ingenieur collection, as the highlight of IWC 2023, reverts to the master style. What are the surprises this time? Please come with me to the IWC Pre Watches & Wonders event and find out.

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