
紹伊古頒發軍令收編瓦格納集團,卡德羅夫率先請纓主動接受招安,普利格金公開抗命拒絕收編,普丁力挺紹伊古軍令,俄羅斯內戰的導火線? | 俄烏 | 僱傭軍 | 軍閥 | 克里姆林宮 | 俄國防部 |

10 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
On the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, apart from the Russian regular army, perhaps only Puligkin's "Wagner" mercenary group can compete with the Ukrainian army. On the Bakhmut battlefield, the role of "Wagner" even surpassed that of the regular Russian army. However, such a powerful force belongs to private individuals. Can the Russian Ministry of Defense be assured of it?
#火力就是正義 #火力君
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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