波斯語課 | 電影解說 | 二戰 一個囚犯為了活命,用2840個同胞獨創了一門語言《波斯語課》 #波斯語課#電影解說#二戰#影評#戰爭片#影中烽火#shorts

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波斯語課 | 電影解說 | 二戰 一個囚犯為了活命,用2840個同胞獨創了一門語言《波斯語課》

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該片改編自沃夫岡·柯爾海斯受到真實事件啟發所著的短篇小說 [16] ,講述了年輕的比利時猶太人吉爾斯為求活命,假冒波斯人為集中營的軍官科赫教授波斯語,二人之間產生不同尋常的友誼的故事,
二戰期間,猶太人吉爾斯 (納威爾·佩雷茲·畢斯卡亞特飾)被逮捕,並被送往德國的一個集中營。他謊稱自己是波斯人保命,逃避了槍決。雖然這個謊言暫時拯救了他,但吉爾斯被德國軍官科赫(拉斯·艾丁格飾)看中並要求教他波斯語。對波斯語一竅不通的吉爾斯只能憑空編出一門語言,他只能每天心驚膽戰地編造“波斯語”單詞求生。科赫對吉爾斯的袒護,引起另一位黨衛軍警衛(約納斯·奈伊飾)對吉爾斯的懷疑,在七百多天的集中營生活裏,吉爾斯每一天都與死亡擦肩,他不知道這門只有兩個人知道的語言,究竟能幫自己隱瞞多久,

The film is adapted from a short story inspired by real events by Wolfgang Kohlhays[16]. It tells the story of a young Belgian Jew Giles trying to survive, pretending to be a Persian to teach Persian as a concentration camp officer Koch. Stories of unusual friendships between people,
During World War II, Jew Gilles (Navel Perez Biscayatt) is arrested and sent to a concentration camp in Germany. He evaded execution by falsely claiming that he was a Persian to save his life. While the lie saves him temporarily, Giles is taken in by German officer Koch (Lars Ettinger) and asked to teach him Persian. Gilles, who knows nothing about Persian, can only make up a language out of thin air. He can only make up the word "Persian" every day to survive. Koch's protection of Giles caused another SS guard (Jonas Ney) to suspect Giles. In the more than 700 days of life in the concentration camp, Giles brushed shoulders with death every day. , he doesn't know how long this language that only two people know can help him hide it,

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