
MultiSub《訴今朝》▶EP56 #湯唯 女刺客逆襲傳奇皇后!#朱亞文 #喬振宇 #張藝興 #俞灝明 #鄧家佳 #LayZhang #tangwei #虞書欣 #許凱【中國古裝電視劇】

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💿《訴今朝/Echoes of the Ming Era》FULL PLAYLIST 👉

📺 Drama Name:訴今朝 | Echoes of the Ming Era
🎬 Episodes: 62
💌 Synopsis:

In the first year of the Ming Yongle era, during the Jingnan Rebellion, Emperor Jianwen shaved his head and entered the mountains, and his whereabouts became an enduring mystery. The former officials of the Jianwen regime were mercilessly slaughtered. Jing Qing, the Grand Secretary, and his wife met tragic ends. Their eldest daughter, Ruowei, was saved by Vice General Sun Yu, while their second daughter, Manyin, was rescued by Crown Prince Zhu Gaozhi. The siblings, born of the same flesh and blood, grew up in different environments—one in the palace and the other in the martial world.

After ten years, Ruowei plotted to assassinate Zhu Di, while her sister Manyin married into the palace. During the assassination attempt, Ruowei encountered Crown Prince Zhu Zhanji and witnessed the intricate political turmoil in Jinling City. In the twilight shadows, she glimpsed the convoluted and elusive thoughts of emperors, while the nation was recovering from chaos. The frontier was pacified, the capital was moved, the Grand Canal was opened, Zheng He voyaged to the West, and the empire's might was displayed overseas. The compilation of the 'Yongle Encyclopedia' heralded an era of prosperity.

In the end, Ruowei resolved to abandon personal vendettas and assist her husband in ascending the throne, seeking the greatest happiness and tranquility for the people. She experienced the reigns of five emperors and witnessed the rise and fall of six dynasties. With her grace and wisdom, she repeatedly saved the Ming Dynasty from peril. In the torrents of history, she stood alone, swimming against the current, bearing witness to the birth of a great era.

🌟 Ancient Puppet Sweet Drama 🌟
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💎 CEO Falls in Love with Cinderella 💘
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《總裁家的小裁縫/The CEO's Petite Dressmaker》Full Playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeeTbyUddM8xzMYgKGYl1plua0RqID_l
《以愛之名/In Love's Embrace》Full Playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeeTbyUddM9Fl6P9CScu2Jo5EKBglkgB
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《追愛大作戰/Battle for Romance》Full Playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeeTbyUddM-Mnw_9l1lywxqdr0XJdaie

#祈今朝 #虞書欣 #許凱 #楊冪 #劉詩詩 #湯唯 #朱亞文 #喬振宇 #俞灝明 #張藝興 #layzhang #tangwei #zhangyixing #鄧家佳 #楊怡 #TV #趙麗穎 #佘詩曼 #肖戰 #王一博 #趙露思 #zhaolusi #劉亦菲 #Liuyifei #lixian #李現 #龔俊 #gongjun #迪麗熱巴 #dilireba #yangyang #楊洋 #中國古裝劇 #古裝喜劇 #甜寵劇場 #中國電視劇 #中國電視劇 #sweet #dramaclips #甜寵偶像劇 #甜寵 #甜寵愛情劇 #甜寵偶像劇 #LoveScenes #大陸電視劇 #中國電視劇 #電視劇 #大陸劇 #陸劇 #2024電視劇 #電視劇2024 #2024最新電視劇 #2024都市劇 #都市劇2024 #2024最新都市劇 #2024chinesedrama #chinesedrama2024 #soldier SSL
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