香港花卉展覽2024 搶先版 Hong Kong Flower Show 2024 4K

1 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
大家不用眾裡尋花了,香港花展集合了眾多不同花卉供大家欣賞。今日所見,很多花花也十分新鮮嬌嫩,可惜時間有限,只能走佬式走馬看花。明日大家便可以開心賞花,長者星期一至五更是免費,快善用2 元乘車優惠去行下,絕對是賞心悅目,滿載而歸。

影片內容 Contents:
00:00 簡介
01:04 前往方法
01:45 門前電車
02:55 港姐人像
09:18 花展內容


展覽日期及時間: 3月15至24日
展覽地點: 香港維多利亞公園
主題花: 香彩雀
主題: 雀躍全城

入場費 :
全費 14元
優惠收費 7元

殘疾人士及其照顧者 (每名殘疾人士只可與一名同行照顧者同享優惠)
The Hong Kong Flower Show (the Show) is an annual highlight of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), which attracted more than 200 horticultural organisations from local, the Mainland and overseas each year. Participating organisations design floral displays and landscaped gardens meticulously so as to create a splendid floral world for the visitors and draws hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.

This year, the Show is held with the theme“Floral Joy Around Town”, featuring the colourful Angelonia as the theme flower. Angelonia, also known as the Angel Flower, has a small and unique flower shape, a refreshing fragrance and abundant quantities of flowers. Heavily covered with little flower buds, the stems produce lush and brushy flowers when in full bloom, leaving them swaying in the breeze, just like thousands of colourful birds jumping up and down. One will become full of liveliness and bliss on visit to the Show for Angelonia.

During the show period, a rich diversity of educational and recreational activities will be organised for the visitors, including student drawing competition, photo competition, plant exhibit competition, music and cultural performances, floral art demonstrations, workshops on greening activities, guided visits, recreational programmes, as well as parent-child fun games, etc.

Date & Time : 15 - 24 March
9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Venue : Victoria Park, Hong Kong
Theme Flower : Angelonia
Theme : Floral Joy Around Town
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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