Autumn in Nakatsu City

4 年前
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This is autumn in Nakatsu, Oita Prefecture.
In this video, Sam and Alice will introduce some hot spots during their 1 night、two day trip to Nakatsu.
On the first day, they visit Nakatsu Castle, Teramachi, Niwa Tea House Café, a road stop in Oita (Michi-no-eki) and the Sanko Cosmos Festival. They settle in for the night at a traditional Japanese guesthouse.
On the second day, they take a spin around Yabakei on bicycles, seeing Monzen Chaya Nodoka, Kyoshuho and Ao no Domon.
If you’re in Yafuin or Beppu (Oita Prefecture) we urge you to come and visit Nakatsu. We guarantee you’re in for a luxurious and enjoyable stay.

Nakatsu City Travel Website

Tourism Nakatsu Yabakei:

#nakatsu#oita prefecture#yabakei
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