節分料理 l 2月3日節分 l 恵方巻 l イワシ l 40代主婦の日常 l 丁寧な暮らし l Setsubun Dish

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)

お正月明けに最初のイベントと言えば、 2月3日節分。

●恵方巻 → 境道一 / ミモザ灰釉八角皿
●桜エビと大根のかき揚げ → 十場天伸 / スリップウェア大皿
●ささみのザクザク福豆フライ → 十場天伸 / スリップウェア大皿
●イワシの大葉グリル 明太チーズソース添え → A) 馬渡新平 / 白ヒビ粉引7寸リム皿
B) 小林徹也 / リム皿 (粉引)
●手羽中とこんにゃくの甘辛煮 → 下村敦 / 三島7寸半皿
●タコの和風カルパッチョ → 小野澤弘一 / 陶漆錫彩プレート
●菜の花の洋風白和え → 土井善男 / 緑白釉5寸鉢
●せりの福豆味噌和え → 境道一 / 織部釉スクエア小鉢
●三五八漬け → 境知子 / 白磁スクエア皿
●イワシのつみれ蕎麦 → 漆椀
●苺 → 境道一 / 織部釉台付鉢
●スパークリングワイン → シュピゲラウ / シャンパングラス
●ノンアルコール → 三浦侑子 / スモール台付グラス

Josef Biffer Riesling Brut 2012
ヨーゼフ ・ ビファー リースリング ・ ブリュット2012(ドイツ / ファルツ)




Thank you for watching.

The first event after the New Year is Setsubun on February 3.
Setsubun is the time for bean-throwing.
Setsubun is a ritual to drive away illnesses and disasters that tend to occur around the turn of the season by using them as ogres.
Although bean-throwing with children is now a thing of the past, it is one of our family's regular events, as they eat the lucky food together.
We chose this dish to provide a good balance between the standard Setsubun-like dishes and dishes arranged with lucky ingredients.
I hope you find it useful this year!
Please take your time and have a look☺.

🍽Dishes and Plates of the Day
●Ehoumaki → Michikazu Sakai / Mimosa ash glazed octagonal dish
●Kakiage of Sakuraebi and Daikon Radish → Tennobu Juba / Slipware platter
●Zakuzaku Fukuzame Fried Chicken → Tenshin Juba / Slipware platter
●Grilled Sardines with Shiso Leaves and Spicy cod roe Cheese Sauce
→ A) Shinpei Mawatari / 7" rimmed plate
B) Tetsuya Kobayashi / Rim plate (Kohiki)
●Chicken wings and konjac simmered in sweet and spicy sauce → Atsushi Shimomura / Mishima 7 1/2 inch plate
●Octopus carpaccio in Japanese style → Koichi Onozawa / Tin-colored ceramic lacquer plate
●Western-style tofu paste with rape blossoms → Yoshio Doi / 5" bowl with greenish-white glaze
●Japanese parsley with soybean paste → Michikazu Sakai / Oribe glazed square small bowl
●Pickles → Tomoko Sakai / White Porcelain Square Dish
●Soba noodles with sardine ball → Lacquer bowl
●Strawberry → Michikazu Sakai / Oribe glazed bowl with base
●Sparkling wine → Spiegelau / Champagne glasses
●Non-alcoholic drink → Yuko Miura / Small glass with stand

🥂Today's wine
Josef Biffer Riesling Brut 2012(Germany / Pfalz)

🎞See previous Setsubun videos below.
・Setsubun Day Dinner: https://youtu.be/OW68ByW5Xrk
・Setsubun Day Dinner: https://youtu.be/BGO6CJ_1BPc

🌟"Living with Utsuwa" web store is now open!
Please visit us as we are constantly updating our announcements, Blog, etc.

(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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