
Organized Fabulous Mom - Organization made easy for overwhelmed moms Simplified and Fabulous Mom

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Are you feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the clutter in your home? Have you lost yourself in motherhood, putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own? Is your home in a constant state of disarray leaving you feeling guilty and disappointed with all that’s still left to do at the end of the day? Are you so busy focusing on what others need and taking care of everyone else that you go days without showering? Do you feel like you never have the right things to wear, so you just wear whatever is easy and still fits even if you know it’s not flattering on your mom-bod? Do you have a closet full of clothes you never wear, because you don’t know how to dress yourself for mom life, so you let your kids dress better than you do? Are your kids (or your hubby) wearing clothes that are ripped, stained, or just don’t fit, because there’s no system for removing items that no longer work making it impossible to keep up with the laundry? Well, I am here to help! As a mom of 4, I realize how quickly things can get out of control, and how important it is to have systems in place so that when life gets busy, we don’t let it overwhelm us. Let’s dig through the clutter and make space for the things that are really important! It’s time to let go of the things that are holding you back and keeping you from being the mom you’ve always wanted to be! After conquering the clutter and finding freedom from the chaos in my own life, I started helping friends and family, and have since become a professional organizer and capsule wardrobe stylist, functional home designer, and clutter coach! And I am here to teach you everything I know about how to create beauty from the chaos in your mama life! Inside this podcast, I teach you how to simplify, organize, and optimize your home, wardrobe and workload. I will teach you how to make simple changes that have a big impact on how your home functions and how it makes you feel! Share tips and tricks on how to style yourself and your home, get organized with simple systems, and manage the sometimes overwhelming stresses a mama has in her every day life. Getting organized is about decluttering the things that are inessential, finding ways to simplify the process, and making space for the things you really value. You can be stylish, your home environment can be serene, and you won’t have to scream. ❤️ LEARN : JMOrganizingSpaces.com CONNECT : SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com
Wed, 15 Feb 2023 11:23:31 -0500
112. When Does MOM Get A Day Off? Do You Feel Like You Can’t Afford To Take Time Away From Your To Do List....or Don’t Deserve It? How To Simplify The Daily Tasks And Stop The Mom Guilt!

Hey Mama!

You deserve a break too! If you are struggling to find time away from the tasks, let's talk!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Wed, 15 Feb 2023 11:23:31 -0500
111. Listener Q&A: How Can I Make One Closet Work for Three Girls and No Room for A Dresser? Whole House Organizing Challenge

Hey Friend!

In today's episode, I am answering a listener question! She wrote in asking "How can I make one closet work for 3 girls sharing a room and no space for dressers?".

Listen in for several ideas I have used for myself and clients over the years and how several of them can be applied without buying anything new!

If you have any questions, send them in! I'm sure there are other mamas trying to figure out the same things!

Come join us for the Whole House Organizing Project starting March 3rd.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

Tue, 14 Feb 2023 19:11:44 -0500
110. Tired Of Waking Up Already Behind For The Day? This ONE Change Can Improve Your Morning Routine and Have A Big Impact On How You Feel In The Morning!

Hey Friend!

If you are waking up frustrated you didn't get more done the day before, you need to listen to this episode! So many times, I woke up already feeling defeated, disappointed and resentful. And it seemed the more I thought about those things that were upsetting me, the less productive I was with that day too.

Then, I started doing this ONE thing that totally transformed the way I was thinking about things and got me out of that stinking stuck, and now I'm helping women all over the world make the same change and impact in their homes and lives!

I'm here if you want to talk!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

Thu, 09 Feb 2023 23:39:17 -0500
109. Are YouFeeling Stuck At Home Because Of Your To Do List Or Clutter and Mess? God Didn’t Create Us To Do Life Alone! Sometimes, You Just Need To Know Where To Focus And Get Started!

Hello My Beautiful Friend,

I don't know if you know this, but I need YOU in my life! You are so important to me. I want to get to know you better and help you out of that overwhelming mess that has you feeling trapped and stuck at home.

Let's talk!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Tue, 07 Feb 2023 11:24:01 -0500
108. Updating a 1970’s Shag Carpet house Into Something Bright, Fresh, and Modern, with Samantha B

Hey Friends,

Samantha B. and I discuss several design ideas in todays call that are part of her virtual design project on their 1970's house. It was full of shag carpet, brown paneled walls, and faded browns wallpaper, and yellowed vinyl floor. After our initial consult, they ripped up the carpets and found some beautiful wood flooring. In this call, we work through some of the design challenges and come up with a plan to get this kitchen looking fresh and cozy!

If you need some help with an area in your home, call me and let's book your consultation! Maybe YOUR episode will air on the show!!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Tue, 07 Feb 2023 01:34:28 -0500
107. Stop Beating Yourself Up! If Even Marie Kondo Can’t Keep Up After Her 3rd Child! Do You Need A Coach, Accountability, Or Just Some Motivation To Get Organized?

Hey Friend,

I have been hearing everywhere how Marie Kondo isn't perfectly tidy after baby #3. Well, no matter where you are in your journey, there is always something more to do. Am I right??

I am preparing a whole house organizing challenge for all of us to do this spring! Are you joining? Come join the Facebook group or email list and let's do this TOGETHER!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 30 Jan 2023 23:07:41 -0500
106. Simplifying Meal Planning, Nutritious Foods My Entire Family Loves, Creating A Variety Of Different Meals Using The Same Main Ingredients

Hey Friend!

Are you in a dinnertime rut, eating out too much or just tired of the same things over and over? Here are some of the ways I have been able to make sure we had something to eat at home to prevent last minute drive thru dinners.

Having something easy to make for my lunches or dinner when we are busy makes such a difference in making sure I am eating healthy foods and feeding my family a rainbow of foods in ways they enjoy eating.

I need a lot of nutritious food to power through a full session with clients!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

CALL or TEXT: +1 (980)389-0399

Mon, 23 Jan 2023 06:23:00 -0500
105. How To Stay Motivated When Decluttering Becomes Emotionally Draining, Creating Space For Family Members To Move In with You, Downsizing to Assisted Living

Hey Friend!

I have felt the emotional burden so many of you are facing as you make room for family members to move in or move on to a new season of life. Just recently, I helped a family member clear two fully packed rooms to make space for 3 family members to move into the home.

I helped a beautiful family clear an entire home to stage and sell when the owner had to move to assisted living. I helped a couple prepare to move in with a relative to care for them as they are going through a difficult season of life and need a little help.

I truly love each one of these precious people I get to help and I invite you to reach out for help if you are needing guidance through a difficult season. Don't let your stuff own you! I'm here for you! I'm praying for you! We can do this together!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

CALL or TEXT: +1 (980)389-0399

Thu, 19 Jan 2023 06:58:00 -0500
104. Why Your Space Doesn’t STAY Organized

Hey Friend!

Are you ready to make a change in your home? Let's get you organized and keep it that way!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: JMOrganizingSpaces@gmail.com

CALL or TEXT: +1 (980)389-0399

Wed, 18 Jan 2023 05:46:00 -0500
103. This Mindset Shift Can Transform Your Life, Finding JOY in the Mess Of Motherhood

Hey Friend!

I don't know about you, but I often find myself feeling stressed, frustrated, and sometimes even angry when my priorities get out of alignment. I had a reminder from my beautiful friends this weekend, and I just had to share it with you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

CALL ME: +1 (980)389-0399

Tue, 17 Jan 2023 22:32:03 -0500
102. Parenting Hacks: How to get kids to do chores, How to handle toddler tantrums nicely

Hey Mama!

I know how challenging it can be to get children to do their chores or even to just put their clothes on! Here is how we have been handling this at my house since mine were little. I'm sure I probably learned all of this from my mom. She definitely taught me this tantrum hack!

For days that are especially challenging, I use cookies!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

CALL ME: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 13 Jan 2023 05:49:00 -0500
101: Moving With Children: What To Prioritize, What Can Wait. Join us for a Whole House Organizing Challenge!

Hey Friend!

We moved the week before Christmas and hosted two weekends back to back. Listen in to how I was able to keep things organized, and get the most important spaces put together in just 2 days!

Join us for a whole house organization challenge coming up in just a few weeks!!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:17:14 -0500
Episode 100: Thank YOU!!!!

Wooo Hoo!! We made it to 100 episodes! I am so incredibly blessed to have you here supporting me through this journey. Thank you for being here and being a part of this with me. I love you so very much and I can't wait to see what this next year brings!!


WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

Fri, 16 Dec 2022 09:09:59 -0500
99. What IS Clutter? Do I Have To Get Rid Of All My Stuff To Get Organized? How To Organize Your Craft Supplies!

Hi Friend!

I hope this episode blesses you. I know so many people who are living depressed and isolated because they are embarrassed and burdened by their cluttered homes. If this is you, I am here for you! Let me help!

No earthly item is worth enough to keep you from living! We were made for relationship! Your home should feel peaceful, happy, and you should feel free to invite people into your home any time you want! Getting the clutter out will give you such freedom!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB Group: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 09 Dec 2022 06:04:41 -0500
98. Not Sleeping? How to Use That Time for A More Productive Day!

Hey Friend!

I have had so many sleepless nights over the years as a mama. I can get really grouchy if I don't get the sleep I need, and grouchy me isn't the best mom... Here are a few of the things that I have been doing that have made a real impact when I can't sleep, or get waked when I wanted to be sleeping.

I pray this episode blesses you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Wed, 07 Dec 2022 06:52:13 -0500
97. Can’t Get Up? 7 Things To Declutter and Organize When You Need To Be Still

Hey Friend!

I hope this episode blesses you and helps keep you from loosing momentum when you can't move around! Sometimes our decluttering journey takes longer than we planned, so use these to help get yourself back in the game when you need to be out of the physical decluttering for a time.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB Group: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 05 Dec 2022 12:41:38 -0500
96. How To STAY Organized! Stop Letting Your Hard Work Get Messed Up! Keep Spaces Decluttered and Maintain Organization In Just 5 Minutes A Day!

Hey Friend!

I know you have been working hard to get your home decluttered. Well, with these tips, you can stay organized and keep up with those decluttered spaces every day and every week!

I'm here for you! What are you struggling with right now? Come discuss today's episode in the FB group!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 02 Dec 2022 15:04:00 -0500
95. Why Are YOU Keeping Things You Don’t Use? 7 Reasons People Haven’t Decluttered Their Home

Hey Friend,

Are you stuck holding on to things you don't use? It's time to declutter those excuses, friend! I'm here to help!! Let's do this together. Come join me in the Facebook group, text or email me privately. I want to help you get free from the clutter in your life!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 02 Dec 2022 07:16:25 -0500
94. How To Organize A Large Space Alone Without Losing Momentum! Organizing A Multipurpose Room

Hey Friend,

I know how overwhelming it can be to take on a big space, especially when you don't have anyone to help you... In this episode, I am answering a question from someone who is taking on this exact challenge. She is working alone, and these tips are going to save time and energy so you can get through this space and not forget what you were doing when you return!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 29 Nov 2022 14:29:38 -0500
93. 3 Easy Steps To Simplify Home So It’s Easier To Maintain!

Hey Mama!

If you are feeling overwhelmed, you need to listen to this one!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 28 Nov 2022 14:05:32 -0500
92. Is It Really A Lack Of Space, Or Do You Have Too Much Stuff? How To Organize When There Is No Room For Even The Essentials

Hey Mama!

Are you struggling to find space for all your belongings? Feeling like your house is too small, or you just don't have the kinds of storage you need? This is the show for you!

I share my solutions for these challenging situations in this episode, and if you need personal help, come join our Facebook group or let's work on it together!

XOXO, Jenn

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399 Call or Text

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design For Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 21 Nov 2022 12:40:36 -0500
91. What To Gift The Overwhelmed Mom: Clutter-Free Gifts To Save Time, Money, and Her Sanity

Hey Mama,

I know when I was dealing with littles and had minimal help at home, I was so overwhelmed and just needed a break!

If you are shopping for a mom that is in this stage of overwhelmed and covered in children, here are some practical gifting ideas for her!

What will be most helpful? Does this mama know where she could use a helper the most? ASK HER!!!! If she can't think of anywhere, and it seems obvious to you, suggest it and be compassionately persistent, but give her a few options. Remember, this is a mama that is likely sleep deprived, and needs a break. The last thing she needs is someone adding more stress to her life!

Maybe having someone clean her house is overwhelming, but someone cleaning her car makes her so excited she cries! Maybe she just wants a pretty yard, and doesn't have time/energy to put into making it pretty.

Maybe she just needs the kids to be away for a few hours so she can shower alone! Maybe you know someone that can take the kids and you can invite her bestie over to hang out.

Think about what she really needs. Maybe it's just the kitchen prep. Maybe she needs her pantry organized . Maybe she needs meal planning help.

Maybe she just needs a "mommy's helper" (an older child that comes to help with tasks or kids) for an hour or so. Like that 4-5(or7) o'clock time when the kids are just cranky!

Where can you be the biggest blessing to this mama?



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: call/text +1 (980)389-0399

FB Group: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 15 Nov 2022 09:44:00 -0500
90. What To Gift When Shopping Stresses You Out? Memorable, Useful, Entertaining Gifts For Anyone On Your List

Hey Hey!

I was laughing so much thinking about all of the fun times we have had as a family with all of these fun gifts! I hope you can all get some good ideas to help take the stress out of the shopping for your family members this year!

Come check out the FB group for pics of some of these gifts and the fun we have had over the years.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: + 1 (980)389-0399 (call or text)

FB Group: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 14 Nov 2022 09:12:47 -0500
89. Overwhelmed by the Amount of Stuff You Own? Where To Start When You Don’t Have Much Time To Declutter and Get Organized!

Hey Hey!

I hear so many moms feeling overwhelmed by all the things in their home and how to manage all the things. Here are a few ways you can start today, right now, and make an impact in your home or space today!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: call or text +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Wed, 09 Nov 2022 09:13:19 -0500
88. Stressed Out At the Thought Of Selling Your Home? What to Prioritize When Preparing to Sell Your Home

Hey Hey!

I have so many clients selling their homes or homes for family members right now. It is one of the top 10 most stressful things we do! So if you're feeling stressed, you're not alone!!

Listen in for the things that are most important to prioritize so you aren't drowning with an endless list of To-Do's.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: JMOrganizingSpaces@gmail.com

PHONE: (call/text) +1 980-389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 28 Oct 2022 10:58:04 -0400
87. Commit to Doing What God Calls You To Do, Rain or Shine!

This episode was recorded weeks before I actually published it. Every since then, I have been totally off track, distracted, frustrated and lost since this very day. I believe the Lord has plans for me, and the enemy is using all he can to keep me from it.

We all need prayer and I am so glad I have such amazing friends who check in on me and keep me accountable!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: JMOrganizingSpaces@gmail.com

PHONE: (call or text) +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 24 Oct 2022 20:08:01 -0400
86. Juggling All The Bags As A Mom? How To Simplify The Stuff For All Your Kids Activities

Hey Mama!

I see you with your arms full and trying to keep up with all your kiddos and all the gear. Listen in for some tips that may help you make it easier!

Join me in the FB group so we can get to know each other better!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 23 Sep 2022 09:11:00 -0400
85. Maybe it’s Not Cluttered, It’s Just Not Decorated! Busy Areas Need a Cohesive Design! Playroom Design, Kids Toy Storage, Low Budget Makeover

I have seen so many rooms that look awkward and crowded simply because they are using the wrong furniture or storage! If you are making any of these mistakes, come join me in the Facebook group for some personalized design help! I would love to get to know you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE call/text: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:51:08 -0400
84. ADHD and Closet Organization, Clothing Storage for Kids with ADHD, How to Make It Easy for Kids

My son thinks so much differently than I do, so I had to rethink the way I had always done things when he came along. He needed things to be consistent and simple.

Thinking like this has helped me as a mom and pro organizer so much! I now look at a space for anyone and can instantly see the obstacles that are keeping them from being able to manage the space well.

I hope to see you in the Facebook group and get to know you better!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

CALL/TEXT: +1 980-389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 13 Sep 2022 12:04:17 -0400
83. Are You Struggling with Impatience and Yelling at Your Kids? 5 Steps To Being A Nicer Mom

Hey Mama,

I yell too... I'm not proud of it, and I am getting better. If you are struggling with feeling like YOU are the reason everyone in the house is cranky and fighting, then you probably are!

Listen in to hear my 5 step solution to getting yourself together so you have better self control, patience, and kindness for your family.

The ones we love the most are the ones we can be the most awful to...Let's be the change our family needs! Everyone is counting on you!! Be prepared to take on the day!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 980-389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 09 Sep 2022 18:33:09 -0400
82. Ignoring this clutter can ruin your home and cause major damage quickly! 3 places that even tidy homes collect clutter

Hey Friend!

Here are my top 3 places I find clutter even in the most tidy homes! Are these clutter spots needing attention in your home?



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 980-389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Wed, 07 Sep 2022 09:17:46 -0400
81. Stress and Overwhelm Reduced, Guaranteed for WFH Moms!

Hey Mama,

I know it's easy to reach for your phone to distract yourself from the stressful moments in mom life, but is it causing you more stress instead?

Take a minute to reflect on what YOU are doing when you feel your stress levels rise!

Hope this episode blesses you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulous Podcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 980-389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 06 Sep 2022 16:01:00 -0400
80. How To Organize Medical Supplies When You Don’t Have Any Room, Where To Put Daily Meds So I Remember To Take Them

Hey Friend!

I have many friends and clients that are caregivers to children, spouses, parents, grandparents, and loved ones. The most common problems I have seen is trying to find places to store massive amounts of medical supplies! Often these families are so busy and overwhelmed in their everyday caring that the organization just doesn't get prioritized, but disorganization leads to wasting precious time looking for things!

If you are struggling with an overload of important things, and don't know where to put them so you can find them, don't stay stuck! Let me help you!! Share your pics in the Facebook group, or reach out in an email, call, or text. The more I can see of the space, the better solutions I can provide.

Come join me! I want to help take that weight off your shoulders, friend!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

CALL/TEXT: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 05 Sep 2022 21:59:09 -0400
79. Get Clear Action Steps To Declutter Your Home With FREE Coaching with Jennifer McDaniel

Hey Friend!

This is your time to get free coaching with me! I want to help you stop living stuck in the clutter, afraid of offending someone that gave you more stuff than you can manage. I am here to support and encourage you in getting your home decluttered and organized for your family right now! Call or text me 980-389-0399 and I am here to answer your questions and give you simple steps to take action getting your home functional and peaceful.

This is such a gift and I want you to take full advantage of this incredible offer before it's gone! And then come join me in the Facebook group where we can discuss this podcast episode and really connect with each other. You are not alone in your struggle!

Let's support each other and make it better today! I want to get to know you and help you get clear on what is cluttering your home! When we are stuck in the mess, it's difficult to know where to start, because there are so many decisions to make! I need help sometimes myself! I'm waiting to hear from you!

XOXO, Jenn

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399 (call or text)

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 19:08:50 -0400
78. Little Changes Make A BIG Impact! Moms, Do This To Save Time And Money! Thank You For Sharing

Hey Friend!

You really got to my heart this week by sharing my episode! I can't believe how many times it was listened to in such a short time! WOW! Thank YOU!!!! What a blessing you have been to me, each and every one of you that take your time to listen and share this podcast! I am so grateful for you! You are helping to impact the world, share the good news and help another struggling mama! I pray you are blessed and are able to see the impact of your blessings on the lives around you.

No matter what your roll is, you can make a big impact on someone! You can be a blessing that changes their life, and it doesn't have to cost you a penny. Just a simple prayer, a kind word or compliment, letting some one know they are seen and not invisible! Lending a helping hand! These are all very easy things we can do for others no matter where we are in life. God can use you to change the world!

If your stuff is keeping you from living the life God created you for, then you don't need any of it! Give it all to the poor and follow Him! You don't need any of it! Let it go, and be free from the burdens of clutter keeping you from your life!

I love you so very much. I am so grateful to have you here and I truly want to get to know you! Come join me in the Facebook group! Call, text, or email me!


WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

PHONE: +1 980-389-0399 call or text

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 16 Aug 2022 09:56:32 -0400
77. 10 Mistakes You Are Making When Saving Kids Clothes, Hand-me-downs, Children’s Clothing You Should Get Rid Of Today

Hey Mama!

If you have a few kids, you've probably made some of these mistakes (or all of them). If you are currently making these mistakes, I'm here for you! I would love to talk with you and get to know you and your struggles! Come join me in the Facebook group! I love answering your questions in there, so come join in the fun!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE (call or text): +1 (980)389-0399

FB Group: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sat, 13 Aug 2022 19:29:27 -0400
76. Playroom Toys Out Of Control? How To Organize An Overwhelming Space In Just 2 Minutes A Day

Playroom and Toy storage is always a big challenge, no matter the size of your home, toys seem to take over v very quickly!

Here are some of my tips to sort, organize, and declutter a playroom that has gotten out of control.

I would love it so much if you would take a minute and leave a review for me on apple podcast! Or share this show with someone else! It all helps my show to rank on the charts and be found by more people that need to hear it! It means so much to me to know that what I have shared is making a difference to you! You are the reason I am doing this podcast!

Let me know how I can pray for you. Are you going through a difficult season? I'm here for you.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sun, 07 Aug 2022 15:36:52 -0400
75. Don’t Work Yourself To Death! Moms Need A Day Off, Take A Day Of Rest

Taking a day of rest is one of the most important things according to God. It is so important, it is listed in Exodus 20 as one of the 10 commandments!

Make a crockpot meal, stay up 30 minutes later on Saturday night to tidy enought that the rest can wait a day. Plan cereal or bake muffins Saturday to enjoy on Sunday breakfast! Take a day to rest your body and your mind.

Let me know how this changes your family!


WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 980-389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 05 Aug 2022 15:07:26 -0400
74. Overwhelmed With All There Is To Do As A Mom? 3 STEPS To Get Focused and Prioritize What Matters Most

Hey Mama,

I have had a very busy, and emotional month. My home has been neglected, and I have had several guests over the last few weeks. My kids start school first week of August, and I have so many things on my TO-DO list right now!

Find out how I prioritized and got focused in today's episode.

Isaiah 26:4 NLT

Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 980-389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 25 Jul 2022 18:35:57 -0400
73. STYLE SERIES: Mixing Patterns In A Capsule Wardrobe, Kids Back To School Offer

Hey Friend!

I am so excited to offer you this incredible price for a kids back to school capsule wardrobe styling! Only 3 spots available at this price so don't wait!

Listen in to learn how to mix patterns in a fun and stylish capsule wardrobe!


~ Jenn

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sun, 24 Jul 2022 09:05:00 -0400
72. Help! My Plastic Containers Are Driving Me Crazy! How To Organize, Store, and Know How Many Food Storage Containers You Really Need

Hey Friend!

I get this question a lot! Almost every kitchen I go in has a plastic container cabinet that needs a sign "OPEN AT YOUR OWN RISK" on the door.

When I first got married over 20 years ago, I purchased a set of rubbermaid food storage containers. Those babies lasted a good 12-15 years! I finally got rid of what was left of them in our last house, and have switched to glass containers for everything except kids lunch boxes.

My kids of all ages use the glass and yes, sometimes they break things, but most of the time, they are very careful. I have had the same set for several years and haven't needed to replace anything yet!

I hope you enjoy the tips in this episode!

If you like this show, please leave a review for me! They mean the world to me!!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399 (call or text)

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sat, 23 Jul 2022 18:59:57 -0400
71. STYLE SERIES: Finding Your Clothing Color Palette, How To Know What Pieces Don’t Belong

Do You have questions about finding a color palette or how to know what goes together in your closet?

Ask in our Facebook group I created just for you! How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

If you need some one on one guidance to get your wardrobe looking like YOU, and easy to use, let's get that call booked!! Go to www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com and get started today!

Need to chat or leave a question for the show? Call or Text +1(980)389-0399

I'm here to help you become that organized and fabulous mom!



Wed, 13 Jul 2022 01:18:07 -0400
70. STYLE SERIES: My Exact List Of How Much Clothing You Need To Look Put Together As A Mom

If you would like more information like this, or just a printable version of this list, sign up for our email list or join the Facebook group!

This month will have lots of styling tips, and I will be available to answer any questions you may have for me on Mondays! Leave your questions so I don't miss them!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Call/Text: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sat, 02 Jul 2022 01:17:39 -0400
69. Do You Have Baskets Full Of Clean Laundry? Get The Laundry Put Away In Minutes With This System! Kids Put Away Their Own Laundry!

Hey Friend!

I know my kids hate putting away their clothes sometimes, but I found a way to get them to put it away in minutes without much fuss! Shoot, I hate putting away a basket piled with laundry... I don't want to touch it! It looks like a mess and like it will take a long time, and I just don't want to do it!

I found a system that works so well, that I haven't let the clothes get backed up in YEARS! It makes me feel so good to have the clothes put away and not piled up like they used to be... It's easy, and you don't need anything fancy to do it.

See my pics in the Facebook group, and let me get to know YOU too!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 15:25:00 -0400
68. Don’t Get Distracted Putting Things Away! How I Get My Kids To Clean Their Rooms, Stay Focused And Get It Finished!

Hey Mamas!

This little trick has been so helpful for me! I hope it helps you to stay focused and for you to get your kiddos to stay with the task until it is completed!

Join me in the Facebook group to see pics of my kids cleaning their rooms and using this method as they go! I may even share a video of it!

I would love so much to be able to help you with what you are struggling with right now. Give me a call, and let's chat!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganzingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE (call/text): +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:26:53 -0400
67. Get Organized Kitchen: How Spending A Few Minutes To Plan For The Busy Days Can Make Everyone Happier! On The Go Snacking VS Meals with Ashley Smith

Hi Friend!

I have had such a busy season, and have been spending so much time in my car that I snack more often than I eat lunch ch most weeks! I asked my friend Ashley to join us and go o ver some ways to be more organized with our snacking so we can have more balanced nutrition!

Hope you like today's episode! You can find more from Ashley @VeggiesandVirtue on all social media platforms and her podcast Veggies and Virtue anywhere you listen to podcasts!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 10 Jun 2022 17:04:33 -0400
66. Feeling Overwhelmed About Moving? LIVE Coaching, What To Keep Out When Packing For A Move, Where To Start, What To Prioritize

Hey Mama,

This is a must listen if you are planning a move. This mama called with less than 2 weeks notice to move her family of 6, plus pets! We got her to do list ready, and she has a plan after just a 5 minute coaching call with me!!!

If you are feeling overwhelmed about your upcoming move, let's talk! I will get you setup with a gameplay and keep things simple!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 03 Jun 2022 20:27:57 -0400
65. Is Your Stuff Stealing From Your Kids? Everything You Own Takes Time and Money. Celebrating 10K Downloads!!!


Your support has helped this podcast reach 10,000 downloads since I launched in October 2021!!! You Are Amazing, and I am so blessed to have you in my life!

Come join me in the Facebook group I started just for YOU and let me get to know you and what I can do to support you on your decluttering journey!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

FB Group: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Fri, 03 Jun 2022 01:03:49 -0400
64. Want To Decorate Your Space For FREE? Zero Budget Guest Room Makeover, Cheap Or Free Art, Easy DIY Art Projects, Things To Consider When Your Space Just Doesn’t Feel Right

Hey Friend!

I am sharing lots of decorating ideas in this episode! Check out the Facebook group for pics of what I'm talking about here on the podcast, and feel free to share pics of your spaces for me to look at and give some ideas!!

I want to hep you create beautiful, functional spaces!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399 (call or text)

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, And Design For Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 26 May 2022 17:07:48 -0400
63. Bathroom Organization: What To Keep Under The Bathroom Sink, Kids Chores and Responsibilities, Cleaning The Go, DIY Foaming Hand Soap Hack

Hey Friend!

My bathrooms are looking GOOD after all the attention this week! (Just kidding, I had 12 kids and unplanned guests!)

Check out the before and after pics on our Facebook group I made just for you! I have shared pics from my master bath, and the pics from our other bathrooms should be up later today! Hopefully some of my client's pics will get up there too so you can see several ways to make it work.

I would love to see what you are working on! Come share in the Facebook group!! I try to answer questions on Mondays and Thursdays, so go post your questions for me!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 19 May 2022 15:05:20 -0400
62. Master Bath Declutter and Organization: Decluttering Before A Move, My Personal Home

Hey Friend!

Before and After Pics are posted in the FB group!!! Check out pics of MY master bath and how I did a declutter to prep for a move!

I decluttered a bag of trash and took another bag of things that didn't belong, but just doing this quick declutter made me feel so much more prepared!

How much can you get out of your bathroom? I want to see!!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: (call or text) +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 16 May 2022 19:10:48 -0400
61. How To Declutter A Whole House Before A Move! Join Me As I Declutter and Organize Room By Room!

Hey Friend!

Join me as I go through my house room by room to prepare for our upcoming move! I want to declutter a bag a day for the next 2 weeks and get as much out of this house NOW so when we know WHERE we are moving, we have less stuff to move with us!

I'm planning to do some pictures and maybe I'll be brave enough to post some videos as I go along too. If you are planning a move any time soon, you need to join along as I go through my entire house!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

Fri, 13 May 2022 00:13:55 -0400
60. Why You NEED To Set Boundaries! Easy, Affordable Kids Toy Storage

Hey Friend!

I have spent YEARS working to create a c clutter free home for my family, and somedays, I am a complete failure, but the systems I have in place make it really easy to get back on track.

I want my home to be a place of refuge for my family, and anyone that comes to visit. I want to be ready for visitors at any moment, and that doesn't mean I want a perfect house... I just don't want it to be more than TODAY's Mess left out.

It's not embarrassing to have dinner halfway cleaned up when someone stops by. It is embarrassing to have piles of laundry and stuff piled all around! Kids live here. It's going to be lived in, not magazine ready!! Be realistic with your expectations, and be firm with your boundaries!

I'm here for you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 05 May 2022 15:01:30 -0400
59. Minimalists With Large Families: Where Do I Even Start? The Moms I Polled Say They Started With The Clothing!

As moms, we carry the weight of all the household responsibilities on our shoulders. Even when we have supportive and involved husbands, we are usually the ones to know what needs t be done, what's on the grocery list, what the clean ing schedule is, and all the kids needs!

When we have more than 3-4 kids, we start to feel the impossible weight of doing everything for everyone. And laundry was the number one category moms I polled say they started to simplify first!

I started there as well, then moved to the kitchen and then on to the rest of the house. With so many people relying on me, I knew I needed to create a more streamlined system to these busy areas of my life and home.

As our family grew, I simplified even more and am always reevaluating all the things we have and how things are being used in our home. Things are constantly being rotated and eliminated to create a better rhythm in the routines of our home.

I always have a bag of clothes moving on, and a collection of items that are no longer serving our family.

Join the Facebook group to see our systems at home, and the before and afters of some of the spaces I have helped improve for others!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 03 May 2022 21:53:03 -0400
58. Where Will You Be In 5 Years If You Don’t Do Something Different? Do You Need To Make A Change? I Am So Glad I Did!

Hey Friend

I am so thankful you are here! You are the reason this podcast last exists. How can I help you? What topics do you want more of on here?

Big things are coming and I am so excited for May! Join me in the Facebook Group so I can get to know you!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sat, 30 Apr 2022 23:24:31 -0400
57. Why Is Your Home A Mess? Is It Because You Are Busy With Other Priorities, Or Maybe You Just Don’t Know HOW To Organize?

Hey Mama,

Do you beat yourself up over the way your house looks? I know I do! I feel like I'm failing myself AND my family when my house isn't looking like I think it should... I am fully capable of doing all the things to have my house looking good or even GREAT!

....But, life gets busy, and sometimes other priorities are more important.

Many of the people I work with don't know how to organize. They know how to do all kinds of wonderful things, but organizing is like speaking a foreign language to them. I know many people like this. They think negative things about themselves because of the way their house looks, but they are AMAZINGLY talented at other things that maybe I can't figure out.

If this is you, just look for the good things! What is so easy for you that others get super stressed about doing? Let us know what YOU are good at! Maybe it's just the skill I need in my life.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 29 Apr 2022 02:40:00 -0400
56. How To Manage When Loved Ones Leave You All Their ”Treasures”, Aging Parents, Downsizing When Loved Ones Pass

Hey Friend

I have already been through this with all of my husband's family, and most of my family in the past 7 years. I understand how difficult it can be to make these decisions, and how much of a weight it is to make all of those decisions about what to do with all the things!

I have helped clients after divorce and downsizing due to aging or loss of a loved one. It is such a delicate and time sensitive thin g for so many. Others just load it all into a storage building and delay the decisions, but one day, the decisions will need to be made.

I hope this podcast will help you see the big picture and not weigh yourself and your family down with loads of things to carry around and care for. If you need help with your inherited treasures, I'm here for you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 28 Apr 2022 01:50:00 -0400
55. How To Organize A Closet In A Minute A Day! Are You Too Busy To Make A Mess? Think Getting Your Closet Organized Is Too Overwhelming?

Hey Busy Lady!

I know you have big dreams of how you want your home to be all organized and fabulous, but you're afraid you will make too much of a mess getting things moved around, that you have just about given up.

Well, my beautiful friend, this is the show for you! I will give you simple step by step how to WITHOUT THE MESS!!! Just one step at a time for a minute a day! You can do this!!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Wed, 27 Apr 2022 00:17:00 -0400
54. Master Closet Organization: Step By Step How To Organize And Setup A Master Closet For A Busy Working Mom

Hey Mama,

I just did a master closet organization and I am kicking myself for not getting the before and after pics to share in the FB group! Gahh!! You would have been amazed by the before and after, and we didn't purge anything!

Hopefully pics will be coming soon to the FB group so you can see the after at least!! It looks so good!!! Come join me in this group I created just to get to know you, my fabulous listeners!

Let me know if you want me to help with your closet!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 26 Apr 2022 23:32:27 -0400
53. Did Your Husband Leave His Shoes In The Living Room AGAIN? How To Make It Easier For Them (and The Kids) To Put Things Where You Want Them To Go!

Hey Mama!

If you're like my listener (or me) I know you have tripped over a pair of shoes that were out in the way. My hubby left his under the coffee table again tonight! I get it!!

Listen in for my suggestions that have worked for my family (most of the time) and for many of my clients!

If you make a change, come share it in the Facebook group! I created it just for you, so we can connect and share our struggles and wins together!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Mon, 25 Apr 2022 00:33:00 -0400
52. Don’t Let Clutter Keep You From Your Dreams! If They Can Do THAT With All Their Challenges, What Are YOU Capable Of?

Hey Friend!

I know we all go through seasons where it seems impossible to get out of the ditch we've fallen in, but there are so many people that are doing impossible things, and do you want to know what the difference is? Their determination! You can do impossible things too!

I'm here for you if you want to get a jump start on kicking the clutter out of the way! Join us in the Facebook group or reach out personally. Let's do this together!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sun, 24 Apr 2022 01:09:00 -0400
51. What Even Is Clutter? Kids Should Help With Housework! Easy Chores For Toddlers, They Need To Start Somewhere!

Hey Friend!

I have been so busy with all the things, and my garage has become a disaster. I have been putting it off for MONTHS! I finally took it on, and it took me about 2 hours to get it sorted and tidy. But then I just filled it back with all the stuff for the neighborhood yard sale coming up! Ugh!!

I hope you will share with me your trouble spots. Let's improve the function and effectiveness of our homes! I'm here for you if you need any help! Join me in the Facebook group, or lets get something on the books to audit your space and come up with some solutions!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Sat, 23 Apr 2022 22:13:43 -0400
50. Other People’s Stuff Stressing You Out? Is Your Spouse Constantly Complaining About Your Things, While Their Things Are The Ones Dropped All Around The House? Find The Why To Fix The Problem

Hey friend,

This happens all the time. Here's how I work through this challenge!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

Fri, 22 Apr 2022 23:40:59 -0400
49. Is It Really Organized, Or Is It Just Staged? If It Isn’t Maintainable, It Isn’t Going To Work!Organization Needs To Be Functional

Hey Mama!

I get a lot of questions about making spaces look like pictures of things they've seen on Pinterest or on a show somewhere, and they bought all the bins and things to make their space look just like that space. ..Problem is, their space, and their things are so much different than the inspiration pic. Most of the time, the bins and containers they buy don't even fit in the space well.

If you have a space you need organized or if you just want a quick audit of your space, leave it on my Facebook group and I'll audit your space!


WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 21 Apr 2022 05:19:00 -0400
48. I Know It’s Here Somewhere!! How To Organize Things You Don’t Use Often, But When You Need Them, You NEED Them! Here’s How To Always Know Where To Find Things When You Need Them!

Hey Friend!

I deal with this problem all the time! If you are always looking for things you know you have, you need to listen to this one!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design For Overwhelmed Moms

Wed, 20 Apr 2022 09:05:00 -0400
47. What’s Your Policy? Do Neighborhood Kids Just Walk In At Your House? Do Your Elementary Age Kids Walk Around Alone?

I am honestly looking to understand others opinions on this subject after having this happen several times with kids I DO NOT KNOW just coming in my house. Let's have a discussion! If your little girl just walked in my house and went upstairs looking for a boy that didn't even live here, would you want to know about it?

Am I just overly protective? What is your policy with kids? I need your point of view on this!

Facebook Group: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 19 Apr 2022 22:08:45 -0400
46. Are Your Kids Helpless In The Kitchen? Easy Snacks, And Basic Kitchen Skills For Kids, And Easy Access To The Dishes They Use

Hey Mamas!

Could your kids make a meal if they had to? Like real food, not cereal. Can your little ones set the table without having to climb on the counter to get the dishes? Listen in for some fun and easy ways to give your kids more independence in the kitchen!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 18 Apr 2022 15:29:00 -0400
45. Mom, Are We There Yet? Tech Free Road Trip With Kids!

I had the opportunity to take an unplanned road trip with my 4 kids today, and it was surprisingly enjoyable! No movies or screens, just us and some quality time in the car, windows down and music playing.

My kids have become very impatient of car trips since the months at home during quarantine, so I was a little hesitant when my son started asking how long we would be in the car, and what time we would arrive. Well, I turned it back on him every time he asked, and it worked out great!!! I will definitely be doing this on our next road trip! We had a wonderful time, and all the kids seemed to enjoy being on the lookout.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sun, 17 Apr 2022 00:06:00 -0400
44. We Aren’t Promised Tomorrow, Start Today And Make Changes That Truly Impact Every Area Of Your Life

Hey Friend!

Sometimes the thing that makes the biggest difference is our perspective...



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

Email: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 980-389-0399

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sat, 16 Apr 2022 21:38:13 -0400
43. Traveling With Kids? Here Are My Favorite Car Friendly Snacks And Entertainment Ideas For Kids And Toddlers

Hey Hey!

I am very experienced with traveling with kids. Like every weekend for 6 months we drove 8 hours with a baby, two toddlers, and two elementary aged kids. EVERY WEEKEND! We also drove 12+ hours to vacation with family for more than 10 years, and kids did so great!

Quick tip: Don't let them know what you have right away! Keep stuff to surprise them with if they've been really well behaved, or if they just need a distraction as they get tired of being in the car.

Let me know if you want more tips like this!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 15 Apr 2022 23:05:39 -0400
42. Hand Me Down Clothes, Clothing Storage, Organizing Kids Clothes, How Much To Keep, How Many To Save, What To Do With The Stuff You Don’t Want

Hey Mamas

I know I struggled to part with clothes with my first daughter. I loved each piece! They all were memories for me, her first step, a trip to the zoo, all the firsts, etc... Here is what I have learned over the years, and not just my own experience either!

These tips will help you to be able to easily access next size/season clothing for your child as they grow, and help prevent you having an attic or closets FULL of clothing you aren't using!

I would love to know how this show has helped you. Would you be so kind as to leave a review for me on apple podcast? It would mean the world to me! My goal is to have 50 reviews by my birthday, and I'll be sending out a special message about that soon!

Love you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FB: How to Declutter, Organize, Style and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 14 Apr 2022 00:12:00 -0400
41. What If Your Dream Is Waiting On You To Take Action? Do You Have Room For The Blessings You Are Praying For?

I know I have a lot to do before we can move. I have been asking for a house for a really long time, but I haven't done the things I need to do to prepare my life and home for a move. Maybe my dream home is waiting for me to get this house ready for the move before it will be ready for me to move in?

What areas in your life are you needing to take action in before you will be able to handle the blessings you are asking for?



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1(980)389-0399

FB Group: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:19:36 -0400
40. Got Junk? How To Get Rid Of The Junk Drawer And Create Purpose In It’s Place! Use This Method On Your Entire Home To Be Forever Clutter-Free

Six people living in this house, and we no longer have a junk drawer! We actually haven't had one for many years. This is exactly how I eliminated the junk drawers in my home, and how I help my clients declutter their junk drawers, and all the other spaces in their home! This is so easy, your little ones can even do it for you!

I would love to see your drawers! Junk drawers that is!!! Send me an email, or share them in the Facebook group!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 12 Apr 2022 13:41:27 -0400
39. You Are Not Alone! How I knew God Was Working Even Through The Most Difficult Season Of My Life

Hey Friend,

Are you going through a difficult time? Set Your Priorities in order and Focus on the good! Do everything you can for others around you and seek peace in every situation. I promise you will see God at work when you look back! He loves you! He will be there even if he doesn't answer your prayers when and how you want. Just put your trust in him, and he will lead the way!

Look at all the difficult paths his disciples had to take all their trials and beatings. I truly believe it is worth it in the end.

I'm praying for you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK GROUP: How to declutter, organize, style, and design for overwhelmed moms

Mon, 11 Apr 2022 01:28:00 -0400
38. Are Your Kids Changing Clothes Throughout The Day And Leaving A Mess? 3 Simple Strategies To Simplify The Mess And Get Them To Clean Up Their Clothes

Hey Mama Friend!

Seems like all little girls go through a phase of trying on all their clothes all day long, and sometimes it can be overwhelming to get it cleaned up at the end of the day. These simple strategies should help!

Come join us in our Facebook group to see pics of my kids closets and leave questions, comments, and let us get to know you too! We're so excited to meet you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sun, 10 Apr 2022 22:24:54 -0400
37. Maximizing Storage And Style In A Small Space, Listener Question: How To Design A One Room Cabin

Hey Guys!

This is just the quick answer in this episode. If you would like more detailed answers, let me know! This is so fun for me! I love designing spaces!!

Come join me in the Facebook group and ask questions!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sat, 09 Apr 2022 23:38:26 -0400
36. Are You Wasting Money On Kids Clothes? How Many You Really Need For Spring, Easy Outfits Any Kid Can Put Together

He Friends!

It's that time of year when the seasons start changing! I have already begun helping families just like your create easy capsule wardrobes for their kids and for themselves! Do you need help too?

This episode gives a simple outline of how many pieces your kids need for the up coming spring season. Let me know if I can help you with your adorable littles style!

Can't wait to get to know you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, & Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 08 Apr 2022 22:25:42 -0400
35. How Fast Can You Get Out The Door In The Mornings? 7 Things You Need To Know BEFORE You Create A Schedule For Your Family

Hey Friends!

I hope you are able to enjoy this episode. I have so much time in the car and so little time at home this season, so I recorded this episode in the car, and there is some background noise. I apologize for that, but I can't figure out how to improve the sound without making it worse. If you have any tech tips, I'd be grateful! lol

Not knowing the answer to these could be the reason your plans fail! I hope you will let me know if these help you create a schedule for your family that actually works! Join us in the fb group and let me get to know YOU a little.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 07 Apr 2022 23:41:52 -0400
34. Are Your Mornings Chaotic? How To Streamline Your Morning Routine | My Morning Routine With 3 Kids, Including Housework Before 8 A.M.

Hey Mama!

Here is the exact morning routine I used a few years ago. The goal is to prevent back-tracking and get stuff done without the chaos and all the running back and forth!

If you have a schedule frustration or tricky spot, let's talk about it! Leave it in the Facebook group! I will be answering questions on Monday, so if you have something for me, leave it in the Facebook group, email me, or leave a question on the podcast hotline BEFORE Monday!!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (890) 389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Wed, 06 Apr 2022 22:25:00 -0400
33. No Kitchen Pantry? Furniture Recommendations And Things To Consider When Placing Furniture | Listener Q & A: Toddler Proof Kitchen Storage

Hey Mama!

I want your questions! Leave a message on the hotline, send an email, or join our Facebook group, whatever you prefer, just send in your questions! I want to answer them on the show! I want to help you transform your mess into a space you can really enjoy!

Let's do this!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms!

Tue, 05 Apr 2022 15:40:30 -0400
32. Are Kids Toys Taking Over Your Home? What Age Can My Kids Clean Up Their Own Things?

Hey Mama,

In this episode, you will find some of my solutions to toy clutter and how to keep a playroom from becoming overwhelming for your kids. My kids toys seem to multiply sometimes! It often feels overwhelming for me (as a mom) when I look in and see that they have dumped out every single toy in the room!

Here are some of my tips to keeping the toy chaos manageable!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 04 Apr 2022 23:13:52 -0400
31. Are You Moving? How To Prepare Ahead Of The Big Day For An Easier Move!

Hey Friend!

Moving is listed as one of the top 10 most stressful events in a person's life! Here are a few of my tips to help make your move go a little smoother.

I hope you are excited to hear more as I fill up every day in April with a new podcast episode! I am so excited and a lot nervous about this enormous challenge I have given myself! I hope you will join me!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

Sun, 03 Apr 2022 21:10:26 -0400
30. Help! My Entire House Is A Mess! These Are The Top 3 Places To Start When You Are Overwhelmed With The Clutter In Your Home

Hey Mama,

I see you, looking at the pile of your hubby's clothes he hasn't put away... ignoring the piles of stuff on your own dresser! (I do it too!) But, you know what? There's a scripture about this very thing! Matthew 7:3 says "Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye but not notice the log in your own eye?"(NLT)

In this episode, I share some examples of where to start wether you are alone, or if you have help, no matter what condition your space is in, one of these examples should help you find a good starting point, and get going!

If you are taking on a big project, please take some before pictures! You may feel embarrassed by them now, but when you finish, you will feel so proud of all you have overcome! And trust me, You will forget how bad it was, and keep seeing all the things that are needing to be done. It's just how it is, so take pics of your progress! Be proud of each step! You can do this!! I'm here for you!

If you need some help, don't be afraid to ask! There are people out there waiting for you to call! If you need a pro, please make sure they are the right fit for your needs! People like me are excited to take on your project, no matter how big or small.

I'm praying for you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

Sat, 02 Apr 2022 18:34:53 -0400
29. How Can You Make A Difference When You Don’t Know How To Help? It Doesn’t Have To Be Hard Or Take Much Time!

Hey Mama,

Are you in a season of loneliness? We all go through difficult seasons, and I encourage you to do something for someone today! What can you do to be kind or helpful in a friendly way that would/could make a difference in how someone else is experiencing the life today?

How can you be the difference for someone today? If you want to join our Facebook group, it is How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms. The pic looks like my podcast cover, so you can recognize it! Invite your friends, and leave any comments on how I can serve you and meet you where you need me!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 01 Apr 2022 17:26:47 -0400
28. Downsizing Tips: Where To Start, How To Decide What To Keep

Hey Friend!

I have had a lot of people asking about downsizing lately, so here you go! A Podcast on where to start and how to decide what to keep. I know how difficult these decisions can be and how emotionally attached we can be to our things!

I have helped several clients over the years, not including our grandparents, aunts and uncles, my parents live in an RV, and both of my husband's parents have passed away in the last 5 years, so I have been emotionally involved many times with the downsizing process.

I hope this episode is helpful to you if you are going through this, and if you know of anyone that could use this episode, please share it! I know so many times, people won't listen to those the know, but they will excitedly receive the same advice from another source... So share this episode!

See you in the Facebook group!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 22 Mar 2022 23:44:35 -0400
27. Part 1. How To Organize A Master Bedroom - Is Yours Relaxing and Stress Free Or Has It Become The Dumping Ground?

Hey Friend!

Has your master bedroom become the place you stash baskets of stuff when company is coming over?

In this episode, I will share what a master bedroom should be, and how to start transforming your space into a place you can really realax! Be listening for Part 2, coming soon!


WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Thu, 17 Mar 2022 01:04:07 -0400
26. Laundry Hack: Never Match Socks Again

Hey Hey!

This laundry hack seriously made such a difference for me. I hate matching socks so much, and I have been in so many homes that have multiple baskets of socks waiting to be sorted, so I know I'm not the only one here!

Send me your before and after pics to the Facebook group: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTINE: +1 (980)389-0399

Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:50:38 -0500
25. Is Your Closet A Mess? How To Organize Your Clothing So You Can Save Time Everyday!

Hey Friend!

I am so glad you are here! This episode is about how to organize your clothing to create a streamlined flow to the process of getting dressed. I can stand in one spot and get dressed head to toe! I don't have to walk from the dresser to the closet or back to the mirror to check things. Can You?

Reach out if you need some Closet Clutter Coaching or a Style Strategy Session! I would love to talk with you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

FACEBOOK: How To Declutter, Organize, and Style for Overwhelmed Moms

Sun, 06 Mar 2022 00:54:18 -0500
24. Want To Throw Out All Your Clothes And Start Over? How To Know What Looks Good On YOU And Dress With Confidence As A Mom

Hey Mama!

I know I have felt like throwing it all out and starting over! ....Wish I could afford that! Listen in to this episode to hear my top tips for finding your style, what to get first, and how to put it all together to be uniquely YOU!

Join our Facebook group to get some amazing free style tips and help with YOUR style questions! I would love to meet you in there!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FACEBOOK GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 22 Feb 2022 23:17:11 -0500
23. Is Addiction Getting In The Way Of Your Priorities? How To Set Boundaries To Be Successful When Social Media Addictions Steal Your Time

Hi Friend!

If you are struggling with addiction to social media and letting it get in the way of your calling and the blessings, I know what you are going through! I finally realized I have an addiction. I'm calling it what it is, and I have put up some clear boundaries for myself to prevent getting sucked back in to the trap.

I hope I can be a support for you if you are struggling, and if there is anything I can do to help you be more successful in life, reach out! I am here for you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 21 Feb 2022 23:00:42 -0500
22. How To Know What Stays And What Should Go When Organizing Your Space

Hey Friend!

Are you wanting to organize your cluttered space? Listen in for some of the questions I ask clients when I'm doing a consultation to organize their space, and how you can use these questions to determine what can go from your space!

I give some funny examples as a mix of real life client examples that I have worked with recently. If you have any spaces you need some help with getting organized or just determining furniture arrangements, let me know! I'm here for you!


~ Jenn

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

Thu, 03 Feb 2022 14:18:19 -0500
21. Part 2 Kitchen Organization Tips: How To Decide How Many To Keep, Tupperware, Pyrex, Pots, Silverware, Dishes and All The Things

Hey Friend!

I have had so many people asking the question "How do I know how many I need to keep" and not just in the kitchen, but all over the house! This episode will help you to know how many is right for your family.

If you like tips like this and find them helpful, let me know so I can create more! My mission with this podcast is to help people get organized and be able to create a home they can be proud of!

I would love to hear from you!

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

Wed, 02 Feb 2022 08:01:42 -0500
20. Kitchen Organization: Where To Put The Dishes, Be More Productive With Meal Prep And Have More Time For Fun

Hey Mamas!

I'm walking you through how to organize your your kitchen no matter how big or small, or how many people use it!

I have heard from a few of you that you want some really step by step, hand-holding instructions are really helpful. I know most of us moms don't get much time without interruptions, so I'm breaking these down into bite sized tasks so you can actually do it. Don't feel discouraged, you can make each space in your home more functional and save you and your family so much time!

I'm here for you! Connect with me on my Facebook page, send me an email or call the hotline! I can't wait to hear from you.



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399 (call or text)

Tue, 25 Jan 2022 22:26:13 -0500
19. How We Can Help Each Other Impact The World

Hey Friend!

I'm sending out a BIG Thank You today!

Thank You for your support. Thank You for listening. Thank you for reaching out to connect with me. Your words mean so much to me and I am so grateful for each and every one of you! And if you haven't left a review already, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???


~ Jenn

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

PHONE: +1 (980) 389-0399 (call or text)

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, And Design For Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 21 Jan 2022 01:39:00 -0500
18. How Many Towels Do I Need? Organizing A Linen Closet, How To Store Linens Without A Linen Closet

Hey Friends!

This episode is all about linen closets. How many towels do you have in your home? I would love to know!! Send me a message on Facebook or email and tell me I'm crazy for only having 2??

We are going through the closets this month! I know mine need a refresh after the holidays! Join me in our Facebook community to see pics of my house and projects I'm working on! Don't worry, I only share pics with the client's full approval! I know this stuff can be embarrassing!!! Been there! Actually, I have some spaces I'd be pretty embarrassed to show you right now! Yikes!!

I am so grateful you are here. Thank you for listening! I can't wait to hear from you!!!


~ Jenn

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

PHONE (call or text): +1 (980) 389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Wed, 19 Jan 2022 00:56:59 -0500
17. Are You Starting Your Day Already Behind? One Thing You Can Do Today To Improve Your Morning Start Tomorrow!

Hey Mamas!

This episode will challenge you to find that one thing that is in the way of you having a smooth start to your day tomorrow.

Make It Better Mama!!

If you need someone to give you the steps one at a time, grab a coaching session!

If you have a topic suggestion, call the hotline or send me an email! I am so thankful for each and every one of you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

PHONE call/text: +1 (980)389-0399

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 10 Jan 2022 22:18:48 -0500
16. Kids Shoes Taking Over Your Entryway? Create A More Inviting Home On Any Budget!

Hey Hey!

I'm a Professional Organizer, Home Stager, and Designer, and I see this problem time and time again in almost every house, and it is such a simple thing to fix. Doesn't require any money, and you can have it done in minutes! But it makes such an improvement on the first impression a buyer or visitor has when they come into your home.

I challenge you to give it a try today and let me know how you feel about it when you implement this change for your home!

I would love to connect with you! Join our Facebook group or just send me an email with how this podcast has helped you! I look forward to meeting with you soon!


WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces@gmail.com

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE (call or text): +1 (980)389-0399

FACEBOOK GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 07 Jan 2022 13:51:23 -0500
15. Don‘t Do All The Work Yourself! Let The Kids Help! Kid Friendly, Healthy Appetizers Perfect For Any Holiday Party!

Hello Hello!

I'm sharing some of my favorite kid snacks to make for holiday gatherings, most are great for any day of the week! Listen in for some fun ideas! And please, give your littles something they can help with to make the holidays even more memorable!

Lots of love to you and praying you have a wonderful and relaxing holiday season! I'm here for you!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, And Design For Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 19 Nov 2021 22:44:32 -0500
14. Toddler Tantrums Stopping You From Being Productive? This Mom Hack Will Help You Keep Your Cool And Get Stuff Done!

Hey Sweet Mamas!

This Podcast is especially for those of you with toddlers in your life! You have got to hear how the cranky chair has helped me over the years. Because we all know how difficult it is (and how stressful) to cook with a baby holding on to your legs whining and fussing. This technique is perfect for little ones that are able to communicate with words or signs, and can move freely on their own, usually age 1-3.

Hope you find this tip fun and helpful. If you have any mom-tips to share, I would love to share them on here with our listeners! Leave a message on the Hotline, or send us an email! We would love to hear from you, our amazing listeners!!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design For Overwhelmed Moms

#momhacks #toddlertantrums

Thu, 18 Nov 2021 20:56:16 -0500
13. Can You Save Someone‘s Life By Saying ‘Thank You‘? Sometimes It‘s The Littlest Things That Make The Biggest Difference In Someone‘s Life. Be The Good!

Hey Friend,

I was just running in to get a drink at a local coffee shop, and it totally changed my day. The man in front of me was wearing a very patriotic shirt and a veterans hat. I Thanked him for his service, and since the line was slow, we had a lovely conversation. I asked if he had stayed in touch with anyone he served with. He said he and his buddy had toured 3x together and this was the first time in over 12 years they weren't together on this day. They had both lost their wives just a few months apart this year, and neither of them felt like going this year. He shared about a time just a few months ago, he had said thank you to a veteran at a restaurant. The man was nearly 90 years old, in a wheelchair, wearing his veterans hat. The young lady that was sitting with the man came up to my friend and said that he was the very first person to ever thank him for serving our country.After he left them at the table, they just cried! Those words of thanks had meant so much to him! I asked him how he felt knowing that NO ONE had EVER said Thank You to that man? After a Long pause, he said it felt just like it did when he returned from Nam, "Felt like being spit on". We were both holding back tears. I told him I had said Thank you to a veteran a few years ago, and he told me I was the first one to have ever thanked him. It's something so simple and small we can do, and with so many veterans committing suicide, it's something that could truly save someone's life!

My friend said one of the things he encourages others to do is to include the families! Military families sacrifice so much so they can serve. They have children who only know their mom or dad from video calls or their voice. They spend a year or more at a time apart, missing all the milestones all the boo-boo's and emergencies. These families have to be single parents so their spouse can serve our country. They need our prayers, support, and encouragement. Many of my friends that are military families have shared the challenges they face and it's not an easy life.

If you know any veterans or military families, or see them out wearing their hats or shirts, please take a minute and at the very least, say "THANK YOU". You never know how much it could mean to them.

You are in my prayers. I appreciate each and every one of you. God Bless!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Thu, 11 Nov 2021 18:25:31 -0500
12. Are Your Blessings Feeling More Like Burdens? When All Your Nice Stuff Is Making It Difficult To Enjoy Your Home And The People You Love

Hey Friend!

I know mom life can be difficult and so busy at times. I am here to encourage you to chance your perspective and see the good you have in your life, even in the difficult times!

When my abundant blessings feel more like a burden and weigh me down, keeping me from enjoying the things that are most important, I know it's time for a purge, and a major change of perspective! When we have extras, God wants us to share, and to bless others! He tells us not to store our treasures here on earth, for moths to destroy! Let's be generous givers!

If you need a hand turning your burdens back into blessings, I am here for you! Even if you don't know where to start, I'm here to lead you on this life changing journey of decluttering and finding your path!

Love Always!


WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB Group: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sis, if you are ready for a transformation, from Home Organizing, Decluttering, Staging for Living, Styling, Finding Your Style, Capsule Wardrobes for Kids or You, Clutter Coaching, Life Coaching, Prayer, Support, Encouragement, A Listening Ear, I am here for you! You are so important to me! I want you in my life!!

Tue, 09 Nov 2021 22:26:46 -0500
11. Is Your Daughter’s Closet A Mess? How Capsule Wardrobes with Project 333 Help Tweens, Teens, and Moms! Minimal Clothing Maximum Style!

Hey Mama-friend!

If you have a daughter that is nearing those teenage years, this podcast is for you! I use this Project 333 Capsule Wardrobe styling with ALL my young lady clients! Anyone that is starting with a whole new wardrobe, this system is perfect! Ladies that have completely changed clothing sizes, or lifestyles, this method of planning out your clothes is so helpful!

I would love to shop with you and help you create a perfect capsule wardrobe! You can find more information on how we can work together on my website!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:56:00 -0500
10. Cluttered Countertops? 3 Things You Can Get Rid of Today! Declutter Your Kitchen

Hey Sweet Friend,

I see this time and time again with my friends and clients. They will have things all over the counters in their kitchen and bathrooms, but the cabinets have items in them they haven't used in years! Often, even items on the countertops are expired! Then they feel frustrated that the kitchen is small or that there is no workspace available.

Decluttering is one of my most favorite things to do. I know how clutter weighs us down and feels like such a joy killer. The Transformation my clients go through from start to finish of each project is just amazing. Clearing the surfaces will make the entire space feel bigger! Listen in to find out three items you can clear out to create more space today!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Sun, 07 Nov 2021 20:23:21 -0500
09. Overwhelmed And Don‘t Know Where To Start? Declutter Your Space In 5 Minutes Or Less!

Hey Sis,

Let's be real here. Life gets busy and hard, and sometimes, we just prioritize other things so long that our home gets SO neglected, it makes us feel paralyzed. It looks like every space is just such a mess it is completely overwhelming! We want to start, but we don't know where to start, so we just give up again!

Well, I have the simple solution for doing something that will make a difference TODAY! In just five minutes or less, you can make a difference in your space! You might not even have to get up to get started! If you're feeling like you are drowning in clutter, this is the episode for you! Listen in and Make It Better Mama!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Fri, 29 Oct 2021 12:57:44 -0400
08. Are You Feeling Like A Mombie? Get Out Of The Stuck And Focus On Why You Are Here!

Hello Mama!

I know, motherhood is so 24/7 it is easy to forget even important things if we don't focus on them. I have had seasons where I felt completely lost in Mombie life. Not sleeping, and just doing whatever the day threw at me. It is exhausting! But that's NOT LIVING! I want you to think about why you are doing what you do every day. Spend some time in prayer and really meditate. Find some direction and take it one baby step at a time to make each day a little better! If you are in a season of stuck, please reach out! I would love to help you find freedom from the stuck and overwhelm! I want to be part of your journey!

I'm here for YOU!


WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: 1+ (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabuousPodcast@gmail.com

Tue, 19 Oct 2021 09:58:10 -0400
07. Can You Get That Room Cleaned In 20 Minutes Or Less? If Not, You May Have Too Much Stuff.

Hey Friend,

Is your home in need of a decluttering session? Mine is! I want to be able to clean any room in my house in less than 20 minutes. If it takes longer than that, I know we have too many things. It shouldn't feel like a burden to tidy our home, or for kids to clean their room. If it does, we are either have too much, our storage systems aren't functional, or maintenance isn't happening frequently enough. I have neglected my home over the last few weeks as I was working on a big project and dealing with some personal stuff, and I have 20+ people coming for a party this weekend! I have A LOT of work to do to get this place Party ready!

Let me know if I can help you get to a place where you can feel free from the clutter and overwhelm in your home! I would love to be a part of your decluttering journey! Let me know if I should share some before and after pics of my embarrassing spaces?



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE (call or text): 1+ (980)389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB GROUP: How to Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Mon, 18 Oct 2021 17:26:14 -0400
06. Does A Clean House Really Matter? A Real Friend Won’t Care About Your Messy House! We Weren’t Created To Be Alone!

Hey You!

I know you've struggled with having people over, especially during covid! But Mama, that connection is so important! I don't know many moms that can invite a person into their home unplanned, and not apologize for something. The dirt, the clutter, the food or lack of.... I know I feel it every single time an adult comes in my house! I want to crawl under a rock when a mom comes over to pickup her kid that doesn't want to leave my house. But you know what else, I NEVER notice those things when I'm visiting someone! I am just noticing if I feel welcomed or not. How about you?

I just love those people that invite me in, even when things are messy, and we can just be together for a moment and connect without caring about our surroundings. I love them! They fuel me! I want to be more like that! When I come in a space, I am looking for how it feels, how inviting it is, and what about it is stressing the people that live there. Not how much is on the floor, not how dirty the windows are, just how it feels. Does love live here? I want to surround myself with those people that feel like love. Those people that want to be a friend! I don't care that the trash is overflowing, and dishes are piled in the sink. After all this isolation during covid, I just want to connect! I want to be the friend you can call when you are unable to get off the couch, and you just need someone to come love on you and maybe wash your dishes for you while you sit on the couch and relax. Can you be that kind of friend to someone this week? We should all try to be that kind of friend! We need It!

If you are just too overwhelmed to be that friend, reach out! I would be so honored to help you get to a place where you can feel confident inviting people to inside your home and your heart. We were created for connection!



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: OrganizedFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

FB Group: How To Declutter, Organize, Style, and Design for Overwhelmed Moms

Tue, 12 Oct 2021 22:48:20 -0400
05. Are You Feeling Stressed As A Mom? Understanding Your Triggers, Create A More Peaceful Home, Stop Getting Overwhelmed And Losing Your Cool Mama!

Hey Mama!

If you find yourself getting overwhelmed throughout your day as a mom, then listen in! On this show I share how I went from having 3 kids to 6 kids overnight and what I did to keep from loosing my cool by the end of the day. Because we all know, with six kids, things get messy and life is sure to be a bit wild and crazy! There were many times I turned around to find the room I had just cleaned, was now covered in toys and mess. So I did some real soul searching to understand my triggers, and I strongly encourage you to do the same. Because if you don't know what makes you tick, how can you ever find a way to prevent the problem!

I would love to hear from you! What categories should we add to the categories of chaos, and what are some of your favorite ways to relieve some of the mom stress in your life?



WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980) 389-0399

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

Mon, 11 Oct 2021 22:45:47 -0400
04. How To Store Clothes When You Don’t Have A Dresser! Clothing Storage That Really Works, Kids Clothing Storage

Hi Friend!

On this episode I share with you some very functional options for how to store kids clothes WITHOUT dressers. These are so easy for kids, even toddlers to use. It is so helpful for them to only have the clothing that they can wear right now available, so they're not trying to wear swimsuits in the snow, and snow boots when its ninety degrees outside!

If you are inspired to try any of these suggestions from today's episode, we would love to hear about it! How did it work for your family? We love pictures! You can share on our Facebook group, email, or leave a message on our hotline. And don't forget to tell your friends and see if this helps them too!

Thanks for Listening!

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulous@gmail.com

USA HOTLINE: 980-389-0399

Mon, 11 Oct 2021 22:44:34 -0400
03. Laundry Tips, and Kids Clothes: What To Keep For Next Season And What Should Go Now

Hey Mama!

If you're like me, you've probably saved your kids entire collection of winter clothes only to pull them back out in the fall only to find that 90% of it doesn't fit them anymore. I have created a system for this, and it has worked fabulously for my kids and my clients!

If you have done some of these for your kids and want to share some of your own tips, I would love to hear about it! I love hearing from my listeners, so I have created a hotline for voice messages where you can ask questions. My hope is to be able to answer some on the air really soon!

For more information about coaching, organizing, and capsule wardrobe styling, please check out my website, or give me a call

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: +1 (980)389-0399

Tue, 05 Oct 2021 13:27:01 -0400
02. Capsule Wardrobes for Kids, So You Have Less Laundry To Do And They Can Look Styled Even When They Dress Themselves (Works For Dads Too)
Hey Mama! In this podcast, I share how creating capsule wardrobes has helped me and my clients save time, money, and stress by allowing kids freedom to dress themselves, manage their own laundry, and find their style! Don't worry, they still have plenty of options to choose from! If you are inspired to create capsule wardrobes for your kids, I would love to see how you are doing! You can share pics on our Facebook group, or to my email. Who doesn't love a good before and after?? If you want a printable list for Creating Capsule Wardrobes for Kids, including number of items recommended, email SimplifiedandFabulous@gmail.com with subject line Capsule Wardrobe PDF and we will send it out right away. If you have any questions or need help creating capsule wardrobes for your kids, I would be so excited to help you! Please reach out and we will find the right way to make it work for you and your family! WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com HOTLINE: +1-980-389-0399
Mon, 04 Oct 2021 15:20:00 -0400
01. About Me: My Journey To Podcasting As A Pro Organizer, Life Coach, And Mom Of Four

Hey There Mama-Friend!

This is a little get to know me episode. I share about my childhood in a family of nine. (I know I said seven in the show. There were 7 kids, but the total numbers actually 9. Funny how your perspective changes from being a kid to being a mom.) I share about babysitting and meeting my husband, and buying our first home. Then being a mom of 4 and why I started podcasting and my journey from stuck and overwhelmed to pro organizer and life coach!

I hope this podcast inspires you to think about what you CAN do, even when the mountain you're climbing looks impossible. There is always something you can do to make it better for those around you, even if all you can do is be kind, and pray!

If you need someone to help you make your home better, I would love to be part of your journey. I always love to hear from you. You can leave a voice message on our podcast Hotline: 980-389-0399, contact us through our website: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com or email: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com It's so fun to hear from our listeners with their questions and topic suggestions. I hope to share some listener questions on the air in a future episode!

WEBSITE: www.JMOrganizingSpaces.com

EMAIL: SimplifiedandFabulousPodcast@gmail.com

HOTLINE: 980-389-0399

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/simplifiedandfabulous

Mon, 04 Oct 2021 15:18:57 -0400
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