
豆瓣9.1高分片回歸:記錄在厄運中努力的中國人 The coming back of a documentary film rated 9.1 on Douban

1 年前
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紀錄片《人生第二次》上線。這是“人生三部曲”的第二部,也是兩年前熱播的紀錄片——《人生第一次》的姊妹篇。在豆瓣上,“第一次”的評分高達9.1,近6萬人標記看過。 “第二次”繼續以普通人為講述對象:離婚的全職媽媽,整容的年輕人,深圳的女工,出獄的人,

The documentary film "Second Life" is released online. This is the second part of the "Life Trilogy" and the companion to the hit documentary "The Firsts in Life" two years ago. On Douban, the "The Firsts in Life" rating is as high as 9.1, and nearly 60,000 people have marked it as viewed. The "Second Life" continues to tell the story of ordinary people – divorced stay-at-home mom, young people who has done plastic surgery, female factory worker in Shenzhen, people getting out of jail, young people who find their parents after lost for 18 years. Someone commented on Douban: "I cried in the first 2 minutes of the first episode.”

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