
Twins《LOL》[Official MV]

8 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Twins 2015年歸位由新歌《LOL》揭開序幕,目標為大家帶來歡樂、趕走負能量。要打造Twins歷年來最高成本之作,差不多動員全世界,由韓國分公司出動尋找Demo,採用英國班底打造快樂旋律和節拍。 歌名《LOL》是英文「Laugh Out Loud」的縮寫,除了有放聲大笑的意思,還附上Twins別有用心的小心思,早於推出新歌時就計劃將《LOL》跟Hashtag潮流聯繫上,這次配合MV一出,大家只要在貼文上加個「#LOL」,歡樂就此傳開去!

iTunes: http://itun.es/hk/avDr_

EP 1 MOOV: https://hyperurl.co/s1m3kf
EP 2 MOOV: https://hyperurl.co/0xkc6i

KKBOX: http://kkbox.fm/RA02LD

EP 1 Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1ILaq5W
EP 2 Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1IPP1

EP1 Soliton: http://goo.gl/9ihKv9
EP2 Soliton: http://goo.gl/96ow7d

晚晚到凌晨 天光先至瞓
永遠最煩人 要轆卡手會震
來笑笑最強人人have some fun

* Everybody laugh through the night笑笑就美麗
Everybody laugh through the night不講東講西
We’ll be laughing through the night
Laughing through the night
We’ll be laughing through the night
Laughing through the night *

# L ~ O ~ L ~
L ~ O ~ L ~
(L ~ O ~ L ~ )
We’ll be laughing through the night
Laughing through the night #

最勇猛行為 最高的智慧
和我笑到凌晨 都不眼瞓

Repeat * #

閉上眼帶你let go of your mind
So let’s laugh louder and louder (放棄叫喊聲埋怨聲厭惡痛哭聲)
So loud… (We’ll be laughing through the night)
(Laughing through the night)
So loud… (We’ll be laughing through the night) (Laughing through the night)
(We’ll be laughing through the night)
(Laughing through the night)
Laughing all the time… (要靠這笑聲來發聲帶你看星星)
(We’ll be laughing through the night)
(Laughing through the night)

Repeat #

We’ll be laughing through the night
Laughing through the night
We’ll be laughing through the night
Laughing through the night

Repeat #

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英皇娛樂Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eegmusichk
Twins @英皇娛樂Official Website: http://hyperurl.co/zcyddm
Twins @騰訊微博 Tencent Weibo:http://t.qq.co/TwinsTwins0518
蔡卓妍 @騰訊微博 Tencent Weibo:http://t.qq.com/zychoicharlene
蔡卓妍 @新浪微博 Sina Weibo:http://weibo.com/choicharlene
鍾欣潼 @騰訊微博 Tencent Weibo:http://t.qq.com/iamqgillzi
鍾欣潼 @新浪微博 Sina Weibo:http://weibo.com/iamgillianchung
英皇娛樂 iPhone Apps:http://url.cn/7PUwlQ
英皇娛樂 Google+ : http://hyperurl.co/76crlf
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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