
【台灣馬祖】全台瘋馬祖|《世界第一等》983集完整版Taiwan road trip Full EP. 983 EngSub

3 年前
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🎬晚上2000👉八大綜合 GTV28頻道
🎬晚上2100👉Youtube 👉 GTV世界第一等 World's No.1
🔶全島最補 巨無霸海鮮鍋
🔶台版地中海 芹壁聚落
🔶台版奈良 大邱島梅花鹿
🔶船老大帶路 前進釣客天堂
🔶道地風味 手作魚麵
🔶跳島之旅 搭交通船最便利
🔶客製化 創新手工一夜干
🎬Broadcast at 20:00 on 10/10 on GTV 28
🎬Broadcast at 21:00 on 10/10 on YouTube
Matsu Islands The best place for inter-island trip
🔶The most incredible seafood feast
🔶The Mediterranean Sea in Taiwan, Qinbi Village
🔶Nara in Taiwan, DaQiu Island & Sika deer
🔶The paradise for fishing, the expert’s choice
🔶The most authentic meal, handmade fish noodles
🔶Inter-island travel, the boat is your best option. So convenient!
🔶The one and only mussel farm in Taiwan
🔶Customised! The innovative way of making Japanese grilled fish.
983【📝店家資訊 Info】:
👉FB-獨木舟看芹壁、海鮮痛風鍋 龍福山莊/連江縣北竿鄉塘岐村273之8號/08 365 5077
👉FB-魚之鄉魚麵行/連江縣北竿鄉中山路149號/0928 812 870
👉FB-淡菜訂購 池瑞銀先生/0933933108
👉FB-大坵一號 馬祖北竿藍眼淚大坵梅花鹿/張良衛船長/0937896835
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英文字幕翻譯English subtitle translator▶️yehhsiaopu@gmail.com
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