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#佛山 #旅遊 #樓價

餐廳名稱:屋仔美食 啫煲專賣店
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/8S3t2P27R8cJjZBJ7
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/84/sCai
餐廳消費:招牌啫啫雞 ¥40,啫啫牛仔骨 ¥48,五柳蛋 ¥20


佛山古稱為季華鄉。 東晉隆安二年(398年),罽賓(今克什米爾境內)的三藏法師達毘耶舍帶了二尊銅像來到季華鄉,於塔坡崗上(即今塔坡街)修建佛寺,傳 佛教。 達毘耶舍離開後,佛寺後來隨時間推移而倒塌。
直到唐貞觀二年(628年),塔坡崗上某天忽然異彩四射,鄉人齊聚起來在塔坡崗上掘得三尊銅佛,搬開佛像,見一股清泉湧出。 鄉人便建井取水,並在崗上重修塔坡廟寺以供奉三尊銅佛。 故有一句諺語:「未有佛山,先有塔坡」。 此後由於人們認為此地乃是佛家之山,便取名為「佛山」。 佛山在此之後成為珠江三角洲的一個宗教中心,故又稱為“禪城”,也就是現在的佛山主城區之名。
明朝正統十四年(1449年),佛山梁廣等鄉紳組織地方武裝“忠義營”參與鎮壓黃蕭養農民起義,後明朝封梁廣等人為“忠義官”,封佛山為“忠義鄉 」。
清雍正十一年(1733年),佛山從南海縣分出,設「佛山直隸廳」。 雍正十二年,改設廣州府同知於佛山,為廣州府佛山分府,行政上仍屬於南海縣。
鹹豐年間,以佛山為基地的太平軍李文茂圍攻廣州半年,久攻不下,為葉名琛部下衛佐邦、沈隸輝及團勇謝效莊等所敗。 清軍反攻,佛山失守,李文茂部陣亡者數萬人,20萬無辜百姓慘遭屠殺。
民國元年,佛山正式改鎮建制,南海縣署也從廣州遷至佛山。 1925年,國民政府將佛山從南海縣分出,成立佛山市(鎮級擴權)。 1927年又撤銷佛山市建制,重新劃為南海縣屬一鎮。 1941年,設立佛山特別區,下轄佛山、富福、汾文三鎮。 1946年,佛山三鎮合併重組為佛山鎮。
The late Neolithic cultural relics dating back 4,000 to 5,000 years were discovered in Foshan's Lanshihedang Ruins, proving that Foshan has a long history.
Foshan was called Jihua Township in ancient times. In the second year of Long'an in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (398), the Tripitaka master Daviyashe from Jibin (now in Kashmir) brought two bronze statues to Jihua Township and built a Buddhist temple on Tapogang (today's Tapo Street). Buddhism. The Buddhist temple later collapsed over time after Davyasa left.
It wasn't until the second year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (628) that Tapogang suddenly shone with splendor one day. The villagers gathered together and dug up three bronze Buddhas on Tapogang. They moved the Buddha statues away and saw a clear spring gushing out. The villagers built wells to draw water and rebuilt Tapo Temple on the hillock to worship the three bronze Buddhas. Therefore, there is a proverb: "Before there was Foshan, there was a tower slope first." Since then, people thought this place was the mountain of Buddhism, so it was named "Foshan". After that, Foshan became a religious center in the Pearl River Delta, so it was also called "Chan City", which is the name of the current main urban area of Foshan.
During the Yuanfeng period of the Song Dynasty, the Baojia system was implemented, and each township was divided into forts. Foshan Fort was the head of Jihua Township.
In the 14th year of Zhengtong in the Ming Dynasty (1449), Foshan Liang Guang and other gentry organized the local armed "Loyalty Battalion" to participate in suppressing the Huang Xiaoyang peasant uprising. Later, the Ming Dynasty named Liang Guang and others "Loyalty Officers" and Foshan as "Zhongyi Township". ".
During the Chenghua and Hongzhi years of the Ming Dynasty, due to the development of industry and commerce, Foshan Town developed into an important town in Lingnan where merchants gathered. Therefore, Foshan Town became one of China's "Four Famous Ancient Towns" along with Hankou Town in Hubei, Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, and Zhuxian Town in Henan.
In the 11th year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty (1733), Foshan was separated from Nanhai County and the "Foshan Zhili Hall" was established. In the twelfth year of Yongzheng's reign, Guangzhou Prefecture was reorganized in Foshan and became the Foshan branch of Guangzhou Prefecture. Administratively, it still belonged to Nanhai County.
During the Xianfeng period, Li Wenmao of the Taiping Army based in Foshan besieged Guangzhou for half a year and could not capture it for a long time. He was defeated by Ye Mingchen's subordinates Wei Zuobang, Shen Lihui and Tuanyong Xie Xiaozhuang. The Qing army counterattacked and Foshan fell. Tens of thousands of Li Wenmao's troops were killed and 200,000 innocent people were massacred.
In the first year of the Republic of China, Foshan officially changed its town structure, and the Nanhai County Office also moved from Guangzhou to Foshan. In 1925, the Nationalist Government separated Foshan from Nanhai County and established Foshan City (expansion of powers at the town level). In 1927, Foshan City was abolished and reclassified as a town under Nanhai County.
00:00 Intro
01:03 南海千燈湖/燈湖西路/美食集市
03:37 附近樓價/貴但風景極佳/高至5萬元/平方米
10:19 狗狗大集會
14:27 保利水城商場/附近最大商場
17:15 永旺商場購物/10元均一/壽司下午茶
26:47 南海東方廣場/新堤市場買菜
33:40 屋仔美食/讀餐牌時間
37:06 招牌啫啫雞/啫啫牛仔骨/五柳蛋
46:31 Ending
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