專訪佳士得亞洲藝術掌舵人 石俊生論中國市場|Christie's Jonathan Stone Talks about the Asian Art Market

6 年前
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拍賣市場近年有個異象,領銜作品備受追捧,低價貨亦有固定客源,惟中價拍品卻往往乏人問津。今日走進中環歷山大廈23樓,佳士得亞洲藝術部掌舵人石俊生(Jonathan Stone)就跟我們再三強調「這是大勢所趨」……

Full-text article: http://bit.ly/2v606Ni

An interesting phenomenon has been observed in recent auctions: leading lots are highly sought after whereas low-price lots attract a different group of buyers, leaving those middle-price pieces in an awkward position of getting cold reception at auctions.

We arrive on the 23rd floor of Alexandra House in Central to interview Jonathan Stone, Christie’s Chairman of Asian Art and Deputy Chairman for Asia. He has also noticed the above phenomenon, which he believes is a broad trend...
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