超正點女子一人樂坊演奏 [舞孃]_Taiwan Artist - Shara Lin 林逸欣

13 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Link to Shara Lin Official Facebook page & YouTube channel for more information.

Congratulations! This video has become one of the most viewed video clip on YouTube Taiwan.

Many thanks to those who supported Shara around the world. Shara Lin would be presenting new productions soon in 2012!

May.6 Update:This is "Taiwan" Artist - "Shara Lin" 林逸欣
Facebook Fans Page: http://www.facebook.com/iamSharaLin
不知台灣還哪裡的超正點古典氣質美女, 玩中西合璧樂器演奏, 一個人打掛女子12樂坊, 同時做到拉弦、撥弦、擊弦三種技法, 神乎其技又賞心悅目!
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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