【ENG】金尊玉贵的少爷苦恋风情女侠客,虐恋情深几回合!#二十四味暖浮生 #董思怡 #李歌洋 #drama #chinesedrama

2 週前
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剧名:《#二十四味暖浮生 Rewriting Destiny 》古装,穿书
主演:#董思怡 #李歌洋 #胡丹丹 #徐炳超 #林柒予 #刘耀元 #高铭辰
观看全集Full playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJpZB-fbaOT5a2fcEDkvso2DJ8qmhxjJc
欢迎订阅Subscribe for more Dramas👉https://reurl.cc/jlNj3y

#X Vision #华语恋剧场 #Chinese Love Drama Channel #二十四味暖浮生 #Rewriting Destiny #搞笑甜宠 #重生逆袭 #励志爽剧 #Comedy #Romance #costumewinner

洞房花烛夜,新娘夏语冰(#董思怡饰)在床榻上含恨而终。临死前的最后一眼,她看到 的是夫君许子颜(#李歌洋饰)……手中的毒药……为什么夫君要害我?为什么我会无辜惨死? 这些疑云并没随着夏语冰入土,反而带着它重生了!为了活命,夏语冰拳打恶毒女,脚踢拦路NPC,一路披荆斩棘,开起“二十四味楼”,努力经商赚钱证明自己存在的意义。没想到引来“反派”许子颜的注意。许子颜馋她身患奇症的身子,放言非她不娶!谁知,在与其相爱相杀的智斗中,她竟与许子颜萌生了感情。

On the wedding night, the bride Xia Yubing died with hatred. The last thing she saw before she died was her husband Xu Ziyan with poison in his hand. Why would my husband kill me? Why am I the one killed? These doubts did not follow Xia Yubing into the ground, but with her rebirth! After reborn, to survive, Xia Yubing kicks off the barriers along the way. She even starts her own business, a cafe called Twenty-four Flavors. Unexpectedly, the "villain" Xu Ziyan wants to marry her because of her strange disease! But unexpectedly, she falls in love Xu Ziyan.

更多精彩剧集More Dramas:
《关于唐医生的一切 Dr. Tang》秦岚、魏大勋👉https://reurl.cc/Y82ran
《一代洪商 The Grand Merchants》张丰毅、李立群👉https://reurl.cc/jlNjNy
《舌尖上的心跳 Cupid's Kitchen》阮经天、宋祖儿👉https://reurl.cc/8qKZrb
《三十而已 Nothing But Thirty》江疏影、童瑶👉https://reurl.cc/OVl3bR
《我是真的爱你 Love Is True》刘涛、杜淳👉https://reurl.cc/eXelmj 二十四味暖浮生电影版
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