耗時5年,香港故宮終於來了!The Hong Kong Palace Musuem Will Finally Open to the Public Tomorrow

1 年前
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After 5 years' construction with a cost of HK $3.5 billion, the Hong Kong Palace Museum is set to open tomorrow. 914 cultural relics, including 166 "national treasures", have been transported to Hong Kong from the National Palace Museum in Beijing for display. The HKPM building is designed by Rocco Yim, a Hong Kong native architect. It has a big top and a small bottom, similar to a traditonal Chinese vessel. The building and the exhibits have drawn much attention and caused heated debate. Dr. Louis Ng, the director of HKPM, gave Yit an online interview and unveiled more information about the much-awaited and controversial museum, including its architectural design and the cultural relics inside.

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