
我老婆的車比你屌 | MY WIFE'S CAR IS COOLER THAN YOURS/ C63 Black Series《EMC Vlog Vol. 2》

4 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
My wife has extremely good taste, what can I say? Look, she chose me! Lol... ok jokes aside, she chose an absolute unicorn of a car and I just couldn’t let it go untouched. Modified is always better. Fellas, a piece of advice, teach your better half to enjoy modifying cars and how much cooler and hotter they will be with a hooked up car, this way you can enjoy playing with cars together!
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還能說什麼呢?我老婆的品味真的很好! 拜託~他選擇了我耶:)好拉開玩笑的! 她選擇了一台很特別的車,而我實在無法不把他拿去改裝,改裝永遠只會更好呀!給你們一點建議,讓你們的另一半也愛上改裝,讓他們知道這有多屌,以後你們就能一起盡情的享受在改裝的世界裡! 如果你們也跟我一樣叛逆,想成為獨特的那一個,那就訂閱、留言並按讚!!
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Special Thanks to:
Klassen ID: https://www.klassenid.com/
Renntech: https://www.renntechmercedes.com/
Akrapovic: https://www.akrapovic.com/en
JM Auto Sport: https://www.facebook.com/jmautotaiwan
Weistec: https://www.weistec.com
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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