
Ricky Brodie - Lean Lifestyle

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Ricky Brodie - Lean Lifestyle
Online fitness coach providing you with the information you need to create a positive lifestyle and keep you fit, healthy & lean!
With Ricky Brodie #30 - Building Muscle
Sun, 22 Oct 2023 16:53:18 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #29 - Morning Training Vs Evening Training
In this episode Ricky talks about the differences between morning and evening workouts. Explaining some of the things you should take into consideration and that you could also experience.
Sun, 23 Apr 2023 19:38:29 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #28 - How Accurate Are Smart Watches?
Something I often get asked when it comes to smart watches is are they actually accurate?

First off they’re extremely useful for collecting data throughout the day, that can massively help with managing your health and fatigue.

The key things you should take from your watch is not necessarily the exact numbers or details but more about the consistency with the data.
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 06:00:03 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #27 - How Strong Do You Need To Be?
When I first started training it was mostly due to wanting to the fact I wanted to get stronger. At a young age I was always feeling too weak to do a lot of things, due to working as an engineer I had to be able to lift heavy bars and just in general moving things around was quite difficult for me. So I started hitting the gym to build this up and just make general daily tasks at work easier. This massively helped and allowed me to do these tasks with ease.
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 15:32:32 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #26 - How To Design The Perfect Programme - Part 2 - Nutrition
Nutrition - The main focus is to fuel the body to maximise performance, daily energy levels, manage hunger & help control your calorie deficit.

This is one of those parts of the process that people just focus on the final area of this - A calorie deficit over the other components but if you don’t get the first 3 variables in check you will struggle to achieve your transformation.
Mon, 23 May 2022 07:00:02 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #25 - How To Design The Perfect Programme - Part 1 - Training
What makes up the perfect environment for progress? Training, nutrition & cardio.

Why is it important to understand what role each plays in your progress?

Because this gives you more direction when you understand what you should be aiming for with each aspect. Having more direction will lead to better results & a better overall understanding of what feedback to look for rather than just winging it and hoping for the best.
Thu, 19 May 2022 16:03:32 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #24 - The Fastest Way To Lose Body Fat And Build Muscle From A Nutritional Perspective
Sun, 17 Apr 2022 09:51:26 +0000
With Ricky Brodie & Dean Quinton - #23 Deans Journey To His Photoshoot
In this episode Dean speaks about his incredible lifestyle change that then lead him to do his photoshoot and get some life changing results. We speak about before we started working together, how his lifestyle changed, his struggles and much more!
Wed, 13 Apr 2022 04:59:17 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #22 - Motivation or Discipline
In this episode Ricky talks about motivation and discipline. Having the understanding of the roles these play in your journey can massively improve the chances of you achieving your goals. Self awareness is key.
Thu, 07 Apr 2022 16:59:58 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #21 - 5 Essentials For A Balanced Lifestyle
In this episode Ricky speaks about the importance of balance and the 5 essential components that him and his clients have to ensure they can manage their results around their busy lifestyles.
Mon, 04 Apr 2022 12:48:39 +0000
With Ricky Brodie #20 - Training Fasted, Current Routine, Better Mood & Improved Focus
In this episode Ricky talks about his experience training fasted, tips to help you get the most from it with this experience and an insight to why he trains first thing.
Fri, 01 Apr 2022 13:23:02 +0000
#19 Finding Your Flow
In this episode Ricky talks about finding your flow within your daily routine to maximise results and build the habits that not only allow you to achieve your goal physique but keep it.
Tue, 08 Feb 2022 17:56:26 +0000
#18 - Benefits Of Walking
In this episode Charlie explains how walking not only why it's a better option for you when it comes to your fat loss goals but also how it can help you create consistency and benefit your health.
Wed, 15 Dec 2021 21:56:30 +0000
#17 Photoshoot Prep & The Journey
In this episode Ricky & Charlie talk about their experiences with their own journey & their clients when it comes to photoshoots.
Sun, 21 Nov 2021 21:12:08 +0000
#16 You Shouldn't Be Suffering For Fat Loss
Often people put themselves through way too much suffering for fat loss. Here i break down some common mistakes and what questions you should be asking yourself.

How much do you need to suffer in the beginning?

How far are you from your goal?

What are your current habits like?

Whats your current fitness levels?

What’s your training experience?

How should your training and nutrition look?
Wed, 24 Mar 2021 07:00:14 +0000
#15 - How To Select The Right Training Programme
Picking the right training programme - In this podcast Ricky speaks about some of the factors that you should take into consideration when looking to select a training programme.

1. Goals

2. Time Frame

3. Realistic

4. Experience

5. Exercise selection

Sat, 13 Mar 2021 11:43:58 +0000
#14 How Joe Lost 20kg In 6 Months
In this podcast joe takes us through his journey and what aspects he feels are important for getting results. We talk about training, nutrition, mindset and much more!
Sun, 28 Jun 2020 18:53:12 +0000
#13 How To Find The Perfect Workout
With a lot of confusion about workouts i decided to break down the process of selecting a workout that could suit you and your goals.
Fri, 19 Jun 2020 05:00:04 +0000
#12 Hunger, What Causes It And How To Reduce It
In this podcast i speak about what causes hunger and how you can reduce this. Self awareness is key, understanding the route of the problem will make it a lot easier to fix it.

Fri, 12 Jun 2020 10:03:20 +0000
#11 Why Tracking Is So Important
Understanding WHY tracking is so important can make it a much easier process and also help you achieve those positive habits a lot faster!
Sat, 30 May 2020 14:56:54 +0000
#10 5 ways to improve your home workout
With home workouts being the only way for us to progress due to gyms being closed here are 5 ways to help get the most from your home workouts! All from my personal experience so far!

Thu, 02 Apr 2020 13:52:57 +0000
#9 How to lose fat during lockdown
A question i have been getting recently is can i lose fat during the lockdown? Listen to find out my views and top tips to keep you progressing!

Thu, 26 Mar 2020 13:41:32 +0000
#8 Going 100% Could Be Holding You Back
In this episode Ricky talks about how sometimes going in 100% can actually slow down your results. Having something a bit more maintainable will lead to better results.

Things covered

- nutrition
- training
- recovery
- balance
- maintainable approach
Mon, 16 Dec 2019 06:45:07 +0000
#7 12 Week Transformation - How To Set Up Nutrition & Cardio
In this episode Ricky talks about how he takes people through their transformations with their nutrition & cardio.

12 week transformation of nutrition & cardio

First 4 weeks control your calorie intake. Don’t over complicate. Use food you enjoy and introduce as much whole foods as possible. Reduce trigger foods and avoid take aways.2,000 - 2,400 - 20 mins pwo +12.5k steps

4-8 weeks introduce a calorie cycling approach that allows you to train in a higher calorie state to keep performance but on rest days have a lower calorie approach to achieve more fat loss but don’t reduce calories too low to the point you can’t function daily. 1,800 - 2,200 25 minutes pwo + 15k steps

8-12 Continue the same process of weeks 4-8 but introduce low, medium & high calorie days to bring on more fat loss whilst performance still stays good and recovery. 1,600 - 1,800 - 2,400 30 mins pwo + 15k steps

Food stay pretty much the same and cardio output will increase
Tue, 10 Dec 2019 14:59:20 +0000
#6 Manage These 5 Key Factors For Results
Episode #6 Ricky talks about managing your routine and how important this is for results. He provides you with tips of how and why it can make a difference!

Wed, 20 Nov 2019 06:45:09 +0000
#5 Weight Maintenance
Weight maintenance is probably one of the most difficult but at the same time easy part of the journey. It’s difficult because coming off the back of any dieting phase you will find yourself wanting to consume all the calories you can and eat all the meals you craved throughout the dieting process but also cut out your cardio. This is a massive NO, you should have some structure after your dieting phase or you will lose everything you worked hard for and also most likely rebound to a higher bodyweight after. Don’t cover this uncontrollable process with the stamp of ‘bulking’ because adding body fat does not mean you’re adding muscle. Stay in control.

Personally after my photoshoot I’ve kept my weight within 5lbs over 3 months and it has almost been effortless. I’ve managed to keep on top of my habits, enjoy social events and train hard. It has been a perfect blend for me and I have many clients going through the same process.

The reason this part of the journey can actually be quite easy is due to the fact that you can be a bit more lenient with your intake and output. For example, if you do decide to eat 200-300 calories more one day you know it’s not going to put you into a huge excess of calories that would lead to adding noticeable amounts of body fat. Also you should have increased your calories slightly and this will lead to you have more energy, this means your ability to make decisions with food should improve and you can train harder in the gym.

It’s important to accept the fact that you will gain a bit of body fat after your dieting phase. You need to find a place that your body settles at nicely when consuming around your maintenance calorie intake. Once you’re in this place, then you can decide if you should go into a lean gain phase or even a dieting phase again. I recommend spending a good 12 weeks in this phase, it will allow you to enjoy social events but also force you to maintain those very important habits you created during your diet phase. These are essential for building muscle and/or dropping body fat.

Being able to maintain your body weight is a very powerful thing, this can lead to better health, more energy and a less stressed body. If you’re eating too much or not eating enough you will be putting your body under stress, these are also known as ‘cutting’ and ‘bulking’ phases. Working with guys that want a strong, lean and athletic looking physique or the guys that just want to lose 10-15lbs, this understanding of a weight maintenance phase is essential.

4 things that will allow you to maintain your hard work and keep you focused. Many people claim to lose their focus after a dieting phase and motivation drops so using these principles you will continue to keep on top of things and keep progressing.

1. Cap your body weight – This for me has been an absolute game changer and not just with me but with clients also. I got ready for a photoshoot in November and it’s now February. Using this weight cap system, I’ve managed to maintain my body weight better than ever. This has without a doubt been my most successful physique after a dieting phase. Put in a place a weight cap of 4-8lbs (depending on how much weight you’ve lost) and keep up tracking this. Once you go over this desired weight you make sure you put in the work to get it back down and then continue with your maintenance phase. I try to stay 2lbs below this number so when I eat out I stay within this number. Do this for 12 weeks and then decide what your next goal is.

2. Track food, bodyweight & activity – Continue to track these things, you don’t have to do it to perfection like you might have needed to do for a dieting phase but do keep on top of all these important factors that have helped you achieve the physique you have now. This will also set you up when you decide where you want to go next with your goals.

3. Keep up with your preparation – Such an important factor with any phase of your journey. People seem to lose sight of the important habits that make them feel good and keep them focused. Preparation is one of these, you will find yourself sleeping a lot easier and waking a lot easier if you have all your stuff set for the next day. We are creatures of habit and routine is a good thing for us.

4. Enjoy social events – Most important part of this phase, you can still and should enjoy social events. Don’t get caught up trying to work around these things, keep your weight in check, maintain your tracking, keep up with your prep and you will be able to relax and enjoy these events. The very next day you should have everything planned and prepared to go for it. Also another tip, don’t cut all calories leading into this social event because it’ll only cause you to over consume or feel tired after.

If you can keep on top of these 4 things you will find yourself being able to have a very successful weight maintenance phase that in my personal opinion is essential before you make the decision on what is next. When you’re low on calories you instantly go for the ‘bulking’ option because you can’t bare the low calorie intake and constant deficit. Well give a maintenance phase a go. This will set you up for a lean gain phase or to continue on with your dieting phase.

Any questions please ask away!

If you’ve found this useful then don’t forget to share it, use Instagram or facebook and feel free to tag me! Appreciate all the support and hope this helps!
Fri, 15 Nov 2019 06:30:14 +0000
#4 Self Control Brings Results
In this episode Ricky talks about the importance of self control and when it can be used. His own personal experience and working with others.
Mon, 11 Nov 2019 09:00:06 +0000
#3 Consistently Executing The Fundamentals
In this episode Ricky speaks about how important it is to have the fundamentals in place before trying more advanced principles and explains what they are.

Focus on consistently executing the fundamentals and then look to advance
- Daily step count/daily activity. get in the gym if you don’t meet it or go for a walk.
- Consistent calorie intake - don’t over complicate your diet
- Resistance training that you enjoy at least 3 times a week
- Manage you routine.. sleep, food prep, gym prep & time management
Wed, 06 Nov 2019 13:38:54 +0000
#2 Stress Eating - How To Manage It
In this episode Ricky talks about his experience with stress eating and steps he has taken to reduce this with himself and clients.
Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:03:41 +0000
#1 5 Tips For Your Fat Loss Journey
This episode is the first of many to come. Successfully working with 100's of males online and one-to-one. I've found some common things that need to be in place to achieve a successful fat loss journey. Hopefully these will help you with your journey.

Any questions send me an email to Contact@RickyBrodieFitness.co.uk

Or find me on Instagram @RickyBrodieFitness
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 16:10:04 +0000
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