
Nature Centered from Wild Birds Unlimited

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Nature Centered from Wild Birds Unlimited
A podcast from Wild Birds Unlimited about feeding the birds and enjoying nature right in your own backyard. Relax, enjoy the birds, and stay Nature Centered.
Thu, 02 May 2024 10:34:30 -0400
Feed the Birds, Feel Better

John and Brian are joined by a special guest, Holly Merker. She is an author, podcast host, birding guide, and nature-based wellness provider. They discuss how watching and feeding birds creates a sense of wonder and community, a sense of connection with people, and can change the direction of your life. Plus, a special callout for the Mindful Birding podcast episode 13.

Thu, 02 May 2024 10:34:30 -0400
Environmental Benefits of Bird Feeding

John and Brian discuss how feeding and watching birds naturally promotes conservation, ultimately benefiting the environment. This includes making environmentally conscious choices with bird feeding products, installing native plants, and participating in citizen science programs.

Thu, 11 Apr 2024 10:44:10 -0400
Keeping Birds Safe in Your Yard

John and Brian talk about preparing for springtime bird activity in our yards and how to keep the birds safe and ensure they thrive.

Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:25:36 -0500
Count the Birds. Make a Difference.

John and Brian are joined by the project leader for GBBC, Becca Rodomsky-Bish. They discuss how watching the birds and sharing what you see will benefit the birds for conservation and how it will benefit your well-being.

Thu, 08 Feb 2024 11:13:23 -0500
It’s OK to Feed the Birds

Join John and Brian as they discuss some studies about the pros (and cons) of bird feeding. It really is ok to feed the birds! Listen to this weeks episode to find out why.

Thu, 11 Jan 2024 11:10:18 -0500
Bird Gifts & Gift Birds

Join John and Brian as they discuss how birds truly are gifts and how you can share the joy of birds with others long after the gift-giving season.

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 09:53:53 -0500
Feasting with Feathered Friends

John and Brian discuss how you can show your thanks for birds this season in your yard and in your coffee cup.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 10:06:34 -0400
Treats for Birds. No Tricks.

John and Brian discuss tricks of the trade to bring in the birds as well as treats that are highly attractive to birds and bring the joy of the hobby for you.

Fri, 06 Oct 2023 09:27:14 -0400
Basics of Transition

What are the basic transitions birds are going through right now and how can your habitat help? Join John and Brian as they discuss the transitions and the foods you can offer to help birds.

Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:19:02 -0400
Critter Solutions

Join John and Brian as they discuss summer critter solutions like outwitting ornery squirrels, techniques to take the “nuisance” out of nuisance birds and insights to defeat insects at nectar feeders.

Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:34:37 -0400
Wonderful Woodpeckers

John & Brian share how woodpeckers are like diamonds: tough and wondrous; adapted to live in and on trees (and cacti). Learn how to attract these precious birds throughout summer.

Thu, 13 Jul 2023 09:56:41 -0400
Joy of Summer Birds

Join John & Brian as they share what you’re missing without feeding in summer. How to attract new birds, help a new generation of birds, help mom and dad, and find joy in knowing that the food we provide can make a significant difference in how well birds survive and thrive.

Thu, 01 Jun 2023 11:01:25 -0400
Bugs = Birds

It really can be sweet of you to offer Mom bugs for Mother’s Day. John & Brian discuss how offering bugs directly and indirectly will bring in more bird activity, making Mom even happier to see all the birds she loves and knowing she is helping them to raise their families.

Thu, 04 May 2023 09:21:22 -0400
Hooray for Hummingbirds

Do you want to attract one of the most sought-after feeder birds? Hummingbirds bring joy, color and life to any yard, patio or balcony. John and Brian talk tips and fun facts about a fan favorite.

Thu, 06 Apr 2023 10:09:53 -0400
Bluebirds: Your Backyard Buddies

John and Brian discuss how bluebirds delight us with their beautiful song, “color” and wonderful demeanor. Plus, expert tips on attracting them to your yard and inviting them to raise a family.

Thu, 09 Mar 2023 08:12:52 -0500
Birds Bring the World Together: February 17-20, 2023

Learn how you contribute to world-wide conservation efforts just by sharing your backyard birds during the GBBC, February 17-20, 2023. Special guest Becca Rodomsky-Bish, Project Leader for GBBC, joins John & Brian to tell us all about this amazing, world-wide program. Plus hear a few tips along the way.

Thu, 09 Feb 2023 10:41:52 -0500
Fatten Up Your Birds

There is a reason you don’t see birds at the gym trying to lose that holiday weight. They want fat! Learn how birds use fat and other strategies to survive long, cold winter nights.

Thu, 12 Jan 2023 10:05:38 -0500
Holiday Traditions Old & New

What holiday traditions do you have that highlight or help the birds? John & Brian discuss tried & true winter bird food changes, a century-old bird watching tradition as well as offering up some new traditions to consider that share the joy of birds with others.

Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:15:06 -0500
Looking Out for Fabulous Finches

Who’s ready to see fabulous finches in their yard this season? Join John and Brian as they discuss when you might expect to see finches and how to attract them to your yard.

Thu, 17 Nov 2022 09:36:43 -0500
Birds: A Cornucopia of Joy

Where do you find your joy? How far do you have to travel to enjoy birds and nature? John & Brian discuss how you can reap the abundant benefits of nature at home and how you can thank the birds.

Thu, 03 Nov 2022 11:10:10 -0400
How to Become a Backyard Scientist

Being a backyard scientist is as easy as watching the birds and sharing what you see. Emma Greig, The Project Leader for Project FeederWatch, tells us just how simple and incredibly helpful it can be! Join tens of thousands already participating.

Thu, 20 Oct 2022 10:24:15 -0400
The Changing Cast of Characters

The cast of birds are changing with the seasons. Brian & John share how you can enjoy this change by offering the birds’ favorite feeder and foods.

Thu, 06 Oct 2022 09:59:26 -0400
Save Birds? Plant Trees!

Can you really save birds and increase your health by planting trees? What about the secret to successfully planting a tree in your yard? We met with Pete Smith from the Arbor Day Foundation to answer these questions and more.

Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:21:27 -0400
Sharing Survival Strategies

Where have all your birds gone? Why isn’t your food being eaten? It’s all about the cache. That’s right, caching is taking place as birds start to prepare for winter; among other survival strategies. How can you help? What neat activities might you spy? John and Brian are here to tell you.

Thu, 08 Sep 2022 11:11:36 -0400
Pursuing Purple Martins

John and Brian discuss how to attract Purple Martins to your yard, how to be a good landlord for them, and how to help martins even if you don’t provide housing for them. They also dispel some myths about these amazing aerialists.

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 08:56:44 -0400
Water. More Important than Ever.

John and Brian welcome back special guest David Mizejewski, Naturalist for the National Wildlife Federation, to discuss the importance of water to birds and wildlife plus the simplicity of what that looks like whatever the size of your “yard.”

Thu, 11 Aug 2022 10:55:18 -0400
Bird Feeding Then & Now

With decades of experience John & Brian discuss bird feeding from its humble beginnings almost a century ago, the amazing value that has been added to the hobby for both people and birds, as well as what the future holds. Could bird feeding vending machines be just around the corner? Plus, a surprise visit from a Red-headed Woodpecker that steals the show.

Thu, 28 Jul 2022 11:16:18 -0400
Don’t Stop Now! Perks of Summer Feeding.

Some people choose to not feed in the summer, but what are they missing? A whole lot it turns out. John and Brian make a case for helping your birds by providing key supplemental nutrition, as well as attracting more birds and seeing behaviors you’d otherwise miss.

Thu, 14 Jul 2022 08:45:53 -0400
World’s Smartest Birds?

John and Brian bring fun and amazing examples of why crows and ravens are arguably the world's smartest birds. They discuss studies from some folks who have studied them for decades and introduce one whose fulltime job is taking care of one family group of ravens.

Thu, 30 Jun 2022 11:43:06 -0400
Birding by Ear: Getting Started

Do you know bird calls? John and Brian bet you know more than you realize. In this episode they bring the energy and expert tips to inspire anyone to take bird watching and listening to the next level.

Thu, 16 Jun 2022 09:28:48 -0400
A Note About Bird Song

In the episode, John and Brian share about bird dads and their vocal secrets to success. They discuss why bird dads sing, what they are saying and how they learned their song. Plus, how did noise pollution and the quiet of the pandemic affect singing birds?

Thu, 02 Jun 2022 11:50:03 -0400
A Gathering of the Flock - WBU Store Owner Stories

In this episode, John & Brian recorded live from the Wild Birds Unlimited annual conference where our store owners gathered for their annual migration to refresh, learn and find new treasures. You’ll hear some fun as well as heart-warming store owner stories. Who knows? Maybe one of them is from your neck of woods (or backyard).

Thu, 19 May 2022 11:16:52 -0400
Hummingbirds: It’s All About Mom!

John and Brian discuss the best bird mom ever. Hummingbird moms are arguably one of the toughest ladies out there. With all the odds stacked against them, we should celebrate how hummingbird moms are the champions this Mother’s Day.

Thu, 05 May 2022 11:17:42 -0400
Spring Secrets & Setups

Ever wonder what others aren’t telling you about backyard birding? Join John and Brian as they impart their spring secrets to increase your bird variety and activity this year. And, who? who? is that we’re talking about at the end of the episode?

Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:38:53 -0400
Habitat: Can You Really Make a Difference

Habitat, habitat, habitat! That’s right, there’s more to learn about our own little natural parks we call our backyards. John and Brian share exciting new research on just how much of an impact an individual can make for local wildlife. Hint, it’s a lot! Stay tuned to the end to find out if we could see the dodo again in our lifetimes.

Thu, 07 Apr 2022 11:07:15 -0400
Celebrating the Big Five Oh!

Join John and Brian as they celebrate the 50th episode of Nature Centered while broadcasting from John’s backyard. Brian grades John’s bird feeding setups while giving you a closer look at how these pros like to feed. We’re reading reviews, talking with our producer Evan, and finding out “what is moon migration?”

Thu, 24 Mar 2022 11:27:25 -0400
Nesting: A Bird’s Eye View

This year for nesting season, John and Brian are going to teach you what your backyard birds are looking for when they’re “house shopping” for the right yard to raise a family, and how you can help your birds raise more birds with better chances to fledge.

Thu, 10 Mar 2022 11:14:02 -0500
State of the Union: Our Winter Birds

Have new birds? Have no birds? John and Brian will fill you in on the state of our union … at least as it pertains to backyard birding. Listen in to find out who is seeing what and where across North America, and find out how squirrels actually help our backyard birds.

Thu, 24 Feb 2022 10:26:21 -0500
How to Participate in GBBC & Why It Matters

Participate in GBBC February 18–21, 2022 | https://www.birdcount.org/

Watching birds is fun and recording what you see is extremely valuable to science, conservation and even you. Join John, Brian, and Becca Rodomsky-Bish from the Cornell lab of Ornithology as they talk about the upcoming citizen science project, the Great Backyard Bird Count, and follow up with food pairings for certain birds.

Special guest, Becca Rodomsky-Bish from Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Project Leader for the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Thu, 10 Feb 2022 17:28:35 -0500
Great Backyard Bird Count

Participate in GBBC February 18–21, 2022 | https://www.birdcount.org/

Wild Birds Unlimited is the Founding Sponsor of the Great Backyard Bird Count. This citizen-science project is for all ages and helps #SaveTheSongBirds.

Free GBBC Webinar on Wednesday, February 16, 2pm ET. Sign up to learn all about bird ID, unlocking the mystery of bird songs, and practice counting birds no matter how large the flock or busy the feeder. This webinar is designed for birders of all ages and experience—you’ll leave confident and ready to be part of the GBBC!

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 10:00:35 -0500
Bark Butter: If You Use It, They Will Come

Kick off the new year with a food that can bring more joy (over 150 species) and improve everyone’s backyard birding. In this episode, John and Brian geek out with one of their favorite bird foods, Bark Butter. They share personal feeding tips, what inchworms and Bark Butter have in common, and how you, too, will add more fun to your bird feeding hobby.

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 11:22:47 -0500
This Year in Birding

Join Evan in this episode for a recap of the Wild Birds Unlimited 2021 Nature Centered podcasts. Thanks for listening and have a Happy New Year!

Thu, 30 Dec 2021 12:21:17 -0500
The Birds We Love to Hate

We have the right to be choosy on birds we like and don’t like. When you feed the birds, you take what comes along with it. In this episode, John and Brian have information for you on how to deal with nuisance birds. They will help you bring the joy back to your bird feeding. Whether you really love all the birds or there are some you don’t really care for; they have solutions to help you out!

Thu, 16 Dec 2021 12:57:39 -0500
Share the Joy of Birds

This is an exciting time of year! This season is not just about giving tangible gifts but spiritual gifts, too. In this episode, John and Brian are giving you some ideas and suggestions on how to share the joy of birds. As we head into the holiday season, there’s no better time to make memories with friends and family.

Thu, 02 Dec 2021 10:36:00 -0500
Backyard Birds of Prey

In this episode, John and Brian are talking about the birds of prey that you may see in your backyard. Who might show up and how can you tell what they are? They are joined by a birds of prey expert, Will Schaust (yes, he is John’s son) who shares some fun information. You’ll learn how you can deal with any unwanted raptors and how to keep the birds in your yard safe.

Thu, 18 Nov 2021 12:55:59 -0500
Are You Doing Your Best for the Birds?

Are you doing your best for the birds? Are there some things you can step up or start doing in your own yard? In this episode, John and Brian discuss these questions. They explain a few actions you can take right now that will get results quickly. You’ll learn just how simple it is to help #savethesongbirds.

Thu, 04 Nov 2021 11:57:27 -0400
Spectacular Sparrows

We tend to look right past sparrows. These little ubiquitous birds that seem to be invisible are actually quite beautiful and have some amazing feats. In this episode, John and Brian discuss why they love sparrows and how you can attract them to your yard. By the end of this episode, you’ll think sparrows are just as spectacular as they do!

Thu, 21 Oct 2021 11:03:23 -0400
Are You Seasonally Savvy?

Now that fall is here, it’s time to start thinking about what’s best for the birds and what you can do to see more of them in your backyard. In this episode, John and Brian explain what it means to be seasonally savvy. They also discuss what to look for in your yard during this time of year and what bird behaviors you can expect to see.

Thu, 07 Oct 2021 13:09:54 -0400
Talking Birds with the BirdTalk Guys

How can conservation bring you more joy and solace? We have two very special guests, Scott and David Menough to help explain just that. Scott and David host the Denver based radio show, BirdTalk. They are joining forces with John and Brian in this episode to talk about Western birds, how to be seasonally savvy, and share stories from their radio show.

Thu, 23 Sep 2021 12:16:38 -0400
Squirrels: Flee or Fight!

Squirrels - You either love them or loathe them. If you have trees around, chances are you have squirrels too. In this episode, John and Brian are taking a different look at our furry friends. Whether you deter them or feed them, we all have opinions on the infamous backyard critters. Let’s pay homage to these entertaining and worthy opponents.

Thu, 09 Sep 2021 10:03:17 -0400
Gardening for Birds

It’s a lot easier than you think to turn your yard into a wildlife habitat. In this episode, John and Brian are joined by a special guest, Natasha Barlow from Birds Canada. They discuss the new Gardening for Birds program that provides you with all the resources you'll need to transform your outdoor space. This episode is full of universal information on how you can bring more birds to your yard, regardless of where you live.

Thu, 26 Aug 2021 09:44:53 -0400
The Wonders of H2-OH!

It’s a wonderful thing for birds to have water, both in the summer and winter. In this episode, John and Brian are sharing some fun facts that you won’t hear anywhere else when it comes to birds and water. For example, did you know that birds and dogs deal with water in the same way? Plus, offering a dependable source of water is probably the simplest step you can take to greatly increase the variety of birds in your yard. With the summer heat in full swing, now is the time to add a bird bath to your yard!

Thu, 12 Aug 2021 09:40:59 -0400
The Best of Nature Centered

John and Brian are taking some much-needed time off this week. We didn’t want to leave you without an episode, so you get to hear from our producer, Evan—the guy behind the scenes that makes everything happen. Evan is sharing reviews, highlighting key episodes, and talking about what’s on the horizon for Nature Centered. You won’t want to miss it!

Thu, 29 Jul 2021 10:39:17 -0400
Refresh and Re-Feather

It's that time of year, the birds are putting on a brand-new coat to get ready for migration or winter. In this episode, you’ll learn about the different kinds of feathers, what they do, what they’re for, and how to ID them. John and Brian are sharing all their fun feather facts with you!

Thu, 15 Jul 2021 09:24:39 -0400
Winging It On Vacation

It’s summertime and vacation season is here. If you’re just in the backyard or taking a trip across the country, John and Brian are sharing resources to help you find birds wherever you are. Whether you’re looking for birding spots or need ID help, this episode will inspire you to go out and see more birds regardless of your location.

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 13:31:34 -0400
Gen B is for the Birds

In this episode, John and Brian are talking all about baby birds! With summer here and birds bouncing around your yard, can you tell which ones are babies? You'll learn what to do if you find a baby bird that's fallen out of its nest. They also discuss what the cicada event means for backyard birders.

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 10:23:02 -0400
Award-Winning Bird Dads

Father’s Day is on the horizon, so this episode is about award-winning bird dads. John and Brian are talking about all the cool things bird fathers do to help raise their young. You’ll be surprised at how some of these bird dads make mammal dads look like slackers.

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 09:59:15 -0400
Pollinators: Monarchs and Mason Bees

This episode is all about pollinators. John and Brian are discussing monarch butterflies and mason bees. These critters are so important to your backyard; they don’t just help your plants, but the birds as well. What’s bugging you? We hope it’s not the pollinators!

Thu, 20 May 2021 10:14:19 -0400
Hummingbirds & Orioles - A Really Sweet Deal!

It’s springtime, there’s a lot happening in our backyards. It doesn’t get much better than when you see that first hummingbird show up! In this episode, John and Brian will break down the different hummingbird and oriole species. They’ll also answer some FAQs when it comes to nectar feeding and how you can bring these birds to your yard.

Thu, 06 May 2021 10:24:22 -0400
Spectacular Spring Species

Spring is here, and you know what that means! New feathered visitors will be arriving soon. Do you have the right foods and features to bring in the most variety of these spectacular spring species? Don't worry, John and Brian are here to tell you about some of the easiest and best ways to get your yard ready so you and your birds can enjoy each other's company all season long.

Thu, 22 Apr 2021 09:57:58 -0400
Habitat Habits: From Buds to Birds

In this episode, John and Brian are joined by Naturalist David Mizejewski from the National Wildlife Federation. Together, they break down the components needed to make your backyard the ideal bird habitat. As stewards of our own backyards, we’ve never been more empowered to make a difference for wildlife.

Thu, 08 Apr 2021 11:47:54 -0400
Look Whooo's Back (WBU Owl Cam)

Join John and Brian as they introduce you to one of the coolest ways to experience the lives of a Barred Owl family. You’ll find out why so many people across the world are tuning in to watch this live owl nest cam. They also have a very special guest that will give you some fun background information and history of the owl cam.

Thu, 25 Mar 2021 09:20:09 -0400
Nesting Neighbors

In this episode, John and Brian will open your eyes to a whole new perspective of what it’s like to be a baby bird or the bird parents raising a family. You will learn what to do and what not to do to help bring the next generation of birds to life in your backyard.

Thu, 11 Mar 2021 09:54:31 -0500
The Gray Ghost

Join John and Brian as they discuss one of the most common birds in the wintertime that most people seem to miss. In this episode, they're talking all things Junco. You'll learn why it's called the gray ghost and how you can bring it to your yard.

Thu, 25 Feb 2021 10:08:58 -0500
The Secret Love Life of Birds

Join John and Brian as they reveal the secret love life of birds, just in time for Valentine’s Day. They’ll share a few tidbits about birds and their lives together. You may start to look at the birds in your yard a little differently after this.

Thu, 11 Feb 2021 11:08:13 -0500
Seven Simple Actions to Save the Song Birds

In this episode, John and Brian break down the seven simple actions that you can take to help save the song birds. They also discuss a little bird feeding history, what has changed and where it’s going. Finally, we take some time to celebrate WBU’s 40th birthday!

Thu, 28 Jan 2021 08:50:48 -0500
Be a Bird Hero: Become a Citizen Scientist

Join John and Brian in this episode as they dive into how you can be a hero for the birds by becoming a citizen scientist. They’ll talk about helpful tools you’ll need and an upcoming citizen science opportunity that you can be a part of.

Thu, 14 Jan 2021 09:46:01 -0500
Backyard Birding: Highlights & Hiccups

In this episode, John and Brian discuss their birding highs and lows of 2020. You’ll hear about woodpeckers, bluebirds, warblers, and more. Thanks for listening and have a happy new year everyone!

Thu, 31 Dec 2020 09:00:00 -0500
Birds and Holiday Traditions

Some countries have a beautiful tradition of encouraging kindness to birds during the holidays. One such belief is that if you spread birdseed outside your doorstep on Christmas morning, you will have good luck in the coming year. Listen as John and Brian explore different traditions from around the world that showcase our backyard friends.

Thu, 17 Dec 2020 09:45:00 -0500
Customer Stories

Feeding the birds isn't just about insect control, flower pollination or weed control. The simple act of feeding the birds expands far past the environmental benefits. Our customers share the most wonderful stories with us and we'd like to share them with you this holiday season! Join hosts John and Brian as they share the heartfelt stories of our customers. If you have a story you'd like to share, please reach out to us at podcast@wbu.com.

Thu, 03 Dec 2020 08:00:00 -0500
The Joy of Bird Feeding

Join John and Brian for this bonus episode with a special guest, Jim Carpenter. As the Founder and CEO of Wild Birds Unlimited, Jim has learned a lot over the past 40 years and has some great information to share about the hobby of backyard bird feeding. Be sure to check out his book, The Joy of Bird Feeding, to learn more!

Wed, 25 Nov 2020 16:23:13 -0500
Winging it Thru Winter

Have you ever wondered how birds survive the cold weather? In this episode, John and Brian share how birds make it through the colder months and what you can do to help them.

Thu, 19 Nov 2020 08:01:00 -0500
Welcome Winter Wanderers

In this episode, John and Brian discuss the Winter Finch Irruption and the finches that are making their way through North America. You'll learn all about what they look like, sound like, and how you can attract them to your yard.

Thu, 12 Nov 2020 16:18:01 -0500
Prepare Your Yard for Winter

Winter is coming! In this episode, John and Brian discuss how you can make your yard bird friendly and what you can do to help the birds prepare for the upcoming colder months.

Thu, 29 Oct 2020 13:57:06 -0400
The Owls Among Us

Do you know what makes an owl especially adapted to hunting at night? And how can you identify various owls just by hearing their calls? Learn these and other fun facts about one of the bird world's most fascinating species.

Thu, 15 Oct 2020 14:54:49 -0400
Frequently Asked Questions

Wild Birds Unlimited's Olivia McFadden tries to stump naturalists John Schaust and Brian Cunningham with questions from our audience about backyard bird feeding. Learn why you may be seeing bald birds at your feeders this time of year, why the goldfinches have disappeared and more.

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 16:49:20 -0400
Migration Magic

With birds flying hundreds or thousands of miles every year, migration truly is magical. Find out how the birds prepare and make their journey across North America.

Thu, 17 Sep 2020 16:04:14 -0400
Create a Bird-Friendly Habitat

Wild Birds Unlimited naturalists John Schaust and Brian Cunningham talk about the elements of a bird-friendly habitat.

Thu, 03 Sep 2020 12:10:09 -0400
The Goldfinches of Summer

Learn all about goldfinches from Wild Birds Unlimited naturalists John Schaust and Brian Cunningham. They share tips for how to improve your chances of attracting goldfinches by offering their favorite foods and by creating a favorable habitat.

Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:03:52 -0400
Frequently Asked Questions

Wild Birds Unlimited’s Olivia McFadden joins naturalists John Schaust and Brian Cunningham to get the answers to common questions from our audience about backyard bird feeding.

Thu, 06 Aug 2020 16:26:48 -0400
Nesting Part 2

You'll learn how you can invite nesting bird families into your yard by providing the right kind of nesting boxes. Hosted by John Schaust and Brian Cunningham.

Thu, 25 Jun 2020 15:34:01 -0400
Nesting Part 1

Ever wonder why birds choose to nest where they do? In this podcast by Wild Birds Unlimited, hosts John Schaust and Brian Cunningham explain the connection between nesting and bird migration.

Thu, 18 Jun 2020 08:27:25 -0400
Bluebirds: The Charming Deceiver

Learn all about bluebirds from Wild Birds Unlimited naturalists John Schaust and Brian Cunningham.

Thu, 04 Jun 2020 10:58:26 -0400
Woodpeckers: Nature's Original Tree Huggers

Wild Birds Unlimited naturalists John Schaust and Brian Cunningham talk about Woodpeckers.

Thu, 21 May 2020 11:55:04 -0400
Orioles: Orange is the New Blast

Wild Birds Unlimited naturalists John Schaust and Brian Cunningham talk about Orioles.

Thu, 14 May 2020 12:03:39 -0400
Hummingbirds: A Beast of a Bird

Wild Birds Unlimited naturalists John Schaust and Brian Cunningham talk about hummingbirds.

Tue, 05 May 2020 09:50:07 -0400
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