Walk in Taichung Fengjia Night Market 台中逢甲夜市與周邊逢甲商圈逛街【4K】/台灣 Taiwan Walking Tour

3 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
台中市的逢甲國際觀光夜市 Taichung Fengjia Night Market (Feng Chia Night Market),被認為是台中最受歡迎、最有名的夜市,我認為它甚至在台灣也是數一數二的夜市吧!星期六(Saturday土曜日) 8 : 00 pm,我從西屯路二段與文華路的交叉口走起,貫穿整個文華路,也就是逢甲夜市的主體,再從逢甲大學 (Feng Chia University) 附近,沿著福星路走回原來的文華路口。可惜由於星期六人潮太多,在文華路上只能靠右順行,無法一次拍進左右兩側的商店與攤販,但應該也足以讓大家看到逢甲夜市的80%重點小吃囉!

【4K】Walk in Taichung Fengjia Night Market (Feng Chia Night Market) 台中逢甲夜市與周邊逢甲商圈逛街/台灣 Taiwan Walking Tour

Thank you for watching ~ If you like, please subscribe to my channel and press the high rating button. 謝謝放鬆觀看,如果喜歡這影片,也請幫我按讚、訂閱、小鈴噹與分享 ~

★時間戳記 (Time Stamps):
00:00 Sec. 2, Xitun Rd. & Wenhua Rd. 西屯路二段文華路口
00:26 Wenhua Rd. 走進文華路
03:12 Fuxing Rd. (Entrance EXIT) 福星路,逢甲夜市入口
05:36 Qinghe St. (special food court) 慶和街,特色小吃聚集區
18:39 Feng Chia University 逢甲大學
19:29 Fengjia Rd. 逢甲路
20:45 Ln. 20, Fengjia Rd. (special food court) 逢甲路20巷,特色小吃聚集區
25:37 Fuxing Rd. 福星路
27:57 bus station 公車站牌
29:40 Fengjia Rd. 逢甲路
33:24 spice girl ギャル 辣妹
36:19 returm to Wenhua Rd. 回到文華路
39:13 eturm to Sec. 2, Xitun Rd. 回到西屯路二段原點

★Google Maps 地標 (Placemarks)
→00:12 https://goo.gl/maps/zZgyBTiq8M5gdbYn8
→01:48 https://goo.gl/maps/PVpPKWCigfLJWhiz8
→03:09 https://goo.gl/maps/wVNg99LyteZJh2uw7
→05:35 https://goo.gl/maps/k2q8ecsdNAP3B7Uz5
→07:58 https://goo.gl/maps/oiXVqgo7XJsc8HJB6
→10:29 https://goo.gl/maps/3Y3m6N42eXuF1gDf7
→12:40 https://goo.gl/maps/X4WFSWP4djyjw8JYA
→18:42 https://goo.gl/maps/ViVSmoMKU2MuwWfb9
→20:56 https://goo.gl/maps/y4ybguiVF1RhRgiR8
→24:28 https://goo.gl/maps/T5ME79mRBPoRmPC97
→25:45 https://goo.gl/maps/GnoPQc713MS9uNHD9
→28:01 https://goo.gl/maps/YREYzwtRREaSnKyi6
→29:12 https://goo.gl/maps/gwE15RgZwLXNo1Re7
→31:39 https://goo.gl/maps/MuQhRKDgsZZjhXh49
→33:24 https://goo.gl/maps/pjiKs3b1qqjYkTET7
→36:32 https://g.page/steakakaoni_fj?share
→37:37 https://goo.gl/maps/g8zYN4TAhD9FBiey6
→39:22 https://goo.gl/maps/JiscackhJhGv9n278


★拍攝器材 (Filmed using):
DJI Osmo Pocket

★拍攝時間 (Filmed):星期六(Saturday土曜日) 8 : 00 pm,November 2020年11月

★看更多影片 (Watch more videos):

●●All Walking Videos 一次看全部影片 http://bit.ly/39peSmq
●Northern Taiwan Walks 亂步北台灣 http://bit.ly/39vXE7f
●Central Taiwan Walks 亂步中台灣 http://bit.ly/36olpvI
●Southern Taiwan Walks 亂步南台灣 http://bit.ly/3aeINNo
●Eastern Taiwan and Outlying Islands 東台灣與離島 http://bit.ly/3px7R8Q
●Night Markets 台灣夜市集 http://bit.ly/3p7jPVF
●Station Walks 制霸全台灣車站 http://bit.ly/3cqyCs1
●Little Things 散步看到的那件小事 http://bit.ly/3qWIgqf
●Help You Sleep 好睡助眠小品? http://bit.ly/3a9jc8M
●●看全部播放清單 →→ http://bit.ly/36n702V

★社群聯絡 (Contacts):

Thank you for watching and see you next walk~

#逢甲夜市 #逢甲商圈 #台中 #臺中 #Taiwan #台灣 #台湾 #Taichung #逢甲大學 #FengChiaNightMarket #FengjiaNightMarket #美食 #food #臺灣 #대만
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