
第五集薩迦狂尼捲走捐款和信徒名冊 Crazy A Ni' Steal The Donations and Disciples’ Name List -薩迦狂尼Sakya Crazy N

2 年前
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[薩迦狂尼第五集 狂尼捲走捐款和信徒名冊]
第四集: 「狂尼洗錢金庫 - 印度小白宮」,至今尚未播出並非怕事鴕鳥心態、違背良知及道德勇氣來辜負大眾的期待,而是這期間有更多的人提供了確切的證據,在印度、尼泊爾查證對照再做統合後,覺得茲事體大,所以決定再調整內容於更適當的時間播出!
我們期待薩迦法王早日來台灣,說清楚講明白,給台灣大眾一個交代! 錯誤的信仰態度讓人盲目,一味的追逐法王、仁波切、大上師活佛...將喪失自我覺醒,也將讓國家社會充斥迷信顛倒的歪風!
Episode 4: The reason why the video of episode 4 (Crazy A Ni's Vault For The Money Laundering- Little White House In India.) hasn't released yet is because there are more and more people providing concrete evidences now. After cross checking the evidences in Taiwan and Nepal and reorganizing the information, we find out it is serious matter. Thus, the video of episode 4 will be updated and broadcasted in a proper time. In order not to let you misunderstand that we are hiding our heads in the sand, or we lack conscience and moral courage, we will definitely stand up to make sure justice is served.
Moreover, we are looking forward to H.H. coming Taiwan soon to give all of us an explanation. The wrong attitude toward the belief makes people worship the Rinpoche, guru, H.H blindly. It also lets people lose the ability of self-awakening and leads to unhealthy circumstances in the country. “You believe in your H.H.! I fight for justice and equality!” Many people are sending messages to mention there are some Sakya traditions delivered in Taiwan. Now, there are maybe some Sakya teachings delivered in Taiwan, but these are all from the economic perspective of those principal key men in Sakya. When they see the opportunities of raising money and being able to get all kinds of funds and benefits, they can ignore justice and make absurd statements to shield A Ni’s mistakes unblushingly. In order to protect their own interests, they neglect that most of Taiwanese and people all over the world are suffering from those ridiculous, unfair, and wrong behaviors. I don’t see any good Sakya traditions left in Taiwan. Instead, there are more and more shamelessly traditions of Sakya lineage in Taiwan to raise money by covering one’s immoral behaviors.

第五集: 狂尼捲走捐款和信徒名冊
在台灣和印度、尼泊爾及世界各地奔走的阿尼,看起來好像為了佛教而忙碌,其實每一件事情都有她高度精算的可圖私利,在台灣的時候,拼命的結交權貴、鉅富、知名人士,阿尼當初住在北部某佛學會,因為荒廢所有的學會業務,阿尼對這些薩迦派信徒只有疾言厲色的駁斥,並常說:『自己是在執行法王交辦的事情,你們的層級沒資格過問….!』所有信徒聽到『法王』兩個字,沒有一個人敢再多問一句,也沒有一個人敢去做任何的查證。很多人都收過阿尼親筆簡短幾個字的問候信,信上都會說法王囑咐她來問候你:『您上回的捐款已經確實收到了,請您再繼續捐款…,法王及寺廟僧團感謝您等字眼』。據內部離職工作人員親口陳述: 這些信件都是沒有經過法王的同意,阿尼自己偽造的! 阿尼終於被檢調單位偵查,在這件讓佛門薩迦派蒙羞的大事件爆發之後,阿尼突然捲走了所有的信徒捐款,帶走了所有的信眾名單,會長以正式公文形式,向41任薩迦法王發函說明阿尼一切的不合理行徑,但薩迦法王的回函中不斷地提到阿尼對法王是如何的護持,對印度建設及捐款有多大的幫助,她的戒律有多麼樣的清淨,你們不應該拿這麼多的事情來誤解她...等等。請期待下一集: 調查局之 #薩迦狂尼 一夜白髮

Episode 5: Crazy A Ni' Steal The Donations and Disciples’ Name List.
A Ni is on the hop in Taiwan, Nepal and everywhere. It looks like what she does are all for the Buddhism. In fact, everything she does is only for her own interests. When she was in Taiwan, she lived in a Buddhist Association in the northern Taiwan. At that time, she didn’t do her duty as a nun at all and neglected to propagate the Dharma. On the contrary, she put lots of efforts to get in with many celebrities, bigwigs, magnates and tycoons. Thus, members of the Buddhist Association provoked arguments and doubts about what A Ni did. When there were many criticisms coming up and questioning A Ni, she would only rebut severely to the followers of Sakya lineage to say that, “what I did are all assigned by H.H., and you guys all are not qualified to ask me about it.” While every follower heard that it was from the H.H.’s assignments, no one dare to say one more word and to check if it was really from H.H.’s decisions or not.Many Sakya Lineage’s disciples know that lots of people received letters in A Ni’s own handwriting. In the letter, it says that H.H. asked A Ni to say hello to you and contains some keywords, such as “Your donations had been received. Please continue to support us….”, and” H.H. and the the Sangha appreciate your supports.”According to the statements of the person who resigned from the Buddhist Association, these letters were sent without H.H.’s permissions. Finally, A Ni was investigated by the prosecutor. This scandal put Sakya lineage to shame. In order to avoid to be caught, A Ni took away all donations of the Buddhist Association and their disciples’ name list. She said that,” they are all from my hard working result, so I deserve all of them, not you.”Everyone still think there is justice in Sakya lineage. Therefore, the president was on behalf of all members to give a formal letter to H.H. to show all unreasonable things that A Ni did. H.H. tried to explain that what A Ni did to support the contractions in India and the contributions were big helps, and A Ni followed the precepts well. Besides, H.H. blamed all members for their misunderstanding to A Ni. Next episode is coming soon. “Crazy A Ni Turned Hair Gray Overnight After Caught by the Prosecutor.
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