【候任总理访问】 黄循财:选中我接棒 就挺身扛下责任 Lawrence Wong: I will step up and take the responsibility

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Singapore Prime Minister-designate Lawrence Wong will be sworn in on the 15th May 2024. In a recent media interview, he revealed how the 4G leadership reached a consensus with him taking the helm.

Lawrence Wong described how he felt surprised when the results were disclosed, “when I went back home to tell my wife, she was surprised too. But we have been prepared for it, because she knew I was part of the process. And we knew that going into this, we will accept the outcome of the process. And if this is the result, then I will step up, and I will take on the responsibility. ”

Lawrence Wong was a career civil servant before entering politics. His 30 years of public service will enter a whole new phase after taking over the baton from PM Lee Hsien Loong. To him, this has been a meaningful and fruitful journey, one which he does not regret one bit.

00:00 黄循财上任前接受媒体联访 Media interview before taking over as PM
00:32 第四代领导人的推举过程 How 4G leaders selected their first among equals
01:01 获同侪推举 感意外但有心理准备 Surprised but also prepared
01:57 一步一脚印 从公务员走上从政道路 From career civil servant to national leader
04:22 每周勤学马来语 致辞指日可待 Aspiring to give Malay speeches soon
05:27 从小学华语就不易 但阅读书写基础不错 Good foundation in Chinese reading and writing
07:21 新加坡选情难测 反对党也可能组建联合政府 Opposition coalition government a possibility
09:32 领导原则 受艾森豪威尔启发 Leadership values inspired by Dwight Eisenhower
11:38 兼听则明 领导方式“外柔内刚” Open and consultative, yet ready to make hard decisions

#lawrencewong #leehsienloong

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