阿津實況ps3遊戲 - 最後生還者 困難難度 the last of us (1) 我的名字是喬爾

10 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
歡迎來觀看我的第一個ps3遊戲的影片,最後生還者(the last of us)。一開始就以悲劇開場阿,真是有夠沉重的,加上手把好不習慣,而且我的難度是選困難,真是有點頭痛。

FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3

最後生還者(the last of us)恐怖冒險
20年後,荒廢城市的各個角落,逐漸被叢生的植物所佔據 。

影片清單 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpcZyI9wSj3d1hpNUYVSORKa&feature=edit_ok

In 2013, Joel is a single father living in Texas with his twelve-year-old daughter Sarah. One night, an outbreak of a mutant Cordyceps fungus ravages the United States, which transforms its human hosts into cannibalistic monsters. As Joel, his brother Tommy, and Sarah flee the chaos, Sarah is shot by a soldier and dies in Joel's arms.
In the 20 years that follow, much of civilization is destroyed by the infection. Survivors live in heavily policed quarantine zones, independent settlements, and nomadic groups. Joel works as a smuggler with his friend Tess in a quarantine zone in Boston. The pair hunt down a local gangster to recover a stolen weapons cache. Before Tess kills him, the smuggler reveals that he traded the goods to the Fireflies, a rebel group fighting against the quarantine zone authorities. The leader of the Fireflies, Marlene, promises to double their stolen cache in return for smuggling a teenage girl, Ellie, to Fireflies hiding outside the quarantine.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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