
预告合集:EP06 - EP07 Trailer Collection【猎冰 The Hunter】

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《猎冰》平静的沿海小城三平市,缉毒大队在一次行动中意外缴获一批新型冰毒,其规模和纯度都极为罕见,三平公安立即展开调查。部队转业女警赵友男凭着敏锐的嗅觉和洞察力,将目标锁定在了做化工买卖的黄宗伟身上。诡计多端的黄宗伟让初出茅庐的赵友男燃起了斗志,她死盯黄宗伟,不管对方藏在何处,不管假像如何高级,她都能挖到线索,发现真相,义无反顾奔赴抓捕。 以赵友男为首的公安队伍和以黄宗伟为首的制毒贩毒份,一个穷追不舍死咬不放,一个诡计多端擅于隐藏,就这样上演了一出“猫鼠大战”......
【Synopsis】In a calm coastal town of Sanping City, the narcotics squad accidentally seized a batch of new methamphetamine that had a rare purity in an action, so Sanping Public Security immediately launched an investigation. The transferred policewoman Zhao Younan with keen sense of smell and insight, made a target of Huang Zongwei who did the chemical business from scratch. The cunning Huang Zongwei ignited Zhao Younan's fighting spirit. She kept an eye on Huang Zongwei. No matter where Huang Zongwei was hidden, no matter how a false appearance was, she could dig up clues and found the truth without hesitation to arrest. The Public Security team led by Zhao Younan VS. the drug dealers led by Huang Zongwei. Zhao Younan went after Huang Zongwei, and Huang Zongwei was good at hiding, which staged a "game of cat and mouse"...
【Starring】Zhang Songwen,Yao Anna,Han Geng,Bao Wenjing,Sun Xin,Peng Yusi,Zhu Hongjia,Zhou Yunpeng,Zhao Longhao

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#猎冰 #TheHunter #腾讯视频
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