2023台灣國際蘭展-嘉德麗雅蘭競賽花展示!Taiwan International Orchid Show-Cattleya Competition Flower Display

1 年前
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嘉德麗雅蘭 (Cattleya)
名稱由來:因英國的William Cattley首先成功的促其開花而命名。
Cattleya Lane
Cattleya Lan can be said to be the representative of Yang Lan. It crowns all the orchids with its gorgeous appearance and variety of varieties, and is known as the "King of Orchids" in the orchid art circle. It is a multi-stem orchid.
Scientific name: Cattleya.
Origin of name: Named after William Cattley in England first successfully promoted its flowering.
Origin: Central and South America.
Species: Contains four genera (1) Cattleya, (2) Laelia, (3) Brassavola, (4) Sophronitis.
Flowering period: usually bloom once or twice a year, about 10 days to 30 days each time.
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