老外看台灣!邊境封鎖939天,台灣旅遊業還能復甦嗎? Is Taiwan prepared to welcome back international travelers?

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
在世界各國 2020 年初采取封鎖措施之際,或許沒有人比觀光業者受到更大的衝擊了。從旅館到航空公司,凡是提供旅遊服務的企業,不僅突然沒有市場,又失去了存在的理由。

對於過去半世紀裡一直不停地增長,又抗衰退的觀光業來說,這是一次硬著陸。1970 年代的石油危機、2000 年代初的dot-com泡沫,甚至 2008 年的環球金融危機,都沒有影響觀光業的增長。1950年到1989年間,全球觀光業的縂收入從 $2.1b 飆升到 $209b 美元。時間來到 2019 年,其縂值已經高達9萬億美元,占據全球 GDP 的10.3%左右。

台灣的觀光業也不例外。雖無法像鄰國泰國或馬來西亞號稱觀光强國,台灣的入境旅遊業[inbound tourism]在二戰後時期不僅沒有落後於全球趨勢,在21世紀還超越了全球的平均增長速度。2000年只有100萬遊客來臺,到了2019年,人次總數已經翻了10倍,高達 1100 萬。


As borders slammed shut and countries locked down around the world in early 2020, few were more deeply impacted than those in the tourism industry. From hostels to airlines, the gamut of service providers positioned to facilitate travel and tourism were suddenly cut off from their market - and entire raison d'être.

This was a hard landing for an industry whose growth had been relentless - and resistant to wider recessions - for the previous half-century. Neither the oil crisis of the 1970s, dotcom bubble of the early 2000s nor the 2008 financial crash were a match for the tourism sector’s boundless upward trajectory. Between 1950 and 1989, revenue accruing from global tourism made a death-defying hundredfold leap from $2.1b to $209b. By 2019, the industry was worth nine trillion dollars, contributing 10.3% to global GDP.

Nor was tourism in Taiwan any slouch. While not quite a powerhouse of international travel on the scale of near neighbours like Thailand or Malaysia, the value of inbound tourism in Taiwan had followed the global trajectory throughout the twentieth century - and was exceeding it in the twenty-first. While just one million visitors came to the island in 2000, by 2019 that number had doubled several times to well over 11 million.

Against this backdrop of relentless growth, the sudden imposition of an almost total barrier to inbound visitors came as more of a shock to tourism operators than almost anyone else. In this short documentary, we spoke with a variety of businesses in the sector about their experience of shock therapy - and why it was worth fighting for survival.


LDC Hotels 雲朗觀光集團 (https://www.ldchotels.com/zh-hant/)
Meowvelous 貓下去餐廳(https://www.instagram.com/meowvelousinc/?hl=en)
Mitravel 華友旅行社(https://www.mitravel.com.tw/)
MyTaiwanTour 飛亞旅行社(https://www.mytaiwantour.com/)
Parkbus Taiwan (https://parkbus.com.tw/)
Taipei 101 臺北101 (https://www.taipei-101.com.tw/tw/)

監製:劉光瑩/採訪: Alex Rednaxela/企劃撰稿: Alex Rednaxela/攝影:Alex Rednaxela/剪輯: Alex Rednaxela

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