Let's Talk About Health S2 医聊大小事 S2 EP3

1 個月前
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In Singapore, there are an average of 5 to 10 cases of Cardiac Arrest every day, and more than 3,000 cases a year! How does sudden death occur? Is there any way to prevent it? How to use the life-saving tool AED? TCM physician is sharing a recipe that is good for our hearts, so learn them all in this episode! 在新加坡,几乎天天发生心脏骤停。而且平均每天5到10起,一年超过3千起!猝死又是怎么发生的,有预防方法吗?救命神器AED随处可见,到底该怎么用?还有中医师将传授”护心良方”,统统学起来!
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