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#紐西蘭 #禁菸

00:00 開頭
01:25 【簡訊設計】廣告段落
01:54 紐西蘭「無菸國家」計畫,是怎麼展開的?
02:44 「無菸家園」計畫,推出了哪些措施?
03:46 法案出爐!紐西蘭正式禁止新世代吸菸
05:07 支持與反對意見:健康 vs 自由?
06:37 疑慮1:法案不管「電子煙」?
08:04 疑慮2:將導致「黑市」氾濫?
09:42 不丹「全國禁菸令」
10:52 其他國家的菸害管制政策
11:48 我們的觀點
13:27 提問
13:48 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→紐西蘭通過禁菸法案 2023起14歲以下終身禁買菸:https://bit.ly/3HJ5dr3
→Inquiry into the tobacco industry in Aotearoa and the consequences of tobacco use for Māori :https://bit.ly/40su8HI
→Smokefree Aotearoa 2025:https://bit.ly/2PNdrp6
→Report back on New Zealand’s Tobacco Control Programme:https://bit.ly/3Ycw31u
→New Zealand passes legislation banning cigarettes for future generations - BBC News:https://bbc.in/3YbHJSm
→Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill:https://bit.ly/3jAuOKF
→New Zealand Health Survey | Ministry of Health NZ:https://bit.ly/3JHTc7M
→The final puff: Can New Zealand quit smoking for good?:https://bit.ly/3YNdrW3
→Will New Zealand be “smoke free within three years”? | The BMJ:https://bit.ly/3JVmtvA
→Appendix: Background Information: New Zealand’s Tobacco Control Programme:https://bit.ly/3JNCu6X
→Report back on New Zealand’s Tobacco Control Programme:https://bit.ly/3Yx57JC
→New Zealand Health Strategy - DHB Toolkits - Tobacco Control:https://bit.ly/3DIHplB
→New Zealand smoking rates fall to lowest on record, but vaping on the rise:https://bit.ly/3x4gTPY
→New Zealand's smoking ban overlooks worry about growing youth vaping:https://reut.rs/3xlrdn7
→New Zealand's smoking ban — a precedent for others?:https://bit.ly/3JJCp43
→A smoke-free generation: New Zealand's tobacco ban - The Lancet:https://bit.ly/3x1Rpmp
→New Zealand is stubbing out smoking. Can Britain do the same?:https://bit.ly/3x1RoPn
→Key findings of the New Zealand Health Survey:https://bit.ly/3XctTOi
→The big ban: Bhutan’s journey towards a tobacco-free society:https://bit.ly/3XdBbkN
→What Can New Zealand Learn from Bhutan’s Tobacco Ban? | TalkingDrugs:https://bit.ly/3RGgFrH
→Bhutan lifts tobacco ban due to coronavirus:https://bit.ly/3X5Dh6l
→Bhutan lifts tobacco ban as coronavirus enters borders via cigarette smugglers:https://bit.ly/3RFYSB9
→IN FOCUS: Singapore wants fewer people to smoke. How can it make this happen? - CNA:https://bit.ly/3RIhPTU
→Prevalence of current tobacco use - Singapore | Data:https://bit.ly/3RBy1Gl
→Suggested ban on cigarettes in SG for people born after 2010 sparks debate amongst netizens:https://bit.ly/3RLZUvp


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